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Yixing was alone all day with his thoughts. It was getting kind of late, but still, nobody was home. He got a spark of home when the door opened, but it was only Sehun, with his lips connected to Luhan's. Neither of them acknowledged or noticed Yixing's presence, so he retreated back to his and Junmyeon's room, leaving Sehun and Luhan to do whatever it was they were about to do. Yixing was eager to hear about Junmyeon's job, and it seemed that all he'd done the entire day was wait for him. He waited by the door again when he was sure Sehun and Luhan weren't in the living room anymore.

The door opened again, this time it actually was Junmyeon, "Were you waiting all day? You're just like a dog."

Yixing couldn't read Junmyeon's mood, "It feels like I've waited all day. I was so nervous for you."

"I'll tell you all about my crazy day," Junmyeon shyly took Yixing's hand and led him back outside.

"Why outside? I'm still in my pajamas."

"It was getting loud in there."

"Good point," They sat on the steps. Yixing's feet were still bare and freezing against the pavement, "So tell me about it then."

"So my boss announced the lay off in the morning and guess what?"


"I didn't get laid off!"

Yixing smiled, "I feel like there's a twist because you said your day was crazy."

"Yeah, it gets even better!" Junmyeon began to explain with big hand motions, "So get this, the assistant manager gets caught stealing bagels! You'll never believe his excuse!"

"What was his excuse?" Yixing looked at Junmyeon curiously, eager to hear more.

"He said that his cat, that is named Muffin, will only eat bagels from our cafe. Who the hell feeds their cat bagels anyways?" Junmyeon giggled, "So that just made him look like even more of a lunatic. Anyways, my boss goes through the security footage, turns out this dude has been doing this for months," Junmyeon stopped for a moment so he and Yixing could laugh.

"I wonder why his cat is named Muffin is it eats bagels."

"Of course you wonder that," Junmyeon continued, "Anyways, this lunatic obviously got fired. And guess what?!"


"I'm the new assistant manager!"

"Ah, hell yeah!" Yixing pulled Junmyeon into a hug as they continued to smile and laugh, "We should celebrate. I can make you dinner."

"I don't want to go in there right now."

"Me neither, but I'm getting cold," Yixing leaned his head on Junmyeon's shoulder, "You smell good and you're warm. You remind me of a baozi."

"Are you calling me chubby?"

"No, just warm and soft and delicious," Yixing wrapped his arms around Junmyeon, "Maybe it's just my hunger talking."

"Have you eaten today?"

"Not really."

"Yixing, you need to eat."

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