More Interesting Than Lacus

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Ferid let out a sigh as Lacus continued to drone on about some rumored plan about attacking this particular city. He didn't bother to listen because he knew it was just that, a rumor, one that he had made up himself actually. But he pretended to listen to keep up appearances, nodding every once and awhile, agreeing politely. He was getting bored of hiding in this building, since the thrill of being right outside a very well guarded city had worn off several minutes ago.... "REALLY?!? You mean it Ferid?" Lacus seemed incredibly excited. Ferid stopped, smiled, and replied, "Of course Lacus," even though he had no idea whatsoever as to what he had just promised. Ferid threw a bored glance out the window hoping that perhaps there might be something of more interest outside...

Lacus was certain he was being ignored when he saw the 7th progenitor smile at whatever it was that had captured his attention outside. "Ferid," he whined," this is important!" Ferid returned his gaze to the other vampire. "My dear Lacus, it might be important to you, but it's not interesting to ME. What is extremely interesting on the other hand, is the little lamb outside not in uniform desperately clinging to a shovel and walking down the street. So unless those plans you heard can top such a ridiculous scenario, be quiet while I find out what the silly little thing is up to."

 Lacus knew he had been beat, so he walked to the window to see what Ferid was talking about. Indeed, there was a young human holding a shovel close, as if it would protect her as she slowly walked away from the city. The lone livestock nervously scanned for any potential danger, missing the pair of vampires watching her in  from a 2nd story window. Ferid put his elbows on the windowsill and rested his head in his hands. Lacus attempted to peer over him as he tried to keep a good view of their current form of entertainment, despite his companion, who took up most of the window space. 

She stopped at what seemed to be her destination, and looked longingly back at the walled city. She crept closer to the door, and started to reach for the handle. She paused half way, hand outstretched, with an anxious expression on her face. It seemed as though the door itself was scaring the poor thing. The lamb took a breath, as if to steady herself, grabbed the door handle, and swung it open with a loud clang. As she took as step forward to peer inside, a huge arachnid jumped at her. As she screamed and ducked down, Ferid jumped back a little in surprise and knocked Lacus to the ground.  

After stumbling out of the gate, the sinking feeling in your stomach worsened with every step you took. You stood in front of the only door in sight that could be described as purplish. It was so faded that it might as well have been called grey. You reached the handle and the feeling of dread was so bad that you froze halfway to the handle. It's just a spider, you remind yourself. So, you throw the door open. Just a spider. You take a step towards the darkened doorway. Just a spider. And that is when "just a spider" leaps at you. As you barely dodge the monstrous spider, you hear a crash from a neighboring building. Please let there be only one of these things, you pray to whatever god might be listening. It charged at you, so you smacked it with the shovel. It skidded back a few feet and seemed to make it angry. It came at you again, so you jab at its head with the sharp point of the shovel... And miss. You stumble back a few feet, trying to get away from the attacking spider. You swing the shovel towards its mouth, and by some miracle, it hits. Dark colored goo spurted from the stab wound. It made a shrill noise and came at you again, pinchers snapping at you. As it got close, you slam the shovel into the same spot. It dropped lifeless to the ground, but you continue to chop at mercilessly, not quite believing it was dead until it was reduced to a disgusting pile of goo and legs... 

Breathing a sigh of relief, you decide that you were going to repeat the process with a certain major general when you got back into the city. You turn around, feeling rather pleased with yourself. But the feeling faded quickly when the sound of clapping caught your attention. You looked up to see what had to a vampire, possibly a noble one at that, leaning out a window staring down at you. The familiar feeling of dread returned making you feel so cold that you shivered. He was beautiful, with long silver hair, and an almost angelic face. It was ruined by his deep scarlet eyes and sadistic smile that showed off a sharp set of fangs

"My, that shovel you have came in handy killing that spider... Too bad it won't protect you from something more dangerous, like me." He jumped down gracefully, landing between you and the city gate. You could hear the guards posted on top of the wall yelling, but as he started to walk toward you, you knew nobody would be there in time to save you.

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