Chapter 14

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Thursday, 7th July

We wake up and go to school. This is gonna be our last day. We go to the office and tell the principal that we're gonna drop out but we don't tell him why. He's fine with it so we go to first session and start the beginning of our last day. I have art and Jacobs not in my class. I have one of my close friends though, her name is Hailey and we've been friends since 7th grade. She's really nice and super pretty, I love her.

"So today's my last day" I tell her.
"What do you mean?" Hailey asks confused.
"I'm dropping out"
"No please don't. Why?" She looked like she was on the verge of crying but honestly she doesn't need me, she's in the popular group and we never really talked too much at school anyway. We'd always hang out after school but ever since she's became one of the 'populars' I feel like she's sort of forgotten about me.
"Just some personal things. I might tell you later on" I smile.
"Naww okay" She hugs me and I hug back.


The bell goes and it's the end of school. Jacob comes and picks me up from my class and we walk to Jacobs house. His parents are on a holiday to see his grandparents in New York so they won't be home for a couple of days. Jacob brings me a snack and we sit on his lounge cuddling up to each other.

"Where do you want to live?" I ask him.
"Well do you want to live somewhere around here or a bit further away?"
"Maybe a bit further away?" I question.
"Okay" He agrees.

We get in the car and drive for a bit until we find some houses for sale. "Ooh lets look at this one" I point out the window as he pulls over to park. We get out the car and walk inside.

A bit later on we arrive back at Jacobs place and we've finally decide on a house. We're gonna go back there tomorrow to put an offer in.

*Breezes pov*
Jace and I have been hanging out lots lately. He's been coming over mine and I've been going over his. One night I went to his and he was acting really weird. He picked me up and took me to his room. He layed me on the bed and got on top of me.

*Jaces pov*
I then grinded on her. Kissing her I rolled her over so that she's on top. As she pulls on my hair gently I ask her "Breeze do you want to use one of these?" I show her a condom. "Yes!" She says with excitement and that instantly turns me on. I put it on and get ready. We've now been doing this for 5 minutes. I kiss her whilst moving the bed back and forth.

*Breezes pov*
I grab onto the sheets because he's going fast, I don't care though, I just keep kissing him. He puts his hands above me and plays with my hair. After we've finished we go to bed. I sleep with my head resting on his chest and he has his hand on my back. It was a good night.

*Vi text*
"Y/n?" I sent as I thought I have to tell her what happened last night.
"Last night I slept at Jaces house again and we did 'it'"
"Are you pregnant?" She replies and I laugh at the fact that a couple of days ago I said that to her and everything was the other way around.
"No we used a condom"
"That's so good Breeze!"
"It was amazing" I smile at my phone.
"Yeah it feels amazing doesn't it"
And with that last message she sent, I turn my phone off and start to think about last night, wishing I could go back.

*Y/n pov*

*Via text*
"Hey Kaitlin!"
"Oh hey Y/n! How are you?"
"I'm good thanks, and you?"
"Yeah good thank you"
"Want to catch up tomorrow?"
"Sure, who's house?"
"Yours?" I feel guilty asking.
"Okay, come over at about 12"
"Okay see you then"
"Bye" She ends the conversation.

Friday, 8th July

I wake up the next morning and look in the mirror. Already a little bump. I get dressed, have breakfast, do a couple of things around the house then leave to go to kaitlins. Her house is just across the road so I walk. When I step on the drive way I see Mark outside watering the garden next door. "Hey mark. Your gardens looking good" I always see him outside watering his lawn. "Thank you" He replied and I walked inside to see kaitlin. Mark and Kaitlin dropped out of school too, before Jacob and I did in fact. They couldn't handle it anymore since Kaitlin was already a couple of months pregnant and the bump was becoming really visible.

"Oh my god you're pregnant too?" I say shocked as I noticed how big her belly is.
"Yes! Are you?" She says in confusion.
"Yeah, only a couple of days though which is why I don't have a big bump yet" I laugh.
"A couple of days? Wow! I'm more like a couple of months"

We both laugh then sit down and catch each other up on our lives. It was good meeting her again. She's such a lovely person. When I go home I lay down on my bed and think about my very own life.

*In y/n thoughts*
My life is great. Kaitlin and Mark are having a baby soon. Breeze and Jace are together. And Jacob and I are having a baby soon. We're also getting married and moving into a house in a couple of weeks. Life is great!

Saturday, 9th July

Today I decided to catch up with Hailey. I go to hers and she realises the baby bump.

"Are you pregnant?" She instantly says as soon as she sees me walk in the door.
"Yes" I laugh at how everyone's reaction is the same.
"Oh my god congratulations!" She hugs me and squeezes me with happiness.
"So who's the special man in your life?" I ask out of curiosity.
"Oh you know Brandon?" She questions.
"Brandon Rowland?" My heart skipped a beat at the thought of his name.
"Yeah, he's such a babe, why?"
"Oh we used to be good mates that's all" I lied.
"Really? We're getting married in a couple of months maybe you should come along.
"A couple of months? Wow! So are Jacob and I. When did he propose?"
"Just a few weeks ago. What about you?"
"A few days ago. Gee so many special events coming up"
"I know right" We both laugh.

When I found out that she was marrying Brandon I didn't know how to react. I couldn't tell her about Brandon and all the things he's done to me. I guess that it's in the past and I should forget about it. Maybe Brandon and I could become good friends again? Hopefully he has forgotten about it... About me.

We chat for a bit longer until she feels the baby kick and starts to not feel good. Brandon comes over and takes care of it. It becomes a bit awkward so I go home before he has the chance to speak to me. Then Jacob comes over and we go to the local pool. He's such a good swimmer and he looks so attractive in his bather shorts. He can do all these backflips into the pool and other amazing tricks whereas compared to me all I can do is a front flip. We muck around for a bit then go get something to eat for dinner. Whilst we're having dinner I tell Jacob about everyone. About Breeze and Jace, Kaitlin and Mark, and Hailey and Brandon. After dinner we go back to our own places. I have a shower and get ready for bed. Before I go to bed I post a photo of Jacob proposing to me on Instagram. Captioning it 'fiancé 💍💗'. The post goes viral within seconds. I like a couple of the reposts and edits then go to sleep.

It's crazy to think that just one person can mean so much to you. And in this case, that one person is Jacob, the one who I met in the Starbucks line that very day after I landed in Virginia. And at that exact moment, I knew it was Love At First Sight.

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