Surprise Visitor

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Author's Note: I am so sorry about how long it is taking me to update. I really love all the feedback and support from you guys. I will try to post more frequently.

After Ferid left, you curled into a ball and sobbed. This wasn't fair. How did this happen? What was going to happen? Each time you closed your eyes, all you could see was the reflection of you wearing this awful collar around your bloodstained neck while your "Master" looked down on you contemptuously. You pushed yourself off the ground to stand up, just to feel a wave of dizziness rush over you. You flopped back down with a dull thud, and heard a tiny, feminine giggle come from near your door. You didn't bother to look over, figuring you were becoming delusional. "What's wrong livestock? Was Ferid mean to you?" You sighed. Why did the voice you were developing in your head have to be so mocking? You got enough of that from the vampire noble. "Human, are you hungry? Cause you look hungry." The voice was much louder now, seeming to come from right above you. You sighed again, wondering now if Ferid would bring you more food soon, because the few bites you were given seemed more like a tease than an actual meal. In fact, you could almost swear you could smell something delicious. Damn your overactive imagination.

Chess Belle regarded the human before her. What was wrong with it? Was it unconscious? Did it hurt itself when it fell? She knew that Ferid would be gone for a few more hours, but she feared Lord Crowley would notice her absence and send Horns after her to ruin her fun. She hoped the female livestock would wake soon. She had brought it some food she had swiped from the kitchen. She wasn't quite sure why it was being made, but to be honest, she didn't really care. Chess attempted to gently nudge the human a bit with her hand, hoping to rouse it so she could talk to it.

After being abruptly punched in the side, you came to the realization that you weren't imagining the voice or the smell. Like some sort of an angel, the purple haired vampire that annoyed Ferid earlier was standing over you with a sweet smile and a whole platter of hearty food. Mashed potatoes, roast beef, green beans... Perhaps this was the closest you would ever get to heaven. You sat up quickly, giving the woman your full attention. Her smile widened. "Hi there human! Are you hungry? Cause I want to make a deal with you. I give you this tray, and you let me have a tiny taste of your blood. Doesn't that sound fair?" Even though you had already lost quite a bit of blood, the deal she offered sounded incredibly good. You nodded, and she squealed in delight. She dropped the tray of food onto the bed above you and dove on top of you. Her nimble fingers quickly undid the collar Ferid had put on you, and bit down on one of the marks that Ferid had left. Between her forcefulness and the intense pain her fangs gave you, you regretted agreeing to this. After only thirty seconds, she let you go, keeping her promise of only bleeding you a little. She re-fastened the collar around your neck, and pulled you up and on to the bed. She placed the food tray on your lap, and patted your head. "I will be back for the tray in a few minutes, my tasty little treat. Eat up!" She promptly turned toward the door and skipped out, not remembering to lock it behind her...

Ferid had felt his good mood being ruined for some reason that he didn't understand. After tormenting his human pet, he proceeded to torment Mika, his half-vampire pet. Both activities made him happy, so why was he beginning to feel unreasonably angry? Someone must be touching his possessions. Was Krul Tepes taking advantage of his absence and raiding his mansion? Was a servant looking through one of his nightstands? It was probably just cute little Yuu-chan fondling his gun again... Ferid sighed and let the nagging feeling go. He instead reminisced over how much more he could torment his Mika when he possessed Yuu (and his gun) as well. He also took great satisfaction in knowing his pet would be waiting for him when he wanted her. Hungry, scared, hopeless, trapped, and lonely, she should be close to breaking for him soon, so long as everything went according to plan.

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