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After managing to leave the station using Virgo's hole, we ended ourselves right outside the station. The wind was extremely strong, causing Lucy's and my skirt to fly up. Virgo then immediately rushed over to pull down my skirt, leaving her skirt flying.

Virgo: "Princess, your skirt is flying up. Your underwear could be seen."

You: "It's fine. I can always change to a pants, but your underwear can also be seen. Gray is apparently staring with his face beet red."

Gray(shouts): "I'm not!"

You: "Virgo, why don't you go back first? Thanks for the help." (with an eye-smile)

Virgo: "Alright, Princess!" (letting go off my skirt and standing in front of me)

With that, I placed my right hand in front of me and a golden magic circle formed on my palm. I calmly said, "Virgo, gate closed." Instantly, she vanished into thin air and back to the Celestial Spirit World. Suddenly, someone started talking.

Kageyama (while groaning in pain): "It's no use... You'll never be able to catch up now. We... win..."

I then replied calmly, "No way I'm letting it happen under my watch." I then readied my position, placing both hands in front of me. With that, a silver magic circle appeared in front of me. I shouted, "Open, the Gate of the Dragon! Kairyuu!" (The name is from Pokemon, it is Dragonite's Japanese name for those who don't know. I had no idea what kind of name would be good, so I just used this.) From it, a large portal opened up in front of us and a figure emerged out of the portal and into the sky. Due to the bright light emitting from the sun, it was hard to make out the figure. The portal then closed and the figure came closer to the ground. It was a dragon, slightly different from the dragons that raised Dragon Slayers. (pic on top) With that, many voices started emerging from behind me. I then turned back to talk to them while Twinkle and Kairyuu stood beside me.

Natsu: "Wow, a dragon! But it looks different from Igneel?"

Happy & Lucy: "Eek! A real dragon!" (hides behind Natsu)

Gray: "Dragons are real!"

Erza: "Wow."

You: "Well, guys meet Kairyuu. Kairyuu is a dragon I summoned from the Zodiac World. It is similar to the Celestial Spirit World, but the Spirits there are slightly different. Natsu, Kairyuu is something like an astral form of a dragon, but it can use magic of the basic elements, mainly being Fire, Lightning, Wind and Water."

Lucy (steps out from being Natsu): "There's another world apart from the Celestial Spirit World?"

You (while rubbing Kairyuu's head): "I'm the only one who knows and is able to summon them. As the years continued, the number of mages who had Zodiac Keys dropped and they soon became a legend. Forgotten by people. But they still continued to live in the Zodiac World happily with no possibility of being ill-treated by mages, so it's fine."

(NatsuXReader)The story of a an unknown dragon slayerWhere stories live. Discover now