Chapter 2

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"let me give you my number" I look up and give her my number. "I'll text you tonight"
"okay cya" she smiled and walked away.

Yessssss! Way to go Jacob. You gave her your number. Now when do I text her. Tonight? Tomorrow morning? Maybe tonight. Tonight it is! But what do I say? Ugh I'll figure that out later. But anyways I can't believe it! Although she was looking at me weirdly... She kept looking at my mouth every time I talked? She liked my smile? Ugh I don't know.

*Yn pov*
I walk to my Mum who's still in the book store. She could spend hours in there. Handing her her drink I say "let's go".

Sitting down in the chair I'm thinking of what colour to get.

"Maybe blue because it's Jacobs favourite colour" I say to the nail lady.

"Its who's favourite colour?" My mum butts in.
"Jacob. He's this guy I met in the Starbucks line" I slightly blush.
"Oh tell me all about him! Is he hot? Does he have blue eyes? And blonde hair?!" Mum pesters.  The nail lady laughs.
"Mum!" I say in annoyance but laugh. "I'll tell you all about him later"

*We finish at the mall and are on our way home*

"So this Jacob guy hey?"
"Ughh" I groan then tell her all about him until we finally arrive home. I grab some lunch and hop up to my room where I usually sit at my desk and draw but today all I did was lay on my bed staring at my phone hoping he would message soon.

*Y/n pov*
Wow, I got his number! So does that mean he likes me? Ugh I sure hope so! Imagine if we were dating and all the fun things we could do together. Go to the beach, go watch a movie. Ugh it'll be so much fun!

*buzz buzz*

My phone went off and of course I looked at it straight away. It was my ex... what did he want?

*Via text*
"Hey babe remember me?"
"1 don't call me babe and 2 of course I remember you Justin"
"Want to catch up tomorrow?"
"Umm let me just ask Mum" Of course I didn't go ask her. I was only acting. "She said that we are having a girls day sorry"
"Oh okay maybe another time?"
"No! I'm done with you. I don't want to date you. I don't even want to be friends with you. We broke up ages ago. Why can't you move on!"
"I love it when you get mad at me"
I just left him on seen. How does he think he can treat me badly, leave, then come back into my life acting like nothing happened?

*Via real life*
"Sweetie do you want to come down stairs and help me make some sugar cookies?" My mum yelled.
"and will you please help me put the roast on? We're having a roast tonight"
"Yep" I say angrily.

*Whilst making cookies*
"hat's wrong love? You seem upset"
"Justin texted me!"
"What did he want?"
"He wanted to know if I was busy tomorrow"
"And what did you say?"
"I said that you and I are having a girls day"

We finished making the cookies and put the roast in the oven.
"Alright I'm going up stairs. Call me when dinners ready" I said as I ran up the stairs and belly flopped on my bed.
"Will do"

*Y/n pov*
Why hasn't he messaged me yet? Did I give him the wrong number? I should've gotten his number. What if I gave him the wrong one? It's okay Y/n. Stay calm. He's probably just shy. You know what boys are like. I decide to do some drawing because I haven't done any today. As soon as I sit down at my desk I get a text.

*buzz buzz*

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