Chapter 3- Introduction

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Chapter 3- Introduction


You and the one who was said to be Natsu went to the bar with your Exceeds near you. When you and him were at the bar, you sat on a chair and Natsu sat next to you. You saw a woman wearing with long white hair with her fringe tied up. She has dark blue eyes. She was also wearing a pinkish-red dress. You immediately recognized to be the famous mage of the Weekly Sorcerer (I’m not really sure if this is right), the one and only MIRAJANE. You unconsciously said the last part out loud.


I saw the girl who was said to be Y/N stare into space and seem deep in thought and she suddenly said, “The one and only MIRAJANE.” I found myself actually staring at her. She had a pretty shade of h/c and e/c (hair/color and eye/color). I then turned my head away from her and I felt blood rising to my face.


 I knew I said Mirajane’s name out loud because I saw that she faced me and said, “Yup, that’s me. I guess you do know me.” I then faced her and said with a closed eye smile, “Of course, I do read the Weekly Sorcerer and that’s how I found out about this guild.” She then said, “I’m Mirajane and you can call me Mira, for short. So what’s your name?” I then said my name is Y/N L/N. And this is my Exceed, Twinkle.” Twinkle who was on my head, then raised a paw and said loudly, “Hi!” I then started to giggle softly but I guess many people heard it as I heard a loud, “CUTE!!!” throughout the guild. I then turned around and gave the guild a closed eye smile, as a way of saying thanks of allowing me to join the guild. Then the guild went into an uproar, the guys had hearts in the eyes and the girls were talking excitedly with each other. I then knew would be my family from now on. I suddenly remembered I was hungry and needed to eat, I saw Natsu looking at the menu and I heard him say to Mira, “A fire whiskey and every food on the menu.” I then smirked and said to Mira politely, “Can I have the same things Natsu ordered?” Mira just smiled at me and left. Natsu looked at me wide eyed, I then said, “Why is there something wrong?” Happy then stood on the table and said, “No girl in the guild can eat as much as Natsu.” I then laughed a little and said, “Well, I guess I will be able to.” Then Mira came with me and Natsu’s food. Natsu and I ate quickly, but I ate more politely, unlike Natsu, all the food starts to fly. Happy started to nibble on a piece of fish and I saw Twinkle next to Happy, eating a piece of fish too. I then asked her, “Twinkle, where did you get that from?” She just nibbled on the fish and pointed to Happy. I then thanked him and he just raised his paw up. When I was done, I saw that the lights in the guild dimmed and the only light was shine in the middle of the guild which had a stage. I then saw a small old man, with a shirt that had the Fairy Tail emblem on it. He had a mike in his hand and he said, “I’m the guild master, Makarov Dreyar. You can call me gramps or master. I welcome our new member to the guild. Now, let’s get our new member onto the stage to sing us a song.” The light then shone on me and I gladly walked up the stage. I then had the mike in my hand and I said, “Hi everyone, I am Y/N L/N and I’m going to be 16 next month. I thank all of you who have welcome me to this guild, so as a way of expressing my thanks, I dedicate this song to all of you, FAIRY TAIL MAGES!” I said that last part out loudly which caused an uproar within the guild members. I then snapped my finger and music was heard within the guild. The guild members all had an awed look on their faces. I then giggled at that. The music then started and I started to sing. (the song is hall of fame. Click the video to listen to it.)

Yeah, you could be the greatest

You can be the best

You can be the king kong banging on your chest

You could beat the world

You could beat the war

You could talk to God, go banging on his door

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