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For the second night in a row, Yixing stayed home from the club, trying to read one of his books, but getting distracted. Sehun called and asked if Yixing wanted to play video games with him, Jongin, and Kyungsoo. Which resulted in Yixing asking once again who Kyungsoo was. He accepted Sehun's offer nervously. He didn't even know what Sehun or Kyungsoo looked like. He could hardly recall Jongin's face. He just wanted to see Junmyeon again, he remembered everything about him, and he wanted to remember more. Yixing realized that his fear of getting hurt had come back. It was gone all that time when he was being a whore but now it was back. On the walk to their house, he kept a book gripped in his hand and every noise scared him. Until a shaky fist knocked on the door.

Jongin opened the door, luckily for Yixing, "Hey, dude, come in."

"I'm nervous."

"Don't be nervous," Jongin gave him a not so comforting pat on the back. He flinched.

"Yixing!" Yixing assumed the guy who had just tackled him was Sehun. He didn't understand why they were being so unnecessarily rough on him. Did they not think he was serious? They weren't hurting him, but he still feared they could get a little too rough and actually hurt him.

"This is Kyungsoo," Jongin pointed to the small, shy looking boy who was sat on the couch. Yixing gave him a small wave.

"You guys seem kind of rowdy today."

"Your friends aren't like this with you?" Sehun questioned.

"I only have one friend. He isn't like that though."

"What's his name?" Sehun asked.


"Listen, Yixing, I've been getting these weird texts from this guy named Luhan or something but he spells in L-n-h-a-u and he keeps asking for Yixing like I don't live with Yixing, Luhan. Dude, what the hell? He spells things wrong a lot too."

Yixing retraced his steps from yesterday and remembered giving the librarian a number.

"The librarian?"

"I don't know!" Sehun seemed very annoyed.

"He seemed like a nice guy," Yixing smiled and sat down on the couch as far away from Kyungsoo as he could. He fell asleep watching Sehun and Jongin play video game only to be woken up by the controller hitting him in the arm, "Ouch!"

"It didn't hurt that bad," Sehun rolled his eyes.

"Yes, it did," Yixing wasn't the type to get angry, but he felt angry, "I was serious, you know. I really do have hemophilia! And I really do have a hard time remembering things, so don't wake me up by hurting me!" He held his arm that Sehun had thrown the controller at in pain.

"I leave for an hour to get groceries and this is what I come home to?"

"S-Suho," Yixing felt bad having just yelled and Junmyeon's younger housemate. He really wasn't mean, just in the wrong place at the wrong time, "Third impressions?"

"Why do you have a book?"

"Um, I was going to read it," Yixing's heart was beating out of his chest. He wasn't sure if it was Junmyeon's presence or the fact that the way he was wakened scared the shit out of him.

"Sehun, you should know to be kinder to our house guests."


"Yixing, could I have a word with you in the kitchen, please," Yixing thought anymore 'words' with Junmyeon would make his heart explode, but he nodded regardless.

"You'll have to excuse, Sehun," Junmyeon said, "He has ADHD. He acts mostly on impulse."

"That's okay, I can forgive him," Yixing smiled reassuringly.

"We've all got stuff wrong with us here, Jongin has lupus. Kyungsoo has panic disorder, I guess."

"What about you?"

"Some say I'm a compulsive liar."

"So are you telling me the truth right now?" Yixing never knew what to believe from him.

"He's telling the truth," Sehun peeked his head into the kitchen door, "I do have ADHD. Jongin has lupus, and Kyungsoo has panic disorder. I'm sorry for throwing something at you, Yixing."

"That's okay, Sehun, you can go back to your game," Sehun smiled and ran out, "So, is there anything wrong with you?"

"I have trust issues. They're not severe though, yet at least. Hey, is your arm alright?"

"I should be okay."

"Woah, that's so weird. You've already got a bruise."

Yixing hid his arm in defense, not wanting Junmyeon to look at his weird bruise, "it's nice to be around other people who have something wrong with them. My friend Minseok has epilepsy, actually. He's getting a service dog soon."

"Has he ever had a seizure around you?" Junmyeon looked interested but also concerned. Yixing answered with a curt nod.

"Don't you get scared?"

"Of course I do. He's always freaking out about me though because he says my memory is getting worse and because-" Junmyeon cut him off.

"Because you could be bleeding internally and neither of you would know about it?"

"Don't make me think about that, I hate thinking about that."

Junmyeon curiously took the book from Yixing's hands, "How far are you in it?"

"I've started over and over but I can't get past the first page."

"I can read it to you."

"Really?" Yixing looked down at his buzzing phone, "Another time, Minseok says he needs me."

Yixing skipped home happily, despite the rain and the throbbing pain in his arm. He was excited to have Junmyeon read to him, he liked the sound of his voice. He wrote 'Suho will read to me' on his bookmark that was still pressed between the front cover and the first page of the book.

"Minseok! Are you alright?"

"Yixing, I brought Jongdae for you to meet."

"Ah, you could've said that I was a little worried. Hi, Jongdae, I'm Yixing."

"N-nice to m-m-meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Jongdae," Jongdae might've thought it was weird that Yixing kept repeating his name, but it was to help him remember it.

"S-sorry about m-my st-stuttering."

"That okay. It's nice to meet other people who aren't perfect. I just met a bunch of people who had stuff wrong with them."

"You did?" Minseok questioned, "Did you go to Junmyeon's?"

Yixing nodded, "Yeah. Sehun didn't believe that I had hemophilia and he threw a controller at me. See, that's where this bruise is from, but I guess he has bad ADHD, Jongin had lupus, Kyungsoo has panic disorder, and I can't figure out Junmyeon. I think he just has trust issues, I don't know what caused it."

"D-do you always t-talk this m-much?"

"Only when interesting things happen to me. So not very often," Yixing laid down on the couch, exhausted.

"Do you want to eat dinner with us, Yixing?" Yixing shook his head and fell asleep, his head spinning with thoughts of Junmyeon.

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