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Yixing made sure to stop at the store and get flowers for Junmyeon before he visited. He really wanted to make a good impression. But Junmyeon pushed the flowers away.


"It's really nice of you, but they make me sneeze."

"Oh, no," Yixing whined, hitting himself on the forehead.

"Gimme those," Jongin snatched them, smiled, and said, "I'll give them to Kyungsoo because he's beautiful like a flower too."

"You make me want to puke!" Sehun stuck out his tongue. He was sat at the small kitchen table playing Nintendo DS and drinking an energy drink. Jongin had once told Yixing that Junmyeon would give them to him when he was being especially annoying because the caffeine made him tired.

"Let's do something, Junmyeon, whatever you want to do."

"I want to meet your friend."

"Um, okay, if that's what you want."

"Mhmm," Junmyeon walked out of the door, expecting Yixing to follow him.


"What is it?"

"Can I hold your hand?"


Yixing wondered why people held hands, "To make you feel safe? To comfort you?"

"But why do you want to hold my hand?"

These questions really stressed Yixing out, "I want to feel safe and comforted. I want to feel your touch. If we hold hands we both can feel that," Junmyeon interlaced their fingers as if he'd gotten the answer he wanted, "Will you ask me questions every time I want to do something with you?" Junmyeon shrugged, not even knowing himself.

When Yixing unlocked the apartment, they were greeted first by barking, then a sleepy, apologetic Minseok.

"Oh, my! You brought Junmyeon."

"You know my name?"

"I figured it had to be Junmyeon. As much as Yixing talks about you I was kind of hoping he'd finally introduce you to me."

"I didn't think I talked about him that much," Yixing crossed his arms.

"More than you can remember," Minseok grinned, "So, what is it? Are you two finally together?"

"For a week at least. I must've forgotten to tell you last night," Yixing explained to Minseok what he was now calling "The Boyfriend Project".

"Sounds complicated," Minseok started the coffee pot, "Do you want some? Junmyeon must like coffee, right? I heard you work at a cafe."

"I don't like coffee though because I'm around it so much."

"Ah, makes sense."

"If you want anything else let me know," Yixing butted in before Minseok made Junmyeon fall in love with him.

"G-good morning," A sleepy Jongdae rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Jongdae, this is my boyfriend, Junmyeon, for a week at least," Yixing introduced, "Junmyeon, this is Minseok's boyfriend, Jongdae."

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