Chapter 4

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"I was at Kaitlins... you know this"
"Oh Kaitlins okay. You didn't tell me who's house you just said you were sleeping at someone's. I was kind of worried about you"
"Mum I'm fine! Stop worrying about nothing. I love you" I head up stairs and message Jacob

*Via text*
"Hey sleepy bum wake up!"
"Hey baby"
"Thank you for last night, it was amazing"
"Anytime my girl"
"I love you"
"I love you too. What are you doing tonight?"
"Nothing, why?"
"Do you want to come to the starlight market with me?"
"Sure what time?"
"I'll pick you up at 5pm"
"Okay see you later"
"Bye babe"

I don't know if Jacob and I are rushing into this 'relationship' I guess you could say. I mean I know we're dating but we've only been dating for a couple of days now and he barely even knows me. We'll just have to wait and see how tonight goes.

*Via real life*
"Hey Mum I'm going to the starlight market tonight so I won't be home until later"
"Alright sweetie. Who are you going with?"
"I'm going with Jacob... The one I met at the mall the other day"
"Ooh are you dating now or are you just friends?"
"Were dating" I say not really understanding why I just told her that.
"Oh congratulations my little pumpkin!" She hugs me.
"Mum!" I say laughing. "I think I should start getting ready"

I change into a casual dress and have my hair down in loose curls. It's about 4:50 so Jacob should be here soon. I do my finishing touches then go down stairs and sit on the couch to wait for him.

*knock knock*
"I'll get it!" I yell
"Wow! You look stunning, as usual" he mumbles the last part but I still hear him.
"Thank you! You too"
"Are you ready to go?"
"Yep" I smile as we start to walk out the door.
"Wait one second, I forgot my phone" I rush up stairs and quickly get it.
"Now I'm ready!"

We then arrive at the markets as Jacobs Mum took us.

"This is beautiful. Thank you so much for taking me here" I kiss him on the cheek.
"Anything for you" he blushes
"Oh my god there's a Ferris wheel? We have to go on that later"
Jacob laughs at me. We walk around looking at all the different markets but it's nearly time to go home so we decide to go on the Ferris wheel quickly.

"Have you ever been on a Ferris wheel before?"
"No" I laugh. "This'll be my first time. I'm kinda scared. What if we fall?"
"Don't be scared. I'm here to protect you"

We get to the top and all of a sudden we stop.

"Jacob what's happening?" I scream.
"Nothing babe, they're probably just fixing something or getting people out. There's nothing to worry about" He pulls me closer and I relax a bit.
"We still haven't moved and it's been 5 minutes!"
"It'll be alright" he whispers in my ear even though there's no one else in the cart with us. He then touches my thigh with his warm hands. We kiss and get stuck in the moment until we realise we're moving again. We stop and smile at each other. I lay my head on his shoulder as he moves around and gets comfy. The rest of the ride was very calm and cozy as we snuggled up to each other.

"Hey do you reckon you'd be able to stay at mine again tonight?"
"Yeah I'll ask my Mum" I text Mum. "She said yes! But can I just quickly go home and get a change of clothes first?"
We go back to my house and I get a change of clothes. Then we arrive back at Jacobs. We have our showers then hop straight into bed.

"Do you want to watch some Netflix?" Jacob asks.
"Yeah sure. Where's your shirt for me to change into?" I smirk. He takes his shirt off and hands it to me. "Wow!
"Nothing" I smile and blush.

*Y/n pov*
As soon as he took that shirt off I stood there in amazement. His abs were looking fine! I tried not to do or say anything but it just came out. He's so hot!

*Jacobs pov*
She asked for a shirt so I gave her mine because it was warm already. I took it off and gave it to her when I heard her say "wow!" I just looked at her, laughed and said "what?" I just wanted to grab her tiny body and kiss it. She's so cute!

"Come here" I smirk.

I pull her in and lay her on the bed, getting on top of her and lifting her shirt up as I start to kiss her stomach. I then move up towards her neck. Hitting her sweet spot she slightly moans. Damn that turned me on! As I make my way to her lips, she pulls on my hair and I let out a little moan. I start taking her shirt off then she takes off mine. She takes off her pants so I decide to take mine off too. Right now I'm in my boxers and she's in her bra and nickers. I go back to her lips and stay there kissing her for a while whilst still grinding on her sexy body. Kissing her fast then slow, fast then slow, we flip over so that she's on top now. We stop a couple of times for air but then get back into it. This lasts about 30 minutes (btw we are 15) we then get tired and fall asleep. She falls asleep on top of me.

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