Chapter 7

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"I dare you and Kaitlin to make out for 5 minutes"
"Right here?" I ask shocked.
"No, in the spare room"
"Oh okay" I say relieved.

*Y/n pov*
Mark looks at Kaitlin and smiles. She blushes. They go up stairs and into the spare room locking the door behind them. Jacob and I set a timer for five minutes so that when the five minutes is up we can call them to come back down stairs.

*Marks pov*
As soon as I locked that door I grabbed her face, lifted it up and kissed it, her lips are so soft and kissable. Kaitlin had her hands around my neck. I took my shirt off and she took hers off too. There was a bed in the middle of the room going to no use so I decided to lay her down on it and get on top of her.

*Kaitlins pov*
Mark layed me on the bed and got on top of me. He started kissing my neck then went to my lips again. He is the best kisser. I never want this to end. We are getting so into it when I hear something from down stairs "Mark and Kaitlin you can come down now!" I just ignore it and keep kissing him. About 2 minutes later there are knocks on the door. We stop kissing and Mark then asks me something. "Kaitlin" he pauses. "Will you go out with me?"
"Of course I will go out with you!" I reply shocked.
"I love you"
"Mark you're such a cutie. I love you too"
We put our clothes on then go back down stairs.

"Mark why is your shirt off?" Jacob smirks.
"I got a bit hot" He looks at me then the floor.
"Okay Mark, ask someone" Jacob laughs.
"Jacob truth or dare?"
"I dare you and y/n to make out for 10 minutes"

*Y/n pov*
He grabs my hand and leads me up to my room and we make out. Its nothing special because we always make out. The time is up and I'm tired so I tell Jacob that I'm going to sleep. He goes down stairs to tell Mark and Kaitlin and while he does that I get changed into one of his shirts. "Y/n and I are going to sleep now. You guys can sleep in the spare room. Good night" "Good night" Kaitlin and Mark say in unison. Jacob comes back in and sees me in bed closing my eyes. He turns all the lights off, shuts the door and comes lay down beside me. He wraps his arm around me and whispers in my ear "Good night my baby girl"
"Good night my baby boy" I say back smiling.

Tuesday, 27th June

The next morning I wake up, take a shower, get dressed, and go down stairs to make some breakfast for all of us. Kaitlin wakes up and comes down to help. We are making scrambled eggs on toast with some bacon. The boys wake up and come hug us from behind. Turning us around they kiss us. We head back to work while the boys set the table. After breakfast we all go to the park. Jacob and I show them the tree that we engraved our initials on and they decide to engrave their initials too.

"So are yous like a thing now?" Jacob asks.
"Yeah" mark says smiling.
"Since when?" I say in excitement.
"Last night" Kaitlin blushes.
"See I knew you didn't take your shirt off for no reason Mark" Jacob nudges him and we all laugh.

This week is the last week of holidays before school starts again so we wanted to make the most of it. We hung out with some friends and had a little party. About an hour before the guests were meant to arrive we set everything up and made the house look neat and tidy with some treats on the kitchen table as well. It was now time for the party and all the guests are here. We are having so much fun.

The party's been going on for about an hour now and Brandon comes up to me.
"Hey Y/n!"
"Oh hey Brandon! Glad to see you're enjoying the party"
"Yeah its great fun. Can you show me where the bathroom is? I just want to see if my hair looks fine"
"Yeah sure" I show him where it is and he pulls me in with him.

He locks the door and I ask "umm Brandon what are you doing? I'm dating Jacob".
"I know but you should be dating me" He pulls me in and kisses my lips.
"Brandon I'm dating Jacob. stop! JACOB!! JACOB HELP!" I yell hoping Jacob would hear me.
"No you're staying here with me" He pulls me closer.
Mark comes up stairs and into the bathroom.
"Um Jacob, come look at what your girlfriend is doing!" He yells down stairs.
"Brandon get off of me" I try breaking free but he pushes me up against the wall and kisses me.
"Y/n what are you doing? Brandon?"
"Babe he came onto me! You know I would never do that to you!" I say finally relieved that he's stopped.
"No y/n you came onto me. Stop making things up" Brandon rolls his eyes.
"Well I don't know who to believe here. I'm calling the party off and you can all go home" Jacob walks away angrily "Inluding you y/n"
"Jacob are you seriously not going to believe me. I love you so much and you should know by now that I will never do anything like that to you" I say heart broken.
"I don't know y/n" He runs a hand through his hair. I hug him but he doesn't hug back.

I run home crying. Locking myself in my bedroom, I sit on my window seat staring out to see Jacob doing the same thing, although not crying. He stares at me for a while. Then a tear comes rolling down his face. He turns around so I can't see him and he buries his face in his hands.

*Jacobs pov*
I don't know why I didn't believe her. I know she wouldn't do anything like that. I was having a really bad day so far because some people at the party were winding me up. I took it out on y/n and I didn't mean to. I've lost her. She will never forgive me. All I can do is try so 'll message her later, I want to give her some space.

*Y/n pov*
I can't believe Jacob didn't pick my side. I was 100% telling the truth and he still didn't believe me. I really love him. He means so much to me. And it would be so disrespectful if I were to do such a thing to him. I might forgive him but I'm not sure yet.

Then I get a text from Jacob.

*Via text*
"Hey y/n"
"Hey :( "
"Why the sad face babe?" He turns around and looks at me through the window. Pulling the saddest sad face he could ever pull.
"You didn't believe me..."
"I know and I'm so sorry babe. I was have a bad day ever since the party started. Some boys were winding me up and I didn't tell you because you were having fun, but I eventually had enough and I accidentally took it out on you. I'm so sorry baby. Forgive me?"
"Yes I'll forgive you. But please try not to do it again"
"I will try my hardest"
"Are we still together?"
"Okay good, I thought we weren't and I was going to have a heart attack" I look up into Jacobs room and realise he's not sitting there anymore.

"Jacob!" I scream. "What are you doing here?"
"I missed you. I'm sorry babe" He hugs me.
"It's alright" I smile.

We decide to bake a cake. Well this is going to be fun!

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