Closed Door

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Author's Note: Still haven't decided if I am going to include a lemon scene... I will let you know when (Or if) I figure it out. And thank you so much for reading!

You woke up in a white-walled room that was rather bare. It had a small but plush bed pushed into a corner, which you were currently laying on. There were two dark brown doors, one was on the wall opposite the bed while the other shared the same wall as your headboard. You got up to investigate the closer door and found it opened to a small but ornate bathroom. Everything was made of marble and ivory. You were almost delighted to see a claw-foot tub, since short showers were mandatory  in the city you grew up in as water conservation was vital. There was a mirror on the wall, and you took a deep breath before looking into it. Besides you hair being slightly messy, and your clothes rather rumpled, the only real difference in your in your appearance were the twin bite marks on your neck. The small scarlet holes made you shudder, reminding you of the monster that gave them to you. 

The memory of Ferid made you run to the second door. Where it was you were hoping it lead, you weren't sure. You held the handle, not even sure if you wanted to try it. What if it was locked? What if it opened into Ferid's room? What if something even worse was waiting for you on the other side? You steadied yourself, and turned the handle. It was locked. It was a little anti-climatic but not surprising that vampire wanted to keep you contained. There wasn't anything else for you to do but sit on the bed and fume about being caught so easily while you waited. You briefly consider taking a bath, but quickly dismissed the idea, not wanting to be naked when Ferid came back... IF he came back...

 You never thought you had claustrophobia, but now that you were in a small space with no windows, you started to panic a bit. Was there enough air flow? There was a small vent in the ceiling in both this room and the bathroom, but they were very small. It felt like the walls might be closing in around you, but you knew they weren't. The only peace you found was laying on the bed with your eyes tightly shut. You tried to think of happy memories to distract you, but your imagination kept listing the terrible possibilities of what might happen to you. 

Meanwhile, Ferid was having a nice conversation with Crowley Eusford while Mika, Horn Skuld, and Chess Belle stared awkwardly at one another. They were in a large parlor like room in Crowley's mansion. While Ferid had more than enough power and money to have various homes, he never felt it was necessary. Instead, he would stay with lower-ranking nobles who either wished to curry favor with him, or those who found him interesting. Crowley just so happened to fall into both of these categories, and Ferid also got a thrill out of irritating his maids. 

Mika was being as sullen as usual, and ended any attempts at conversation made by the female vampires. It entertained Ferid (and Crowley as well, but he would never admit it). "What a keen conversationalist you are Mika," Ferid teased. Mika glowered in response. He knew he wasn't supposed to be rude in front of these three, but he had no patience for Ferid. He also knew that asking to be excused was pointless, because he would be denied. "Well Mika, as much as I hate to tear you away from such a heated debate, I need to pick up a few things for my little pet... And I'll need you to carry them for me." Ferid turned towards Crowley, "Thank you so much for having us here. I am soooo excited." With that, he grabbed Mika's hand and pulled the protesting half-vampire out with him. Crowley smiled as the door shut. Exciting indeed... "Lord Crowley, can I go peek at Ferid's livestock?" Chess inquired. "Don't bother our lord with such silly questions Chess! You saw her when Ferid carried her in," Horn protested. "I know, but she smelled nice..." Crowley chuckled at his ever bickering companions. "No, best to leave her alone Chess. I can't imagine what he would do if something were to happen to it while he was out... Probably a repeat of the haircut incident..." Horn and Crowley both laughed at Chess's enraged expression. She still hadn't forgiven that.

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