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"I'm home," Junmyeon hung his jacket up tiredly on the third day, "Good, Yixing is here."

"It's good that I'm here?"

Junmyeon nodded, "Can you massage my shoulders? You're the only one who will."

"You got that right," Jongin popped some skittles into his mouth.

"I'll give you a massage," Yixing motioned for Junmyeon to sit in between his legs. Yixing could've sworn Junmyeon was doing this just to turn him on. Instead of sitting in between his legs, Junmyeon laid with his face on Yixing's thigh, because Sehun wasn't there and Jongin sat in the recliner, "Junmyeon, you aren't making this easy for me."

"Sit on my back," Yixing did what he was told, nervously.

"What do you do for fun, Yixing? Other than getting your dick hard."

"You can feel it?"

"Not what I meant," Junmyeon paused to let Jongin giggle at Yixing's ignorance, "I mean what do you like to do other than have sex."

"Dance, sing, and play guitar."

"Oh yeah," Jongin said through a mouth full of skittles, "Didn't you see him dance at the club that night?"

"A little bit."

"He was trying to impress you and you didn't even pay attention."

"Do it again, Yixing."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I blend in at the club. If I did it now, I'd trip over my own feet."

"We won't make fun of you. Pretend you're at the club again. That's what gives you confidence, right?"

"That's not me anymore. One day I'll dance to something beautiful for you, Junmyeon."

"Okay," Junmyeon turned himself over underneath Yixing.

"What are you trying to do to me?"

The door opened so hard, it seemed it would come off the hinges.

"Sehun, don't open the door like that!" Junmyeon shouted.

"Junmyeon, I think he's crying," Yixing whispered.

"None of us were meant to fall in love! It's just a fucking hassle because we've got so many god-damned issues! Except for you, Junmyeon, you're perfect."

Yixing stood up to let Junmyeon up.

"Sehun, what happened?" Junmyeon asked gently.

"Luhan snapped at me."

"Did you tell him?" Jongin asked.

"Why would I tell him I have ADHD? He's just going to think I'm a freak, it's so embarrassing."

"I'm sure he'll understand if you tell him."

"Whatever. I'm going into my room, leave me alone," He slammed his door.

"Aren't you going to see if he's okay?" Yixing asked.

"He wants to be alone," Junmyeon sat back down, "He'll beat me up if I go in there. Trust me, I've tried."

"Okay," Yixing sat down, "Can I have a shoulder massage now?"

"I hate giving massages. We can watch a movie."

"It has to be in your room, Jun, I'm almost to the next checkpoint."

"Why don't you go out with Kyungsoo or something instead of sitting on your lazy ass all day," Junmyeon dragged Yixing into his room, "Comedy, horror, romance, drama, what do you want?"


"That's what I was thinking."

"Are you okay? You seem really stressed out and irritable."

"I don't even know why. I don't know how to relieve my stress either."

"I know some stress relievers, nothing that's your taste though," Yixing put himself under the covers.

"List some. We are boyfriends, for now, at least."

"Spooning, making out, and now I'm done listing things. Wouldn't want to freak you out."

"You can spoon me."


"I'm not twelve. I've spooned before."

"I thought you've never had a boyfriend."

"I never said that. I've had one boyfriend," Yixing could only see Junmyeon's back and not the sad look on his face.

"What was his name?"


"Is he Chinese? That name sounds Chinese."


"Is that why you don't like me? Because I'm Chinese like him?"

"I don't care if you're Chinese, I never said I didn't like you. I just don't trust you is all."

"Did he hurt you, Junmyeon?" Yixing let his nose touch the back of Junmyeon's neck.



"He cheated on me with Jongin and Sehun's friend, Zitao. He said it was because I was too scared to actually do anything with him. I'm scared you'll do that to me too," Junmyeon turned himself around to face Yixing, "You remind me of him a lot. A player on the outside, but soft and sweet on the inside."

"I wouldn't ever do that to you," Yixing looked at the design on Junmyeon's shirt, "You're the only person I've ever really...god how do I explain this without coming on too strong? You're the only one I've-"

"Ever fallen in love with?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Yifan used to say that too."

"I'm not Yifan."

"I'm just scared of getting hurt again."

"I could never hurt you," Yixing let their eyes meet for a moment then looked away again. He was content with just holding Junmyeon, "You look so beautiful now, Junmyeon."

"You look beautiful too, Yixing."

Yixing felt a blush creep onto his cheeks and a smile cross his lips, "You really think so?"

Junmyeon nodded and Yixing giggled like a little girl.

"Nobody has ever called me beautiful before," Yixing buried his head into Junmyeon's shoulder.

"Why has nobody told you what you really are?" Junmyeon moved his hand to the side of Yixing's head and put their foreheads together.

"It's always 'sexy' or 'hot'."

"Those are so degrading," Junmyeon's voice was soft and Yixing found a comfort in its gentleness, "You're so stunningly beautiful," Junmyeon hesitated before placing his lips on Yixing's. Yixing hoped that their relationship wouldn't end after the week did. It hurt to admit it, but he was in love with Junmyeon, completely infatuated with him. He wanted to hear he was beautiful every night, he wanted to kiss Junmyeon every night. Tears fell from his closed eyes onto Junmyeon's face, "Why are you crying?" Junmyeon whispered.

"I don't want this to go away. I'm scared that after the week you won't want this."

"These little things are helping me figure out how you feel, and how I feel about you. Can we kiss more?"

Yixing answered by kissing Junmyeon, they fell asleep with their lips pressed together.

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