Chapter 12

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In session two I'm not with Jacob, sadly. I have no friends in this class. I sit next to a guy named Luke because we are in a seating plan and aren't allowed to sit anywhere else. This session is math and I'm really good at math. Time goes by really fast and it's now lunch. Jacob comes and picks me up from my class and as soon as I see him I run up to him and hug him as I haven't seen him in an hour... a really long time in my opinion.

"That was the worst hour of my life!" I exaggerate.
"Why? I thought you like math?" He says confused.
"Yeah I do but you weren't in my class" I say pulling a sad face.
"Aww babe it's okay. We got the rest of the day together" He assures me with a warming smile.

We start walking to our lunch table when I stop in my tracks and see Kaitlin and Mark.

"Oh my god Kaitlin!" I say running up and hugging her. "I haven't seen you in ages" I let go.
"I know it's been so long!"
"Ooh you and Mark are looking good" I look at them both.
"Aha thanks" She blushes. "And how bout you and Jacob, couple of the year?"
"You could say that" I flick my hair in a jokingly way. "Well nice seeing you. I'll talk to you later" We both smile at each other.
"Bye" She hugs me and walks away with Mark.

"I'm glad we got them together" I turn back around to Jacob.
"Me too" He smiles and we intertwine our fingers once again.

We walk to our table and sit down but as we do Jace comes rushing towards us.

"Guys help me!" He takes a seat.
"What?" Jacob and I say in unison.
"I like Breeze but does she like me back?"
Jacob looks at me then looks back at Jace.
"Yes!" Jacob admits.
"Quick she's coming this way, act natural!" I tell them.

Breeze comes and sits down next to Jace as that's the only spot left.

"Hey everyone! What's up?" She asks as she plops herself down.
"Nothing" Jacob and I say in unison.
Jace then looks at us.
"Well..." Jacob gestures Jace to speak.
"Will you go out with me?" Jace says looking at Breeze.
"Yes" She tells him whilst hugging him tight.

For the rest of recess we sit down and talk about the usual stuff. Then the bell goes and it's time to go to 3rd session. Jace and Breeze walk away and Jacob and I walk to class. Jace and Breeze turn up late to Science.

"Why are you so late?" I ask as they walked through the door.
"We were just walking around" Jace repliesbb
"Y/n were only 5 minutes late" Breeze laughs and so do I.

We're doing a prac in science using the Bunsen burners and the teacher told us to work in a group of four. Of course it's gonna be Jacob, Breeze, Jace and I.
"I'll get the glasses" I say walking away.
"I'll get the worksheet" Breeze tells them.
That then leaves Jacob and Jace to get the equipment.

As Breeze puts the glasses on Jace looks at her with a shocked expression. "Wow" he says then quickly turns around, blushes and acts like nothing happened. "What" Breeze says laughing. "Nothing" he says.

*Jaces pov*
Since recess the day has slowly gotten better. I asked Breeze out at recess and she said yes. That was the best moment of my life. We then had science together and we were doing a prac. When she put those glasses on man she looked amazing. She suited them so badly but I didn't want to say anything because it would be embarrassing. Obviously that didn't work as I managed to slip out a "Wow"

*Breezes pov*
So today has to be one of the best days in a while. Jace asked me out!! I've liked him since 9th grade and today's the day that he finally asked me out. I thought he liked this other girl Samantha, the schools queen b, so that's why I've never really talked to him. But now I know that he doesn't like her and he likes me. Anyway so when I put my safety glasses on Jace looked at me weirdly and mumbled something. I couldn't quite hear what it was so I said "What" whilst laughing and trying to figure out what he said. "Nothing" he replied. Well that was helpful.

*Y/n pov*
After school we all went back to my place. By the way did I mention that on our street the houses go Jace, Jacob, Me, then Breeze? So yeah we're all neighbours basically.

We sat on the couch and I went up to get monopoly whilst Jacob got some snacks. I come back down stairs and see Jace giving Breeze a peck on the cheek. I let out a little squeal but luckily they didn't hear.

At the end of monopoly we count up all our properties and money.

"Jacob and I won!" I squeal.
"Proves we should buy a house together" He looks at me and smirks.
"Hey we weren't that far behind!" Breeze snaps and we all laugh.

That night we were all having a sleepover.

We decide to watch a scary movie. Insidious to be exact. Jacob and I are cuddled up on one couch whilst Breeze and Jace are on the other. At one scary part Breeze jumps a bit and Jace brings her closer to him. I rest my head on Jacobs shoulder and start to fall asleep. "Babe don't fall asleep" he says waking me up. I open up my eyes and try stay awake for the rest of the movie. When it's finished we organise our sleeping arrangements. Jacob and I sleep in my room whilst Breeze and Jace sleep in the spare room next door. It's a quiet night and because I'm super tired Jacob and I go to sleep straight away.

Whilst I'm fast asleep I get woken up by this bright flash. "What was that" I say slowly opening my eyes. I see Breeze and Jace standing there giggling quietly. "You and Jacob were so cute so Jace and I decided to take a photo of you both". They then leave and I check to see if Jacobs awake, luckily they didn't wake him up. I fall back asleep with his arm still wrapped around me.

Tuesday, 5th July

When I wake up in the morning I get up and go to the toilet. Jace and Breeze are still asleep so after I go to the toilet I take a photo of them like they did to me and Jacob last night. They didn't wake up because I didn't have to put the flash on. I go down stairs and sit on the lounge watching tv until someone else wakes up to help me get breakfast. First one down stairs was Jacob.

"Good morning my girl" He pecks me on the cheek from behind.
"Morning babe" I smile. "Wanna help me get breakfast?" I ask.
"Sure, what are we having?"
"Gourmet maccas (McDonald's)" I laugh.
He laughs back. "Okay I'll drive"

We go get maccas and when we come back we see Breeze and Jace making out on the lounge. "Go back up stairs" I say laughing. They stop and both blush then come get breakfast. We eat quickly because we don't want to be even more late to school than what we already are. We don't catch the bus because we missed it so we all walk. It's a nice day but kind of cold so I wore a scarf and Jacob wore his beanie. We get to school late and we all go to 2nd session, Italian. The teacher talks in Italian and never English, as she doesn't really understand English much. We all sit at the back of the class and muck around on our phones.

It's now the last session before home time and Breeze and Jace aren't in our class. Just me and Jacob and a couple of other weirdos. I sit with this nice group of girls and Jacob sits with some boys.
The girls are winding me up and I get a bit mad. "Stop!" I keep telling them but the don't listen. They're making fun of Jacob and I hate it when people do that. He looks over at me and I look at him then look away with no expression on my face. I don't even smile at him.

*Via text*
"What's wrong baby?" Jacob messages me.
"These girls are pissing me off" I text back then roll my eyes and turn my phone off.

*Via real life*
"Sir can I go to the toilet?" I ask the teacher.
"Be quick please" He replies.

I leave the class and go to the toilet. I just needed to get out of that classroom. Those girls were annoying the crap out of me. When I walk back in I see Jacob sitting in my spot so I sit in his until he's finished doing whatever he's doing but I overhear their conversation.

"Can you stop annoying my girlfriend!" Jacob sternly tells them. But they just laugh at him.
"Stop fucking pissing her off okay!" He yells at them quietly and they all have serious looks on their faces now.

He then gets back up and comes towards me so I get up and go back to my seat. He sits down in his seat and looks at me. "Thankyou" I mouth to him. He smiles and looks away. The rest of the lesson they don't bother me or talk to me at all.

When the bell went Jacob walked me home.

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