You Seriously Can't Hide

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After you left the tunnel with the two vampires, you found yourself on a high hill, with a ruined city laid out below it and an ominous forest starting just behind the entrance. There were plenty of places to hide down in the city, and you were rather scared of the forest, so down to the city you ran, praying you wouldn't be followed. The feeling of hope in your heart was the only thing keeping you moving. Between the blood loss and your general inability to run long distances, it was nearly impossible to continue running. However, this might be your only chance to escape and you didn't want to be a chew toy for the rest of your life. 

You stumbled down the hill, miraculously avoiding completely falling on your face. The desolated town felt like sanctuary as you entered it. You raced down the streets of this unfamiliar place, attempting to find a nook that a vampire wouldn't check. You notice a decrepit laundromat, and an idea came to mind. It wasn't the best, but it was better than waiting out in the street to be caught. You slip past the slightly ajar door, and curled up into one of the rear facing dryers. You didn't shut it all the way, fearing that doing so might trap you inside. Now, you were certain you were safe. You would wait until nightfall to try and make it back to your home. All you had to do was wait... in a small metal compartment... for several hours. You sigh quietly. It was going to be a long, uncomfortable day.    

Rene and Lacus emerged out of the tunnel, both squinted at first, as their eyes took a moment to adjust to the rather harsh morning light. Rene knew the girl only had a few minutes head start, and figured she wouldn't be dumb enough to hide in the city below. It would be much to easy for them to find her there. So he figured she probably took refuge in the forest. It was going to be hell finding her in there, and Ferid had them on a very strict schedule. "Where are you going Rene? Aren't we going there?" Lacus pointed down the hill. Rene sighed. "No, she would have to be as stupid as you to hide down there. She is in the forest." Lacus looked over at his companion, with a blatant look of betrayal on his face. "How could you say something so rude o your only friend?" "Lacus, we aren't friends. And I don't have time to put up with you right now. I need to find that girl." Rene turned away from Lacus and raced into the forest. "That kind of attitude is why you don't have any other friends!!! Your lucky I put up with you!" Lacus yelled after him. 

Hmph, Lacus thought, I will find the girl and then both Ferid and Rene will have to apologize for being so mean. He strode down the hill, thinking of all the nice things they would say to him when something caught his eye. The escaped livestock wasn't such a master of stealth after all. She had run through a patch of loose dirt and left a trail of footprints headed towards the town. Lacus smiled confidently, enjoying the ecstasy of being right. He followed the trail leisurely, forgetting about Ferid's allotted ten minutes.  He wandered into the town, and the trail stopped. He started to peer into each building he walked past and found yet another set of footprints, this time in the dust on the floor of a laundromat. He tiptoed in, careful not to make a sound as he approached the hiding livestock. Then he quickly dropped to his knees, threw open the dryer door, and grinned wickedly at human inside. "There you are! We were worried about you. Such a silly little thing to wander off like that. Your master was not pleased to find you missing." The girl whimpered as Lacus reached inside and pulled her out. "No, not pleased at all. I am sure he is picking out a collar and leash for you right now," he continued, standing up with the shaking girl in his arms. "Back to Lord Ferid you go!" he chirped happily, imagining the praise he expected to receive.

Ferid was stunned to see Lacus proudly carrying the misbehaving human back. He still had three minutes left too, so he couldn't kill either of the incompetent guards. Lacus stopped in front of Ferid, and dropped the girl at his feet. She squeaked as she hit the ground while the satisfied Lacus proclaimed" I found it!" "Indeed you have Lacus." "Did you expect that of Rene?" Lacus inquired smugly. "Yes, actually. But I guess you made up for losing it in the first place by bringing it back... Now my dear, just how are you going to make up for running away, hmm?" Ferid peered down at the cowering lamb at his feet. 

You couldn't believe how terribly wrong this had gone. The vampire named Lacus had caught you so quickly, and you were already back to this silver-haired monster. You didn't even try to fight them, just laid pathetically in front of Ferid watching him with wide eyes as he smiled down at you sadistically. "I am still thirsty... and losing a little more blood won't kill you. Hold still this time, my sweet little lamb. You already have quite the punishment lined up for you, so I wouldn't suggest misbehaving any further." He pulled you up into his arms, and bit down next to bite mark from earlier. His fangs burned as the dug in, causing you to gasp in pain. He started sucking, further inflaming the agonizing throbbing in your neck. Your hands desperately grabbed on to the front of his long white coat, as if it might ease some of your suffering. After a minute or so, your grip loosens and everything starts to go black again.

Mika and Lacus watched Rene approach as Ferid finished feeding. Rene seemed shocked (it was hard to tell since his expression stayed mostly the same) that the human was back. How did Lacus find her, he wondered. Lacus was the only pleased person in the group. Mika was disappointed he didn't take Ferid's bet, Rene couldn't believe he wasn't the one to find the human, Ferid was sad you had blacked-out already, and you... Well, you were unconscious for the second time this morning.

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