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Yixing and Junmyeon both felt good to be back in Korea with Jongin and Sehun.

"Jongin, do you want more bacon?" Junmyeon was being especially friendly.

"Junmyeonie, you're acting weird," Sehun pointed out.

"I know what it is," Jongin raised his index finger, "Junmyeon lost his virginity. I remember acting the exact same way when I lost mine."

"I didn't act any different. I went to the store with XingXing the next day and frosted a cake."

"Don't talk about that at the table," Yixing said.

"So it must be true if even Yixing is scolding us. Congrats, Junmyeon."

"I'm going to make you two clean the entire house if you don't knock it off," Yixing warned.

"I stopped!" Sehun protested.

"The house isn't even that big. I could have it cleaned in no time," Jongin stuck up his nose.

"Do you want to bet?"

"No, fuck off!" Jongin groaned.

"Jonginie, be nice to XingXing."

"I will be when he's nice to me."

"I am plenty nice to you! I play video games with you all the time!"

"Yeah, but you're not even good."

"Shut up, Jongin! Do you want him to take away our console? Junmyeon would gladly let him."

"I just want Yixing to stop bossing me around."

"Then how about you stop with the dirty talk while we're eating breakfast," Junmyeon interfered.

"You two really are like our parents," Jongin folded his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Hey, guess what?" Sehun asked as an attempt to get everyone to stop arguing.

"What?" Junmyeon answered.

"I got an internship at the library, they say if I do good they'll hire me."

"Are you doing good?"

"Yeah, for the most part," Sehun smiled, "Luhan gets to teach me things like how to check books in and out. He says it's good having me around because he always asks me to help him read the tags when he's shelving books. Sometimes I get distracted when he's trying to teach me things, but luckily its Luhan and he's patient."

"That's awesome, Sehun," Junmyeon smiled proudly, "Anything new in your life, Jongin?"

"I've been looking for a job. Like an actual job rather than just odd jobs here and there. I was also thinking about moving in with Kyungsoo."

"Huh?" Sehun looked kind of hurt.

"He just gets lonely living by himself, you know. Doesn't Luhan feel that way sometimes too?"

"Yeah, he does. He asks me if I'll ever move in with him, but I don't really know what to do."

"Sehun," Junmyeon began, "If it's because of me, don't let me hold you back. If you love him you can be with him, and if he loves you I trust that he can take good care of you."

"Are you sure, Junmyeon?"

"Of course I will miss you, both of you, but I won't be completely alone."

"Yixing, you'll stay with Junmyeon forever, won't you?" Sehun looked at Yixing wide-eyed.

"Of course I will, we're going to get married one day."

"Is he being serious?"

"We're not engaged or anything, but we want to be married," Junmyeon shrugged.

"If you want to be married why aren't you engaged?"

"We just haven't bought rings yet."

"You should, today!"

"Sehun, we just got home last night. I think we'll just relax today."

"Maybe we should tomorrow," Yixing smiled at Junmyeon hopefully.

"Okay, we will, tomorrow."

"I call being best man at the wedding!" Jongin finally spoke up again.

"No! I call it!" Sehun said.

"I will do all of these dishes right now if you let me be best man."

"I'll clean the whole house if you let me be best man!"

"You can both be best men. I'm sure it's not going to be a huge thing anyway."

"Why wouldn't you have a huge wedding?" Sehun tilted his head, "It's the most amazing thing that can happen to you, why not make it incredible?"

"Sehun does have a point," Yixing pondered.

"Yeah, but we shouldn't overdo it, you know?"

"You should get a chocolate fountain," Jongin said through a mouthful of bacon.

"Sehun just wants a party and Jongin just wants to eat good food."

"I just want to go back to sleep," Yixing yawned.

"Sehun, will you please make Yixing some tea?" Junmyeon asked.

"Really? I can?"

"Yes, you can,"

Sehun excitedly made some tea for Yixing.

"Sehun, pour me some apple juice," Jongin ordered.

"Okay, I will when you ask me nicely."


"You aren't funny, Jongin."

"Will you please pour me some apple juice?"

"Of course," Sehun looked up at the clock, "Oh no! I have to leave. Luhan and I are hanging out with Chanyeol and Baekhyun today." He set a hot mug of water and a teabag in front of Yixing and rushed out of the door.

"Guess I'll have to pour my own apple juice," Jongin groaned.

"I sure do wish you liked coffee and had it in your house," Yixing brought his mug to the couch.

"I can bring you home coffee when I go back to work," Junmyeon cuddled up next to him.

"Are you guys really going to take up the whole couch?"


"I just got out of the hospital, I deserve the couch."

Yixing moved his feet enough to make a small space for Jongin. Jongin put his feet on top of Junmyeon. The three fell asleep, their thoughts dancing with chocolate fountains and weddings.

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