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You were still curled up on the bed when you felt someone start to stroke your head. "There, there little lamb. I didn't mean to be gone for so long." You sat up, startled. Ferid Bathory was sitting at the edge of your bed, smiling at you. "I missed you too... Which is why I got a bit carried away with buying you presents." His smile widened at as confusion crossed your face. Presents? You asked yourself. What sort of 'presents' would this monster get you? 

He reached down towards the ground at his feet to pick up a package wrapped in brown paper. You noted that there were several others of various sizes on the ground too... How did you not notice them being moved into the room? He began to open it, and you leaned forward despite your fear of him. Your curiosity was getting the better of you. Ferid pulled out a rather ruffly looking dress. He very proudly held it up to you. "It matches your eyes exactly. I knew it... I shall put this on you after I bathe you. It will look so cute!" Bathe?! "What was that?" you asked, not quite sure you heard him right. "I said 'I shall put this on you after I bathe you... It will look cute,'" He repeated slowly, a bit concerned that his pet was hard of hearing. "I heard you, I was just, um, lost. I can dress and bathe myself." Ferid tilted his head slightly as he considered you. "Oh I am sure you could, but your mine now... So I will do as I wish with you." With that, he laid the dress on the bed. Then Ferid grabbed one of larger boxes with one arm and used his free hand to grab one of yours. He pulled you into the bath room, and started the water in the tub.

His grip on your hand tightened when you tried to pull away. "Where are you trying to go?" the noble asked, not really expecting an answer, and reached around you to shut the door. A second after it clicked shut, he pushed you against it. "Stay," Ferid commanded. He turned back to the bath and busied himself with it, assuming you would be obedient... But you thought about the other door. It was probably unlocked, now that Ferid was in here with you. Your hand grasped the handle behind your back as you watched Ferid pouring pink bubble bath into the steamy water. He hummed as he dropped a rubber duck in as well. You slowly turned the handle, hoping it was quiet enough to be hidden by the sound of the running tap.

If Ferid heard, he didn't acknowledge it. You pushed it open, and run into your room, straight for the other door. You were inches from the other door when you felt your feet lifting from the ground. Ferid pulled you into his arms, and whispered into your ear. "I thought I told you to stay, you naughty little lamb. Am I going to have to spank you after your bath?" You stutter unintelligibly in reply, blushing so hard your cheeks burned. He chuckled as he walked back to the bath, and dumped you in, clothes and all. The warm water splashed around you and on to him as he leaned in towards you, lifted your arms to quickly pull your shirt off before you could resist. He tossed the soaked garment towards the door, and turned back to you with outstretched arms You pull away, and he tried his best to look innocent. "What? Nobody bathes in clothes. Besides, now they're all wet. I am just trying to be helpful," he teased. "Your clothes are wet too," You pointed out, hoping the realization would make him leave to go change. "Oh my! They are. Perhaps I should take mine off too then.." 

Ferid Bathory X Reader - Lonely Little LambWhere stories live. Discover now