Chapter 14- After Defeating Lullaby

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???: "Y/N!!!"


You rubbed your eyes and sat up only to realise your door was wide open with Natsu and Happy, standing there with shouts coming from afar.

Lucy and Erza: "NATSU!"

Gray: "You idiot! You're going to wake her up!"

Natsu: "She's awake already, ice-brain!"

And with that said, the rest have all reached and are standing at my door. They all came in and stood next to my bed, with Erza being the first to speak up. Meanwhile, Natsu and Gray were arguing with each other as usual, calling each other names at the side of the room.

Erza: "Y/N, are you feeling okay?"

You: "Yup, I'm fine."

Twinkle: "Y/N..."

At this time, apparently she must be woken up by all the sound in the room (mostly by the two people at the side of the room) and start to get up and land herself on my lap.

You: "Did you have a good sleep?"

Twinkle: (rubbing her eyes): "It was good, but would have been better if the room didn't have so much sound."

I glanced at Erza and she instantly had a death glare on her face while looking at both of them. Being too engrossed in their argument, they apparently did not notice it and continued their argument.

You: "Erza, wait!" (shout)

This apparently caught both boys' attention and they seemed to have stopped instantly.

Twinkle: "Y/N?"

Erza: "Y/N?"

You (looks at Twinkle from above): "I... I liked that there was some noise around."

Gray and Natsu: "Huh?"

You: "I have never had someone to argue with and it was always so quiet at home. Natsu and Gray's argument may not have sounded pleasant, but it brought some joy to me. It was slightly merrier for me so don't stop their minor argument. However, if it gets too loud and severe, then please do something, Erza." (then looks at Erza)

Lucy (mouth wide open): "..."

Erza (closes her eyes): "Well then, if that's what you want, Y/N, I'll respect that."

You: "Thank you, Erza!"

Erza: "Well then, back to the topic. What was that, yesterday, Y/N?"

Natsu (excited): "Yeah, yeah. What was all the cool black emblems on your body?"

You: (looks at Twinkle) "..."

Twinkle: "It was just magic. Nothing else."

Gray: "We all know that it was magic. But what the magic used is the key."

Twinkle (looks at me): "Y/N will tell you when the time comes."

Natsu: "When the time comes again? When will that be?" (folding his arms above his head)

You (bangs covering your eyes): "I... I don't know."

Erza: "There's no point forcing Y/N to tell us when she isn't prepared to do so. Let's just slowly wait for the time when she is finally able to tell us about her magic."

Lucy: "That's right, Natsu! You should be more sensitive towards girls!"

???: "Oh, you're all here?"

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