Chapter 5- After The Fight in Fairy Tail

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Chapter 5- After The Fight in Fairy Tail


Gray and Natsu make their way to the infirmary after losing the fight to Y/N. And Y/N give some flames to Natsu.


I followed Gray and Natsu with Twinkle flying near me as I walked into the infirmary to make sure their wounds are attended to. Mira came into the room after me as I helped Natsu and Gray sit down on a bed and they both had to sit on one, to prevent them from getting into a fight with these injuries. Mira then attended to their wounds and I left the room with Twinkle to allow her to do so. As I head to the bar to get a cup of water, I heard some noises and shouts saying, “Ice popsicle.” “Flame brain.” and others. I then realized it was Natsu and Gray fighting again. Mira then came out of the room and I looked and her and she just put both her hands up, palm face up and lifted her shoulders. I then knew I had to do something. I asked her for a cup of water and she handed it to me. Twinkle then sat on the bar table and started to eat the fish crackers I made. I walked into the infirmary room with the cup of water she gave me. As the door opened with a ‘click’, I saw Gray and Natsu forehead against each other and shouting insults towards each other. I then sighed and they knew of my presence. They then looked at me and I went over and put my hands in front of them. I did a sleep spell on them and they started to fell sleepy. I managed to get a hold of them before they fell onto the floor face-first. I then put Gray first on one of the beds and Natsu at the far end. They would at least be asleep for 3hours and that would be enough for them to be able to rest properly and regenerate enough magic. By then it would be lunch and they would be hungry. I then walked out of the room and walked towards the bar. Before I could do that, the guild members all started crowding around me and started asking me questions like, “So you have the same magic as Natsu,” “You’re a dragon slayer too?” and others. I could answer them all but I felt that it wasn’t time to tell them the truth so I could only say I was a fire dragon slayer. (I am not only a fire dragon slayer. Hehehe:)) Then, Master said loudly, “She will explain later, so don’t crowd around her.” I then nodded my head to Master and said, “Thanks, Master. And, Master, I had Gray and Natsu sleep for 3 hours.” The guild members then all had shocked look on their faces, even Master too. I then asked, “Why?” Master then said, “No one could get them to sleep for that long. The longest one was Erza knocking them out for an hour only.” I then giggled and said, “Well, I broke that record and I did it through magic.” I then mouthed the word ‘sleep magic’ to Master. He then said ‘oh’ and nodded his head and said “Thanks.” Then the guild members got into an uproar. They all said in unison, “How did you beat Gray and Natsu, especially when Natsu was a fire dragon slayer too?” I then said, “Secret.” with a finger over my lips cutely. The male members then said, “KAWAII!!!” I then laughed and started to chat with the guild members normally until the ‘flame brain’ and ‘ice popsicle’ woke up.  They woke up and dashed out of the room and shouted, “Why am I sleeping in the infirmary room with him?!” as they started to point fingers at each other when they said the ‘him’. I then laughed and said, “I did that. Sorry, but I did it because you too needed to rest from the fight we had and you two were fighting with each other and it was noisy so I put both of you to sleep.” I said shyly. Their faces both turned red when they saw that I was a bit shy when I said that. They both said, “Nevermind.” I then heard Natsu say, “Well, I’m hungry. So let’s eat.” Team Natsu, together with me then headed to the bar to eat. I saw Twinkle there and said, “Twinkle, come. Let’s eat lunch together.” She flew over holding the packet that contained the fish crackers. Happy saw then said, “Twinkle, what are you eating?” Twinkle replied with a smile, “It’s fish crackers that Y/N made in the morning.” I then remembered I made some for Happy. He asked Twinkle, “Can I have some?” I then said with a closed eye smile, “Happy, there’s no need to ask her for some. Here, take it.” I handed him a packet too. He said, while flying around, “Thanks Y/N!!! I love you! I wish you could be my mummy then you could make this for me everyday too. And, Lucy, you should be like her, to be so kind to make some fish crackers for me.” Lucy then started to chase Happy around and I stated to laugh at them. I saw Natsu’s face was red, I was going to ask why, but I then remembered what Happy said, about me being his mom. My face started to flush a bit too. Then, Happy landed on the bar after Lucy caught him, he said shyly, “Thanks Y/N. Um..Y/N, can you make this for me too everyday?” I then laughed and gave him an eye smile and said, “Of course, and you’re welcome Happy.” He said happily, “Thanks, MOMMY!!” He said that loudly, and hugged me. I then started to rub his fur. Then, Mira said, “What are you going to eat?” Me and Natsu ordered a lot and ate them quickly. The other members looked shocked that I could eat so much and so quickly. I just shrugged it out. Then, I said, “What are we going to do?” Natsu then shouted excitedly, “A mission of course.” I repeated, “A mission?”


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