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Junmyeon, we're getting pretty far out, please tell me where we're going."

"If I tell you, you won't want to go."

"There's no turning back now, just tell me," Yixing whined.

"I'm taking you to meet my parents."

"What, why? No!"

"I'm proving my love to you."

"No, I'd believe you loved me if you didn't make me do this. I don't make you do things you don't want to do. I don't force you to do things that scare you! This isn't fair! Turn this car around, right now!"

"No, I don't introduce just anyone to my parents."

"If us having sex can wait so can this!" Yixing's pressed his face to the window, looking at the fading city behind them.

"That's different."

"It's not different, I don't want to do this!"

"They're nice, they aren't going to hurt you or anything."

"Yeah, and my dick won't hurt you. It's the same thing."

"Yes, it will! Why are we having this conversation?"

"Because I don't want to meet your parents, they'll hate me."

"Please, Yixing," Junmyeon held out his hand to Yixing. Yixing was mostly just confused that he actually took it off the steering wheel, but he took it.

"Fine, but you're just making this worse for yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"Making me wait. I swear you'll be on cloud nine when I finally fuck you. So will I, I've waited so long, it's going to feel so good. You're going to feel so good, Junmyeon."

A deep blush spread across Junmyeon's nose and cheeks, he never realized Yixing often thought of him that way, but he couldn't say he was surprised. He put his hand back on the steering wheel, "Don't make yourself hard."

"Don't worry, I mostly just feel sick," Yixing remembered that he was supposed to be mad at Junmyeon.

"We're almost there."

The pit in Yixing's stomach never went away. The huge house in front of him was daunting.

"Junmyeon!" His mom's voice made Yixing jump, "You didn't bring Sehun or Jongin?"

"No, this is Yixing that I told you about."

"Ah, my Junmyeonie's first boyfriend!" She hugged Yixing. First? He thought.

Junmyeon's dad came to the door, "Good to meet you," They shook hands, Yixing's felt very intimidated, he knew his handshake was weak because he was so nervous. He realized he hadn't even said a word.

"Please, come in, you two, I'll pour some wine and we can get to know Yixing."

"Just one glass, mom, then we have to go," Junmyeon led Yixing to the dining room table, where his mom and dad met them with glasses of wine.

"So what do you like to do for fun?"

"Um, I like to sing and play guitar."

"Junmyeon is good at singing too. Has he ever told you that?" Yixing noticed Junmyeon's hands shaking just as much as his were.

"No, he never told me that."

"Do you like fishing or anything?"

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