Chapter 8

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We make the cake and it turns into a flour fight. There is flour everywhere. We lay on the floor and make flour Angels then we clean up and head to my room. We go on social media "Jacob" I say getting his attention as we take a selfie on snapchat.
'Chillin with bae 🙈❤️' I caption it and he captions his 'love this girl 👫❤️'.
Thousands of people have viewed it within a short period of time. I go onto Instagram and see that tons of people have screenshotted it and reposted it with captions like 'relationship goals'. I turn my phone off, lay on my bed and think about Jacob and I... 'us' as a couple

"What are you doing babe?" He asks me.
"Thinking about us" I smile.
"I'm so lucky to have you" I look at him.
"Me too baby" He kisses me. "I love you"
"I love you too"

Wednesday, 28th June

Jacob went home last night because his parents wanted him home.
I wake up and do the usual... sit on my window seat. Now that Jacob lives next door that's the first thing I do. I wait until he wakes up and does the same thing. We both sleep with our windows open a little so we can hear when the other one is awake. When he then wakes up he comes to his window seat and we wave to each other. We then go down stairs, get breakfast and come back to the seat and we somehow always manage to get back at the same time. Anyway, Today Jacob and I were thinking of going to the beach.

We get to the beach and we both take our tops off.
"Woah!" Jacob mutters.
"What?" I giggle.
"That bikini looks too hot on you"
"Babe look at you! Fine as!"
"Come here!" He bites his lip.

He picks me up and runs into the water throwing me in. We splash each other and swim for a bit. After we swim we take some photos.

We get back to my place and I decide to post a photo on Instagram. Of course it's going to be one of our 'relationship goal' photos. I caption mine 'great day at the beach with this panda 🐼💖' and Jacob captions his 'my cheeky little monkey 🙈💗'.

That night we did nothing, just like we normally do. We played a game of monopoly that lasted a long time then we went to bed. Jacob stayed over for the night then went home early.

Thursday, 29th June

Today Mum and I are going to go food shopping. We are at Coles and our trolley is half way full already! Mum likes to go overboard every time we go food shopping. We go back home and I help her put everything away. "Thank you y/n" she says. I then go upstairs and message Kaitlin.

*Via text*
"I can't believe Magcon is tomorrow!" I type super excitedly.
"I know right! Me too! What are you wearing?"
"What about you?" I say after sending a photo of my outfit.
She then sends one back.
"Ooo that's nice. I have to go but be ready by 9:30am tomorrow. We might come a bit early"
"Okay see you tomorrow"

*Via real life*
Kaitlin and I are going to Magcon tomorrow and I am so excited. I finally get to meet all the boys. I'm mostly looking forward to meeting Cameron and Blake but all the others I'm slightly excited for too... except Brandon. I hope he's forgotten about everything!

Friday, 30th June

Ahh today's Magcon! I wake up, have a shower, get dressed, eat some breakfast, brush my teeth, and get all my things together. We then head out to pick Kaitlin up.

It's now meet and greet time at the MAGCON show.

"We have to take so many goal pictures!" I tell Kaitlin.

I've met everyone but Brandon Rowland. He's last and I'm making my way to him now.
"Hey Brandon" I say nervously.
"Hey cutie"
Great! It looks like he's completely forgotten about it which is 110% good.

After the shows completely finished we drop Kaitlin home.

*Via text*
"Hey Brandon. It's y/n?"
"Oh hey y/n! I'm so glad you messaged me"
"Yeah me too"
"I want to tell you something..."

I've decided to give Brandon a second chance.

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