Chapter 11

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Sunday, 3rd July

I wake up still laying on Jacob. I slowly get up but he pulls me back down. "Baby last night was the best" He says.
"It sure was" I reply smiling.

I then get up, put some clothes on and start to make breakfast. We're having pancakes.
"Breakfast is ready" I yell. He comes down stairs, hugs me from behind and kisses me on the cheek. He sets the table whilst I finish preparing the food. After breakfast we talk about life and our future together.

"Baby I could get used to this"
"Get used to what?" I ask laughing.
"Us waking up together each morning and you making breakfast whilst I help" He smiles.
"It would be a dream to do this everyday"
"That dream will come true one day"
"Do you think I'm pregnant?" I nervously ask Jacob.
"I hope so. Ugh we have school tomorrow" He groans.
"First day of year twelve, yay!" I roll my eyes.
"Is there any chance we can go on a holiday and never come back until schools over?"
"I wish"

The rest of the day we chill out at my place, watch some movies and play board games. Later that night Jacob goes home because we have school tomorrow. I'm not really looking forward to school but I'm excited to see some of my friends. I go to sleep and wake up the next morning.

Monday, 4th July

Mum and Dad aren't home to wake me up so I had to set an alarm. As soon as the alarm goes off I jump up straight away and turn it off

"Wanna make that alarm any louder?" Jacob says in his morning voice.
"I left my window open just for you babe" I say sarcastically with a smile.

I go down stairs, eat some muesli and yoghurt then go back upstairs and brush my teeth.

"Babe!" I yell through the window.
"Yes my love" Jacob replies.
"Should I wear this or this?"
"That one" He points to the left and smirks.

I get changed into my outfit and by the time I'm ready it's 8:05... Time to leave for the bus. Jacob comes into my room "You ready babe" "Yep" He then holds my hand and we walk to the bus stop. When the bus comes we go to the very back. All the weirdos sit at the front. "Hey breeze!" I say to one of my close friends. "Oh hey Y/n!" She says back. We talk for a bit and I catch her up on everything with me and Jacob. Of course I don't tell her anything about the other night. We get to school and as soon as Jacob and I walk off the bus everyone stares at us "Oh my god it's Jacob!" the year 7's say. "Woah"
"They're goals"
"Jacob please sign this"
"Jacob take a photo with me"

They're all acting crazy. Well I suppose that's how I acted when I was a crazy fangirl. I'm so glad he's mine. We go into first session and thank gosh Jacob's in my class. The desks are set out into groups of four so I sit with Jacob, Breeze and this guy named Jace Norman. Jace is Jacobs best friend. They've been best friends for ages just like me and Breeze have. First session goes by so slow. We have history first and our teacher doesn't know anything. We just play on our phones the whole session. I get a text from Breeze and my phone dings. "Whoops" I say quietly while my face goes bright red. Luckily the teacher didn't hear but Breeze just laughs.

*Via text*
"Jace keeps looking at me" Breeze sends.
"Isn't that good? I thought you liked him" I reply confused.
"I do but isn't it a little weird because he likes Samantha?"
Breeze shrugs her shoulders and turns her phone off.

I show Jacob the messages sneakily so that she doesn't see and he gets his phone out then goes onto notes. 'I'll message him and ask' he types.

"Hey mate" Jacob sends to Jace.
"Jacob I'm sitting right here. Can't you just talk to me in person" Jace says out loud and laughs.

Jacob gives him a look.
"Oh right" Jace says as he finally understands.

"Yo" Jace messages back.
"What do you think of Breeze?" Jacob asks.
"She's hot!"

Jacob shows me the messages. 'Should we set them up' I type on my notes. He looks at me and nods his head. I grab onto his hand, rest my head on his shoulder and listen to this boring teacher for the rest of the session

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