Lesson Number 1

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Author's note: Thank you so much for all of your support. So excited to be over 3,000 views!  Sorry for the wait, I will try to do better about writing new chapters sooner. I hope you like it. If you have any requests for this story, or another feel free to inbox them to me. 

Ferid's hands caught your wrists, and pulled them above your head. He backed you into a wall, letting you slam into it. The vampire continued to pull up on your wrists, and began to lift you off the ground. He proceeded to crush himself against you, effectively taking any sort of escape away from you. Leaning in close, he nipped at your ear teasingly. "How many times am I going to have to tell you that you belong to me? Perhaps I need to start being more aggressive in proving it to you," he whispered. You attempt to escape him as he slowly licks your neck, only managing a tiny bit of squirming. The licking stopped. Ferid leaned back slightly so that he could meet your eyes. "Do not fight me, human. Know your place," he hissed, his blood red eyes narrowing as his teasing turned to rage. "As I just said, you belong to me. I own you. If I want something from you, I will have it, whether you give it to me willingly, or if I must take it by force. And right now, I want to drink your temptingly delicious blood. Hold still and be quiet if you don't wish to be punished." 

You were unsure of what to do. You desperately wanted him to let go of you, but you didn't like the threat of punishment, especially since it was left to your imagination as to what it might be. More blood letting? Would he spank you again, or actually beat you? As these ideas swam through your head, growing darker and more disturbing, you had stopped moving. Ferid took this as submission and licked your neck once more before biting down. The pain of his fangs penetrating your skin brought you back to reality, and you tried to silence the whimpers and pleas attempting to escape your lips. Between the hot, intense pain in your neck and the sound of Ferid swallowing and sucking, you were overwhelmed with the realization that the vampire's previous bites were much more gentle. After what seemed to be an eternity, you couldn't stop yourself from begging him to end this torment. "Pl-please Lord Ferid, please stop. It hhhurts." 

A minute after Ferid bit down, he was surprised to hear his disobedient lamb ask for his mercy. As politely worded as it was, he still could not believe she would dare defy him after he made it clear what was expected. As requested, he pulled away from her, closing his eyes as he let out an irratated sigh. "Why did you speak? I clearly remember ordering you to be silent." Without waiting for an answer, Ferid bit down on the side of his troublesome toy's neck. He growled and shook her in response to her cry of pain. He continued to drink until she started to lose consciousness. 

Just as your neck began to feel numb, and before the world could fade to black, you felt Ferid pull away again. He glared at you with obvious disdain and released your wrists, dropping you to the floor. You laid there, not wanting to move, because you not only did not wish to anger him, but you also doubted you had the strength to move anyway. You watched him stride across the room, hoping he was leaving. Instead, he stopped short of the door, and tore into one of the remaining boxes. He stood there for a moment, rummaging through it, and seemed to be more enraged that he was unable to find whatever he was looking for, quickly followed by an almost triumphant "Hmph" when he found it. He stormed back over to your limp body and pulling you up none to gently. He walked over to the bed, sat down with thump, and pulled you into a sitting position on his lap. He held the back of your head up with by entangling his fingers of his left hand into your hair and pulling. He ignored your gasp of pain and proceeded to fasten something around your sore neck a little bit too tightly. He stood up, hand still grasping your hair, and pulled you into the bathroom. He made you look at your reflection, tears running down your face, blood staining your neck around his bite marks, and a... a... a collar. A deep red collar the exact shade of the trails of blood on you neck. 

"There little one. Now you can see that I own you without question, yes?" Ferid looked down at you expectantly. You nodded. Unsatisfied with your answer, his smile widened dangerously. "What was that? I couldn't hear you?" It felt as though all of your pride and dignity was ripped from you as you gave him the expected answer. "Yes Lord Ferid." 

"Good girl. Don't ever forget today's lesson, as your punishment will be much worse than the one you will be receiving tonight." Ferid dragged you back into the bedroom, dropped you next to the bed, and picked up the tea tray he had laying on the foot of the bed. "Get some sleep little one. You are going to need it."

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