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Like any young person, Zhang Yixing spent a lot of time at clubs and bars, wearing pants that were too tight, on purpose, of course, hoping to catch somebody's eye. And he did, he got a lot of attention. The pants only became a problem when another guy was taking them off later.

"Don't you get tired," Minseok's eyes never left the swirling drink in his glass, "of all the one night stands?" Ironically, it was how Yixing and Minseok had met each other, they'd become unlikely friends from that one night.

Yixing had thought about this before, but thinking about it too much made him hate himself, "I guess so."

"That's not going to stop you though, right?" Minseok spun around to face the crowd of people in the club, with a grin, "eenie meenie miney mo," He pointed to a timid looking guy who looked like he'd been dragged here by his friends, guys like Yixing were exactly the reason people like him avoiding coming to gay clubs. His name was Kim Junmyeon. There was something about him that Yixing just wanted to have. He looked soft and gentle. Yixing could almost hear how his moaning would sound.

Yixing decided to work his charm. His charm was his dancing. Dancing was his profession. Dancing in tight pants was his weapon because after the song ended, a few brave guys would come to greet him, but Yixing would only give one of them a shot. Junmyeon didn't take notice of him though, so Yixing decided to take matters into his own hands. Brushing off a few guys, he approached Junmyeon with a simple, "Hey."

"Can I help you?" Junmyeon had a quiet voice, difficult to hear the loud music.

"I'm Zhang Yixing, what's your name?"

"Suho," Junmyeon told him. Of course, it wasn't his real name, but Junmyeon had severe trust issues. Everything about him was made up by now, even he could hardly remember the real him.

"Suho," Yixing repeated the name because he liked the sound of it, but he didn't really believe that it was his name, "What brings you here?"

"My friend did, he's never been to a place like this," Junmyeon looked around, "He's already ditched me."

"What about you? Have you ever been to a place like this?"


"You know why people come here, don't you?"

"N-not really."

"I'll enlighten you, Suho," Yixing grinned and leaned in close to whisper something, "It's like what they say about the jungle. Kill or be killed. Here, it's do or be done."

Junmyeon shivered, when he thought about it, that probably was why Jongin had dragged him here, he was always saying things like, "Dude! You need to get laid!"

Junmyeon couldn't find the words to respond with, he didn't really want to get laid tonight and it made him kind of angry the way Yixing had come onto him, "It's not all that flattering really. Have you ever been rejected? Or does every guy you meet just melt for you?"

"I haven't been rejected yet."

"There's a first time for everything," Junmyeon turned to walk away. For some reason, Yixing really hoped this wasn't the last he'd seen of the man he knew as Suho. Maybe it was just that Suho required a different kind of flattery. Old fashioned, perhaps.

For some reason, it really bothered Yixing that he was walking away, but at the same time, he didn't want to embarrass himself further by trying to stop him. He made his way back to his seat by Minseok, but it was now replaced by some other guy. A guy he'd seen before but never caught the name of and Minseok never cared to introduce him. So he sat further down the bar next to some complete stranger, he had dark skin and plump lips.

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