Lost Toy

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Since waking up, your situation seemed to only get worse. When you opened your eyes, instead of seeing your bedroom ceiling, you saw a pair of shiny black boots on a dusty cavern floor. And those boots were attached to the purple haired vampire called... Lucas? Lucan? You didn't quite remember. Next to him stood a more imposing looking vampire, with dark hair, a blank expression, and piercing eyes staring directly at you. He attempted a smile, and it was horrifying. His fangs glinted in the morning light that was coming from just out of cave, making you neck ache in memory of the bite you received from the missing vampire. Ferid, his name you could remember. As scary as this pair was, the idea of being at that vampire's mercy was terrifying.

Rene noticed the girl had woken up, and wasn't quite sure what to do. He briefly considered knocking her back into being unconscious, but she looked rather delicate. If he broke her, he figured Ferid would substitute him into whatever plans he had for the girl. He had seen what had happened to several of the noble vampire's other toys, and decided quickly that he didn't want that fate. He glanced over at Lacus, who was twirling a strand of purple hair between his fingers, oblivious to the awakened human on the ground. Typical, Rene thought, he has always been borderline useless. Give Lacus a task, and he is bored of it in minutes. He looked back to the human, who was watching him intently. Still unsure what to do with it, he tried smiling at her. As usual, the recipient of his smile cowered in fear. Rene let out a tiny sigh. He was not good at facial expressions. 

Lacus looked up from playing with his hair when he heard Ferid's livestock moving. Oh how he wanted just a tiny little taste. But he knew Rene wouldn't let him and Ferid's wrath probably wasn't worth risking. He examined her, remembering Ferid's comment about her not wearing a uniform. It was true, instead of the typical black and green of a solider, or even the grey outfit of a civilian, she was wearing a faded pair jeans and a dark colored t-shirt for some band. What was she doing outside... "Oi, livestock." She sat up, and turned her head toward him. "Why were you outside the city wall." Rene looked at Lacus, unsure what he meant (They hadn't told him where or how they picked the human up). "I was ordered to kill the spider." Lacus raised an eyebrow. "And you forgot your sword, so you opted for a shovel instead?" Rene was thoroughly confused. Why would she need a sword, and how was pathetic was the captain that ordered her to do it. Couldn't she just step on it. And did he say shovel? "N-no. I don't have a sword. I am just a civilian." Both of the vampires were perplexed, Rene a little more so than Lacus. "Why was this spider that important?" he asked, exasperatedly. It surprised him when Lacus answered him with, "Oh, you should have seen it! That thing was huge! I thought it was gonna tear her head off!" Rene inquired,"But wouldn't a trained solider be more qualified to take care of it than this pipsqueak? And did you say shovel a minute ago?" 

The conversation now seemed to exclude you, since Rene seemed to believe the whole story was made up by Lacus, so he was drilling him on the details. They were wrapped up in their argument, so you slowly started to scoot over to the entrance, while never taking your eyes off them. It was only five feet away, and they didn't seem to notice. You started to think you could get away after all. When you were at the entrance, you gave the bickering vampires one last backward glance before taking the last step back into the human world... 

(Five minutes later)

They heard the clicking of Ferid's boots, so Lacus and Rene turned to face Ferid. "Lord Ferid would you PLEASE tell this idiot that the human killed a spider with a shovel?" Rene glared at Lacus and irately responded, "Oh, don't drag Ferid into to this. You are lying and you know it." Ferid and Mika both looked at the empty ground where Lacus had gestured when he mentioned the livestock. It was rather obvious what had happened, and Ferid hoped for the guards' sake that the girl was close by. Mika, on the other hand, hoped that the filthy human was either dead or nowhere to be found. The blond really didn't want to go on this trip. "Human? To which human are you referring, Lacus?" "This one...Oh..." Lacus looked to the ground where he was pointing, which just so happened to be human-free. "Rene, I am disappointed. I expect this sort of thing for Lacus, but you're better than this," Ferid chided. He continued, saying "You both have ten minutes to bring her back, or I will hunt you down instead, kill you, and then go find my plaything myself. Do you understand?" "Yes my lord," Rene responded, ignoring the offended purple-haired twit who got him into this mess.  

Ferid sighed, irritated that those two lost his new toy. So he looked back at Mika, who was standing about ten feet back and holding their luggage. Ferid decided to calm himself by bothering him, because Mika's cute reactions always made him feel better. "Well, Mika, want to make a bet on whether they bring her back or not?" Mika answered him with a pointed glare. "Oh come on. It could be fun. I bet it Rene will bring her  back. Lacus is useless. If I'm right-" "If you're right, it won't matter. I am not betting with you again, you pretentious scumbag," Mika interrupted. "What a sore loser you are. That last bet we made about Chess cutting her hair again was completely fair." Mika scowled. "NO, it was not. You cut it for her." "I did a cute vampire a favor. What's so wrong with that?" "She was sleeping, Ferid." Ferid's smile had returned at the memory. "Mmm, but it looked good. I don't understand why you and her were so angry... And the picture I got to take of you is sooo precious. I keep it with me at all times." Mika winced, remembering the dress he was forced into, and promised himself that when he killed Ferid, he would dispose of the photo as well... Even though Krul also had a copy that she cherished. He wasn't sure how he would get rid of that one...

 He wasn't sure how he would get rid of that one

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