Chapter 6

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He sits on my bed leaning up against the wall while I lean past him. He touches my face and turns it so that I'm facing him. He leans in for a kiss when I then grab my pillow and smack him in the face with it. "Ooh you're cheeky" he says. We're both laughing and whacking each other with pillows. We then stop and fall into a laying position whilst laughing still.
"You thought we were going to have sex didn't you?" I tease.
"Well I was hoping too" He says with a smirk.
"Maybe when we're older" I say kissing him goodnight.
"Goodnight baby"
"Godnight my girl. Hey is it alright if I take my shirt off? It's a bit hot"
"You can do whatever you want. It's you're house just as much as it is mine"

He then cuddles close to me and has his arm over me.

The next day Jacob had to go at about 10:00am as he was moving houses. I tried to wake up early but I sort of had a sleep in. I woke up at 8:37 and I was looking around my room. Something is missing. Jacob wasn't there! I thought that he'd probably just be in the bathroom so I checked my phone until he got out.

*One new text from Jacob*

*Via text*
"Good morning beautiful! I went out to get some breakfast. I'll be back soon"

I just smiled, turned my phone off and stared at the roof thinking about how bad my life would be without him.

"Honey I'm home!" He yells as he walks in the doors and puts the food on the table. I run down the stairs, jump in his arms and kiss him. "Your the best boyfriend anyone could ask for" I say to him. He smiles and kisses me back. After a couple of minutes he sits me down on the kitchen stool and we eat. "Your parents said they'd be out all day so you'd be home alone. If you want you can come to mine and help me pack" Jacob said. "Babe is it alright if I stay here and shower and stuff. I have to clean the house and everything" I replied. "Yeah that's fine. I'll come visit later"

It's 9:55am and he should probably get going. "Alright I'm going to go now. Are you sure you're okay to stay here by yourself?" He asks me "yeah I'll be fine. Thankyou" we then hug and he leaves. I go upstairs, have a shower, get dressed and start to clean the house. A couple of hours have passed by and I'm finally finished. I decide to go up to my room, lay in bed and watch some Netflix. I'm watching 'Insidious' which I don't know why I chose to watch a scary movie while Jacob isn't here. I'm about half way through when I get a knock on my bedroom window. I scream so loud even the neighbours could probably hear! I see this head slowly coming up so I run down stairs and get a knife. They start to open up my window. I  throw the knife on my bed and they come inside and walk towards me. I walk towards them and they pick me up, spin me around and kiss me.

"Jacob what are you doing here, you scared me! I thought you were moving houses?"
"Well it turns out the house were moving into is that one" He points out the window.
"What the heck! No way! So we're neighbours?"
"Yep!" He then kisses me. "What were you watching?"
"You know you shouldn't watch scary movies when I'm not around" He playfully pushes me.
"I know but I was doing fine until you came" I laugh.
"Oh so you want me to go?" He raises his eyebrows.
"No babe, I meant until you scared me" I whine.
"I know, I was only joking" He chuckles then kisses my forehead.

We lay down and spend the rest of the afternoon watching scary movies until he gets a call from his Mum saying that he has to go home. It's good because we have a window in both of our bedrooms that align with each other so if I stand and look out my window I can see straight into his bedroom.

Monday, 26th June

*Via text*
"Good morning babe. How would you like to come over mine at about 10:00am? I'll have a friend over so if you want you can bring one of your friends as well" Jacob texted me.
"Morning, I would love to! See you soon"
"Hey Kaitlin. Do you want to come over mine at about 9:30am?"
"Sure, let me just ask Mum" "She said yes!"
"Okay cool. See ya"

*Via real life*
Kaitlin came over and I told her that we're going to Jacobs for a bit. Kaitlin will get along with anyone. She's one of those people who are really confident and friendly. We get to Jacobs and introduce Mark and Kaitlin to each other.
"You must be y/n. I've heard lots about you" Mark said.
"Yeah I'm Y/n" I laugh. "Nice meeting you"
"And you must be Jacob. The guy Y/n never stops talking about" Kaitlin laughs.
"Yeah I am, nice meeting you. Hey who wants to play truth or dare?"
"Me!" We all say in unison.

We sit down on the couches and because there's two; Jacob and I are on one and Mark and Kaitlin are on the other. We play truth or dare for a bit and I've noticed that Mark and Kaitlin have been looking at me and Jacob in a weird way.

*Kaitlins pov*
We started playing truth or dare and it was really fun. Jacob and y/n were snuggling up to each other and they were really cute. I was sitting next to Mark which to say... He isn't bad looking. He seems like he has a nice personality and I should get to know him more. I whispered to him "naww look at Y/n and Jacob" I wish that could be me.

*Marks pov*
Kaitlin was sitting next to me and I wanted to get closer to her so I moved a bit. She looked at me but I just acted like nothing happened. She's so cute and her laugh is the best. I think Im starting to like her. I think I might want to ask her out. But I can't of course because she doesn't feel the say way and we only just met each other. Maybe in the long run. She whispered in my ear "naww look at Y/n and Jacob" she made me smile and I whispered back "I know. That could be us" she just blushed and looked down.

"Truth or dare?" Jacob asked me.
"Umm, dare" I said.
"I dare you..."

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