Chapter 10

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*Still Jacobs pov*
I then see her slide down one of her walls crying so much. I can at least go and talk to her to sort this out.

It's late at night and her parents are probably asleep so I knock on her window. She opens it then turns around and sits on her bed. I go and sit next to her. Both in tears, we hug each other. The hug lasts a long time but then she pulls away.

*Y/n pov*
"Why would you do that?" I ask while bawling my eyes out.
"Do what?" He replies wiping my tears away.
"Oh come on Jacob don't act like you don't know what you did"
"Look babe, I'm sorry for everything I've done in the past couple of days. I get really jealous when I see you with other guys. You're mine and only mine, other guys don't see that, they want to try win you over. I hope you understand. I think you shouldn't see Brandon anymore until he gets it through his head that you're taken"
"Okay whatever but I can hang out with whoever I want" I roll my eyes.
"Well I'll always be here for you whenever you need me. You're my girl and I will love you forever" He grabs my hand.
"I love you too Jacob but I think you should go" I look down at our hands.

He gets up and leaves through the window while I shut it behind him. Who does Jacob think he is telling me who I can hang out with and who not. I just need some space from him for a while. I might hang out with Brandon tomorrow just to prove to him that Brandons not a bad guy. I lay down in bed and go to sleep.

Saturday, 2nd July

*Via text*
"Hey Brandon wanna hang out today?" I text him.
"Yeah sure, where?"
"Basketball courts again?"
"Alright, see you there at about 10:00am" he says.
"See ya"

I have enough time to eat breakfast and get ready. We meet at the basketball courts and once again I'm wearing a sports bra and some basketball shorts. We finished the game and he won this time. Afterwards we go get some ice cream then go back to my place. We go upstairs into my room.

"So how's you and Jacob?" He asks.
"Um were having a bit of space" I ask confused on why he would be interested.
"Right. So is it okay for me to do this?"

Brandon gets on top of me and starts kissing me. He kisses my neck and I moan. "So that's your sweet spot?" he says. "Brandon I'm dating Jacob" he keeps kissing my sweet spot and it makes me moan lots. Thankfully my parents aren't home. I try push him off of me but I can't. He grinds on me. "Brandon stop!" I yell. He's still kissing my neck so I put my hand there so he can't kiss it no more. He moves it away and keeps kissing it "Brandon can you not" I moan and moan and moan. "Oh hell nah!" I hear someone yell. Jacob? "Brandon get off!" Jacob comes bolting through my front door, up the stairs and into my room. "Brandon what the fuck are you doing?!" He says whilst pulling Brandon off of me "Get the fuck out of here" he yells. Brandon then walks away "Call me babe and we can finish this off" Brandon says whilst winking and smirking.

"I'm so glad you're here" I wrap my arms around Jacob. "I'm so sorry for not listening to you. If I did then this wouldn't have happened" I get a bit shaky.
"Y/n it's okay. We all make mistakes... Unless you liked it?"
"No no no babe. I didn't like one bit of it. Only you can do that to me" I refuse.
"I'm glad you're okay" We hug again.
"Me too" I smile.
"I've got something fun for us to do tonight" he says smirking.
"I wonder what it is" I smirk back.
"You'll just have to wait and see" he shows me his million dollar smile.

The rest of the day we just chill in my room and watch Netflix. I fall asleep with my head on his chest and wake up after a while.

"Alright babe I'm going to the shops to get something quickly. I'll be back soon" He kisses my forehead.

He leaves then gets back a bit later.

"What's in the bag?" I ask laughing.
"You will see in a second babe" He laughs back.

"Here get changed into this" He says a couple of seconds later and hands me one of his sweatshirts.

I go into my bathroom and get changed. I don't wear any pants because his sweatshirt is long. I just wear nickers.

"Okay so now can you tell me what we're doing?" I laugh again.
"Come here" Jacob bites his lip.

He grabs my hand and pulls me then lays me on the bed. He gets on top of me and kisses my neck. He stops and sits up so I do too. I take his shirt off and he takes mine off. I'm just in my nickers with no bra on and he's in his boxers. "Baby take your nickers off. I can't get in with them on" he smirks. "What?" I say laughing. He pulls the condoms out of the bag. "Yess babe! I've been waiting to do this with you for so long" I rip the box open carefully and take one out. "Then why haven't you asked to do this?" "Because we were too young Jacob. Now that we're 18 we can finally do it. And one day without the condoms if you know what I mean" I say winking and opening up the packet. "Here you go. Put it on" I hand him the unwrapped condom. "Can you put it in for me?" He asks. I laugh "Okay". He takes his boxes off. Damn his dick is big. I slide it on carefully so that it doesn't rip. "Okay we're good to go" Jacob says as he lays me back down. "I don't know how to do this" he says laughing "Tell me if I hurt you. Ill try do it slowly". He slides down and lines everything up. He slowly goes inside me. As he does it he kissed my boobs so that I can get distracted. Once it's in he goes up to my lips and we kiss. He moves back and forth slowly. "Babe when are your parents coming home?" "They're in New York remember" "Good" he says breathing heavily. He's rocking the bed lots now. "Harder Jacob!" I yell. He goes harder and I moan "Ughhh Jacob, ugh, baby harder" We roll over so I'm on top of him now. He grabs my bum and pushes it up against his body so that he gets more into me. He slaps my bum gently. "Take this fucking condom off" I say huffing and puffing. We stop and he takes the condom off and throws it in the bin. I get back on top of him and he slides it in again. "Ugh Jacob" "Baby scream my name" "Jacob!" "Baby louder!" "Jacob! Jacob! Ugh" "ugh" I keep moaning "ugh"
"Baby I want to get pregnant" I say.
"Baby I want you to get pregnant" he replies. "Jacob get me pregnant"
"Babe shut up and let me do my job" he kisses my belly then crawls up to my neck. Getting my sweet spot again.
"Ugh" "Jacob!" "Baby!"

This goes on for awhile...

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