Not So Sweet Tea Party

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Author's Note: Sorry it has been so long since I posted anything. Between essays, studying for finals, and a few family things, I haven't had to much extra time. Thank you so much for your patience, as well as your support in general. 

Waiting. Just waiting. There wasn't much else for you to do. Ferid had forbidden you from going through the unopened boxes. You had tried the door handle a few minutes after he left. It was locked. You didn't really want to take another bath and you weren't tired enough to try to nap. 

'A tea party', you thought to yourself while sitting on the bed, 'Why would Ferid want to have a tea party? Did he like tea? I thought vampires only drank blood.' You had been pondering what sort of tea party a vampire might have since the noble left. He called you his toy, and wanted to have a tea party. What a strange vampire. You briefly consider the bath he gave you... Yes, he was a very strange vampire. Didn't he have more important things to do other than harass you? 

Speaking of harassment, what was Seishiro doing? Had he already picked out a new girl to pick on? Was he battling vampires in the surrounding cities? Perhaps he was dying of boredom in one of the various strategy meetings his father held.... Or maybe, he might possibly be out looking for you. You cherished that tiny, fragile hope, ignoring the fact that even if that were the case, he would probably never find you. He had no idea where you were, and neither did you...

"Oh sweet lamb, I am back!" Ferid proclaimed in a sing-song voice as the door to your room swung open. He walked in and carried an ornate tray covered in dainty food with a large teapot placed in the center. Ferid set it on the bed, and kept himself  between you and the door. You peered around him to see a pretty, purple haired vampire just outside the doorway peering in at you. Ferid noticed the intruder, cleared his throat loudly and angrily, and slammed the door in her face. The other vampire's momentary presence seemed to irritate him. He glared for the a second at the shut door, then turned to face you with a slightly sadistic playful smile. "It's time for our tea party." He glanced at the pile of boxes, still exactly how he left them. "You didn't open a single box! What a good girl you are!" He said in a patronizing tone as he reached over and patted your head.

You wanted to snap at him or say something sarcastic, but you were still sore from your earlier punishment, so you kept quiet. Instead, you examined the tray more closely. There were little finger sandwiches, small pastries, a silver teapot, and a very pretty tea cup... "Lord Ferid?"  "Yes little one?" You examine the tray again, just to make sure your tea cup count was correct... "Why is there only one cup?"  He chuckled. "What? There are definitely two." 

You look back to the tray. One tea cup.  One tea cup with a familiar pattern. It occurred to you as you stared at the little porcelain cup on its small saucer, that it resembled the dress you were wearing. You were almost overcome by the feeling of dread that thought brought you. You looked up at Ferid, and the malevolent glint in his eyes confirmed your guess. His smile widened at your scared expression. 

Ferid loved seeing his little human despair, and found it nearly unbearable to wait to taste her sweet blood again. She, however, needed to be fed as well, so he would be patient for a few minutes longer. He picked up a plate with one of the small sandwiches and handed it to his lamb. She took it, and Ferid busied himself with pouring her tea.

You took a bite of the sandwich. It was great, but it wasn't awful either. It did, however, bring the realization that you were starving. You hadn't eaten the morning you were sent out to kill the spider, and you had no idea how long it had been since then. You quickly finished the tiny bit of food on the plate Ferid had handed you. You looked over at him, watching him dropping several sugar cubes into the tea cup. "Um, Lord Ferid?" He looked up at you and chuckled. "Would you like another?" he asked, gesturing with his free hand to your empty plate. You answer him with a hesitant nod, and he takes the empty one from your hand to replace it with one containing an excessively frosted pastry. "Thank you.. Why are you using so much sugar?" He chuckled again, this time a bit more evilly. "Silly little livestock. It's because I like it sweet." The glimmer of sadism in his eyes made it clear that he was not talking about tea. He winked at you as he placed the tea cup on your lap, sitting down on the bed on the other side of the tea tray.

Attempting to ignore his hungry stare, you look back at the intricate icing pattern covering the tiny cake on your plate. You sigh, and Ferid took it away from you. He stuck a fork in it, and cut away a bite size piece. He scooped it with the fork and brought it to your lips. "Say 'Ah' darling."

"What are yo- mpmhmp," you had opened your mouth to ask him what the hell he was doing, when Ferid took the opportunity you presented him with to quickly force the cake into your mouth. You glared at him, getting a bit angry that he was treating you as if you were completely helpless. First the bath, then dressing you, and now this. It was becoming rather humiliating. The vampire smiled innocently as he prepared another bite of cake for you. "What?" He asked. "You're going to feed me, so why can't I feed you?" 

Ferid found that reminding his toy of his intentions terrified her... So naturally he loved it. He found it a bit frustrating that he had to feed her first, as he was parched and she smelled oh so tempting, but it was rewarding as well, since it seemed to irritate her. Watching her swallow, he offered her the second bite. She refused it, pursing her lips and slightly shaking her head. He chuckled. "No? You're done already? Well, if that is the case..." He set down the plate and took away her tea cup, placing both on the tray.

You were horrified and frustrated. Apparently refusing to play along meant you didn't get to eat anymore. Those feelings, however, quickly faded to be replaced with fear, as Ferid stood up and pulled you to your feet as well. "My turn, little lamb. I am hungry too." He looked at you expectantly as you stared back in confusion and terror. What was he waiting for? It dawned on you that he might presume that you would return the favor being hand fed a bite of cake by offering yourself to him. That would never happen, you told yourself. He is a completely unreasonable monster. 

After a few minutes of starring at each other, Ferid raised his eyebrows, rolled his eyes, and sighed. How rude and unreasonable she is being, he thought. I bring her food, and take care of her, but still she would refuse me like this. It's not as if I couldn't take her whenever I pleased but still, the gesture would be greatly appreciated. He would have to teach her how to be more grateful and submissive. 

"Maybe you didn't understand me livestock. I. Am. Hungry." Ferid thought that perhaps repeating and re-emphasizing what was expected of her. Still nothing. "Fine. If you won't give it to me, I will take it instead." 

Ferid Bathory X Reader - Lonely Little LambWhere stories live. Discover now