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Ferid held his newest plaything against his chest tightly as the got to the entrance of the city. Waiting for them was the eternal bored Rene Simm, wearing his usual blank expression. Rene looked at Ferid, and raised an eyebrow. "You know you can't keep your leftovers here, right?" Ferid frowned, remembering that irritating rule about not directly feeding from humans since they were considered public property here. He sighed aloud. "If only I knew two trustworthy guards to watch over my sweet little snack while I went into the city for a few hours..." Ferid paused and pretended to consider his inferiors for a moment. "Well, it looks like I am stuck with you two." "But I'm hungry!" Lacus complained. "Then you will watch the girl, and Rene, you watch Lacus. Just stand right out here and I will be back for her soon. Remember, she is mine." Ferid dumped the unconscious human into the aggravated Lacus's arms, and hurried down the tunnel towards Sanguneim.

" Ferid dumped the unconscious human into the aggravated Lacus's arms, and hurried down the tunnel towards Sanguneim

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As soon as the eccentric noble was out of sight, Lacus threw the girl down with disgust. "Can you believe this? He has us babysitting livestock for him, as if we don't have anything better to do!" Rene glanced toward his overly emotional companion and sighed. "We don't really. It Is a command from a noble. We would be wandering around the streets watching cattle in the city if we weren't out here," Rene reminded him. Lacus, still irritated, continued to complain. "I swear, he has no respect for anyone. None. Made me watch while he fed, knowing I haven't had a snack since midnight!" "That was 5 hours ago Lacus." Lacus was slightly hurt by his friends lack of sympathy. He looked down at the tempting human at his feet. "Would one little bite really hurt? I doubt Ferid would ever notice..." "Yes he would. You always kill them when you feed. Besides, it would probably wake it up. I don't want to hear it whine." Because you complain enough as it is Rene thought to himself. It was going to be a long morning, and two annoyances would be too much. He didn't want to have to explain why he had killed a fellow vampire as well as the human to Ferid. 

Ferid was daydreaming again. Mika wondered what poor human had captured the creepy vampire's attention, but decided it didn't matter, since the filthy creature deserved to die anyway. Still, it was annoying that Ferid wasn't paying attention. "Ferid, are you listening to anything I am saying?" Ferid smiled, "But of course... Only to that question though. Did I miss any important news?" Mika wanted to break a chair over the grinning idiot's head. He was going to have repeat the entire report. Again. Mika didn't understand why Krul made him report to Ferid verbally, rather than giving him a written version. It would save a lot of time and sanity.

"Oh Mika, you look so tense. Would you like me to massage your shoulders? That would help you relax." Mika took a step back and looked at the older vampire with quite a bit of distaste. "Touch me and you die." Ferid loved playing with his little Mika, so much so that he was willing to let his newest little lamb wait. "Awww. That almost sounds as if you mean it... Oh, by the way I am going to another city for awhile." Ferid giggled internally as he watched Mika visibly relax. Ferid paused, enjoying the moment. "Yes, one where I can freely play with my new toy. I will be visiting with Crowley and his maids... And you too. You never leave the city unless ordered to, so I am taking you with me, my little shut-in." The expression of outrage on Mika's face was just to much for Ferid. He laughed, and laughed harder as he dodged Mika's sword. Yes, he thought, today was a good day.

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