Chapter 7-Sleepover

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Another update!!Thank you my readers for reading my story and supporting it. I will try to update once every 2 days since my holidays is starting in a few days. And if you readers don’t know, I’m actually going to do a full cover of the whole Fairy Tail. There will be a lot changes in the story so definitely there will be a lot of chapters. So I need your help in this matter. I will ask it at the bottom so now, just enjoy my story! I know that when Everlue mission is over then Erza will be introduced but I decided to change it, so don’t worry about it. 



I am now buying the ingredients for my dinner together with team Natsu. I decided to buy the amount needed for 10 people since Natsu and I eat so much and there will be enough fish for Twinkle and Happy to eat and I can make some fish crackers for the job tomorrow. I also bought some snacks for my job and Erza’s job. I also managed to buy some herbs that I can make to cure motion sickness since we have to ride on a transportation to get to the Everlue’s mansion to steal the Daybreak book and destroy it. As Twinkle and I was walking to buy some other things in an alley, I heard someone say behind me, “So you were here, Miss Y/N.” I saw a man behind me with a mask and I felt magical energy from it but it wasn’t strong at all. I then said, “So another one? You’re from which dark guild now?” I folded my arms while waiting for him to answer. He said, “Eagle Claw.” (I made it up.) I then said, “Oh, that guild. Well, just go back. I don’t want to fight you since you are so weak.” He then smirked and said, “Well, I can’t go back without a fight. If I do, I will get punished since I was told to bring you back.” I sighed since everyone from the dark guild wants me due to my power. They only know that I am a dragon slayer but they don’t know what kind. He then dashed at me and put out his fist. I then stayed calm and said softly, “Twinkle, get behind.” She nodded and flew behind with the groceries in her hand. As his fist was about to touch me, I then vanished from his sight. I then appeared behind him and shouted, “Karyuu no

.” He landed on the floor face-first and he stood up shortly after and said, “It’s not over.” He then used his magic to splash water at me and tried to attack at me with the water. What he didn’t know was that I could use his water against him. I then put my right hand out and moved it to the right.( like how Juvia does her water slicer) He had a shocked look on his face which was what I liked about keeping my magic a secret. I wanted to use his water back on him but he was a water mage so while he was still confused as to how I managed to control his water, I shouted, “Karyuu no tekken.” And he was out. “So weak.” I muttered to myself. Twinkle then said, “Another one from that guild?” I nodded seriously with my hands folded over my chest. “They are so persistent but I’m disappointed with them this time. They would usually sent strong mages after me yet this time it’s a weak one. Are they looking me down?” Twinkle said jokingly, “It’s because you defeated so many of their mages, so they ran out of strong one so they had to send this weak one.” I replied, “Let’s go home first to put the groceries down first before going to the guild to pick up the Team after buying some cakes and fruits for dessert. It’s almost time to go to the guild. I think I’ll just use my magic later to get home quickly. You know how much I hate to be late right?” Twinkle nodded. We ran to the fruits store and bought some fruits and luckily, the cake shop was near, so we ran there too and bought 2 cakes since I couldn’t make up my decision to one. I then  did my magic and in a flash, we were in my house. Then we walked to the guild because I didn’t want anyone to know that I had teleportation magic. 

Team Natsu were already there and were waiting for me. I then brisk-walked and I apologized for being late. Erza said, “No, you’re not late, it’s just that we’re early.” I then said excitedly, “Let’s go!” They then took their things and followed me and Twinkle as we walked to our house. I heard Lucy tell Gray, “I wonder how big her house is?” I mentally giggled because her jaw might drop if she had actually seen my house. Shortly, we reached my house. I turned around and said to them with a big grin on my face, “Welcome to my house!” I saw that their faces paled and was looking at my house with all their jaws dropped. I then closed the door and looked at Twinkle and giggled with her. I then opened the door to my house and looked at it like they were looking at something that they had not seen before in their life. I then showed them to the rooms on the first floor. I opened the first one closest to the living room and they followed me in. They looked at it with awe as it was a king sized bed with a big closet and a big dressing table. It had towels and almost everything one would need. I then asked, “Anyone wants this room?” I heard Gray said that he wanted it first so I said, “Okay Gray, you can have this room. What kind of wallpaper and scenery would you would want?” He said, “I want it to be a picture of the icy mountain with a starry night.” (or whatever you think Gray wants to have.) I said, “Done.” And with a snap of my fingers, the bedroom had a picture of an icy mountain with a starry night all over the room.  They all looked at me with awe and said, “How did you do it?” I put a finger to my lips and said, “It’s a secret.”  I then added, “I will do that for all of yours. I will also change mine and Twinkle’s.” As we went to the room next door after Gray put his stuff down, Natsu then said excitedly, “I want this one. And I want to have me and Igneel when I was young.” I then said calmly, “Okay.” And also very quickly, the room had an image of Natsu and Igneel when they were young. After looking at it, his face showed happiness but after a few seconds, he had a confused look. He turned to me and asked, “How do you know how Igneel and I looked like?” Happy then said, “Aye, how did you know?” I was about to say, but then Twinkle was one step before me and said, “It’s another secret of Y/N’s.” They accepted it and we went to the second floor and I did Lucy’s and Erza’s room. Erza’s room was an image of swords and armors, together with strawberry cakes all around while Lucy’s room was about her celestial keys and spirits. I changed mine to a field full of different colored flowers and Twinkle’s to fishes.  (or whatever you want it to be)

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