Chapter 13-Lullaby

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A long time ago by the dark mage Zeref, a forbidden magic was created, called Lullaby. They're saying that the melody of the flute steal people's souls. Currently, the struggle for the fate of the Lullaby flute is reaching its conclusion.

Previously, Natsu went to stop Erigor while we drove there via the Magic Four Wheel Vehicle.


Damn that Erigor. His Storm Mail is producing such strong winds, making it hard to attack him. While I am using my hands to shield me from the wind, I can hear Happy's concerned shout.

Erigor (laughing): "Do you understand now, Fairy Tail brat? Flames can never beat wind!"

Natsu (angry): "You son of a bitch! It's almost like a typhoon!"

Erigor: "Your flames won't reach me anymore! Eat this!" (arrogant)

With that, a huge flurry of wind was released from him, coming at me at unfathomable speed. With no time to dodge, I was blown backwards for a few seconds at incredible speeds, when Happy came to help me.

Erigor: "Storm Shred!"

A barrage of fast-flying wind was unleashed by Erigor and it came at me at breakneck speed. However, I was able to dodge them effortlessly with Happy carrying me. I then charged at him at an unfathomable speed, by igniting my feet in flames in an attempt to break his Storm Mail by using speed.

Natsu: "Damn! You! Breakthrough!"

However, like previously, before my hand could even reach him, the powerful outgoing wind have stopped my attack in midair and blown me away. I landed hard on the ground (train tracks) with Happy getting slightly injured.

Natsu: "It's not only my flames, even I can't get close to him! Damn!" (frustrated)

Erigor: "What's wrong, brat? Is that all you've got? I thought you had more than that. Well, never mind. I'll end this now! This is the magic which cuts through everything in its path! Emera Baram!"

Another lilac magic circle appeared and eight rotating purple spheres emerged from it.

Happy: "Did he say Emera Baram? If that hits him, he'll be torn to pieces! Natsu, watch out!"

Erigor: "Scatter into the wind, hot-headed brat!"

Instantly, the attack hit me hard and with the impact, came very strong wind. I was blown back so far that I landed behind Happy. (Happy came running to Natsu and started shaking his arm, shouting. (Third Person's POV))

Happy: "Natsu, get up!"

I could hear Happy shouting my name in the distant. My body feels slightly heavy and I can't get up quickly.

Erigor: "I'm surprised that his body is still in one piece. Not bad for a young mage. Don't worry. The old geezers will be following him soon. By the sweet sound of Lullaby."

It irked me the moment he said that. I mustered all I could to get up. I punched the tracks to stabilize myself a little and to get his attention.

Natsu: "Lullaby, this and Lullaby, that. (tears shirt) If you want the heads of old geezers, then fight them fair and square!"

Happy: "That's my Natsu!" (elated)

Erigor: "Unbelievable! He's still standing!" (shocked)

I ignited my fists in flames and shouted to him in anger.

Natsu: "If you don't have the courage to fight them, then leave them alone!" (jumps into the air)

Erigor: "What a stubborn brat!"

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