Playtime (Lime)

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Author's Note: This chapter has some slightly mature content, so read at your own risk. Not quite a lemon, but still... Please don't judge me too harshly. Also, I am sorry it took so long to update. My internet has been down since last Wednesday.

"No!" you protest, grabbing Ferid's hand. He had started to unbutton his own shirt. He looked at you, shocked. "I believe I told you that you were mine... So why are you telling ME what to do?" he asked, with a hint of irritation in his voice. He did stop taking off his own shirt, but continued undressing you instead. As he was faster and stronger than you, he quickly stripped you despite your protests. You looked longingly to the pile of your soaked clothes, curling into a ball trying to hide yourself from the creepy vampire. He chuckled. "Why are you so shy, sweet one? I have seen naked women before. Besides, I own you, every little piece of you." He reached in, and pulled your left leg out of the water. He leaned in and kissed it, his eyes never leaving yours. You shuttered and pulled away. He laughed and let your leg go. 

He reached back into the box. This time he pulled out a few different bottles. "Now, lets get you clean," he said with a playful smile as he pushed your head underwater. He held you down a little longer than necessary, just because he could, and by the time he let you up, you were gasping for air. He poured a small amount of liquid from a blue bottle into his hand, and started working it into your hair. He hummed happily as he washed and conditioned your hair. You hated to admit it, but it felt very nice to have Ferid's cool fingers lightly massaging your scalp. When he stopped, you looked up at him. He smiled down at you and seemed very amused. "Enjoying yourself?" he asked. You blush and answer with an incomprehensible stutter. "Your are so cute that I could just eat you up..." He laughed at you again, loving the terrified expression you currently had. "Oh you silly little lamb. I have no intention of feeding from you now. Your skin is soapy, and that would ruin your flavor... Besides, I can't have you fainting on me again. It would ruin the fun I have planned for after the bath."  'What was that supposed to mean?' you wondered. You were horrified with all the scenarios your imagination started to dream up, each one worse than the one before it. 

Ferid continued humming as he lightly rubbed her skin clean with a soapy wash rag. He was pleased with the way his toy trembled as he cleaned her. It was taking all of his will power to restrain himself from taking her then and there. He knew it would be better if he waited, so he persevered. He gently rubbed her left foot, then proceeded up her ankle, cleaned the crook of her knee, and slowly slid the cloth up further. He watched her even more intently as her blush deepened when his hand brushed across her inner thigh. "L-lord... No." He stopped, with a fake expression of shock. "No? No what? I am cleaning you, and I intend to be thorough." 

Before you could protest again, he rubbed the cloth down there quickly, then lingered there for a few moments teasingly before continuing on to your other leg. The blush on your cheeks radiated heat, so when Ferid's free hand stroked your face, his cold fingers felt amazing on your overly warm skin. "All finished," he proclaimed rather proudly as he pulled the plug from the bath tub. As the water drained, he began to rub you dry with an extremely fluffy towel. He wrapped you in it and picked you up. 

He carried you into the small bedroom, placed you on your bed. "Stay," he ordered, and disappeared back into the bathroom to retrieve his box. You hesitated, unsure about the command. You thought about your previous failed attempt to escape, and still didn't know what was on the other side of the door. Now all you had on was a towel, and you were uncomfortable with the idea of facing what was out there naked. However you weren't keen on remaining in the room with Ferid either... The choice was taken from you as the odd vampire re-entered the room and placed the empty box next to the other. There were still several unopened ones, and you were slightly curious about what was in them.  

Ferid picked up one of the smaller boxes, opened it, and pulled out a silvery hair brush. He began to brush your hair, untangling any knots he found with ease. Judging by his own long and luscious locks, he probably had plenty of practice. It was oddly relaxing, wrapped in a warm, plush towel as someone else gently brushed out your hair. The only downside was that 'someone' was a creepy vampire that was probably expecting something in return. He put the brush down, and picked up the dress he had presented to you earlier. He stood up and pulled you to your feet as well, stealing the towel from you in the process. Before you could stutter out an objection, he slipped the ruffly garment on to you. Ferid took a step back to admire his handiwork, and was incredibly pleased with himself.

"Sweet lamb, you look beautiful!" The compliment made you blush a bit, which made you slightly angry at yourself. Why was he doing this? He pulled you into his arms and pecked you on the cheek playfully. "Well, my darling plaything, I shall be back. I will bring you something to eat. And no peeking in the other boxes or trying to escape. You will be severely punished if you do." He paused, as if he remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot..." 

He sat down on the bed, pulled you over his knees, and lifted your skirt up exposing your bottom. "It's time for your spankings for running away from your bath." He rested his right hand on your behind, and placed his left one firmly on your back to keep you from wiggling away. His hand briefly left your rear, just to return forcefully with a loud 'SMACK' , jolting you forward a bit. It hurt quite a bit, and you couldn't stop yourself from whimpering. SMACK. The second one stung worse than the first, and when the third came, it was harder still. He continued, despite your whimpers and tears, until he reached ten. You felt very sore, so when Ferid pulled you upright and sat you on his lap, you whimpered again. It hurt to sit. "If you don't like being spanked, don't disobey," the vampire purred. "Otherwise, I will have to assume you want to be punished." He patted your head, slid you off his lap and onto the bed, and stood up. His smile went to patronizing to playful as he gave you a little wave. He walked to the door and pulled it open. You couldn't see past him as he walked out, but you did hear his parting comment before he pulled the door shut. "I will be back for our tea party later, my little love."

Ferid Bathory X Reader - Lonely Little LambWhere stories live. Discover now