Chapter 5

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Sunday 25th, June

I wake up and Jacobs still asleep. I take a while to admire how cute he looked. I then get up and go to the bathroom to clean myself up and get dressed. When I'm done in the bathroom I head back to Jacobs room. He's not in there? "Jacob?" I say hoping he would answer back. But then I feel someone come up behind me and hug me tight. Swaying me side to side Jacob says "Good morning baby" "Good morning babe" I reply. We go down stairs, get breakfast and say hi to his family.

"So what did you two do last night?" His mum asked.
"Nothing really, we just watched a movie" Replied Jacob.
"We watched.... um.... The Pirates of the Caribbean. You know, Jacobs favourite movie?" I said trying to sound as confident as possible.
"Oh yeah. Sounds like fun" She said laughing.

We finish eating breakfast and talking to his family, then head back up stairs.

"Want to go to the park?" Jacob says.

When we get to the park we go sit on one of the benches. "It's a bit cold" I say shivering and rubbing my arms. "Here have my jumper" he says as he takes his jumper off.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to be cold"
"It's fine I'll just snuggle up to you" He smiles.

After about 15 minutes of sitting and snuggling up to each other we decide to engrave our initials on a tree. "How about this tree?" Jacob points to a beautiful, fresh oak tree. He starts engraving our initials and '23rd June' whilst I draw the love heart around it after the artworks complete. We step back, smile at each other, and lightly kiss.

*buzz buzz*

*Via text*
"Y/n can you please come home now? Your father and I want to talk to you about something"
"Okay Mum. Be there soon"

*Via real life*
"Who was it?"
"My Mum. She wants me to come home now. My parents have to tell me something"
"Okay I hope it's nothing too serious. I'll walk you home"
"Thanks Jacob" I smile as we start to walk away holding hands.

"Thank you for walking me home" I say as we reach my door step.
"Anytime" He kisses my cheek.
"I'll text you later"
"Okay. Bye beautiful" We hug then go our seperate ways.

I walk inside and to be honest with you, I'm a bit nervous. I see mum and Dad both sitting on the couch looking at me as I walk to them. "What is it?" I ask them curiously as I sit down. "Your father got a job here so unfortunately we're going to have to live here. We're truly sorry" My Mum explained.
"No that's good! I'm so proud of you Dad. Congratulations!" I kiss him on the cheek.
'I have to tell Jacob this!' I thought. He's going to be sooooo happy!
"But what about all your friends and memories you've made back home?" Mum asks me.
"I can face time them and still keep in touch with them and I can make new memories and friends here" I tell her.
"Thank you sweetie!" Dad says.
"No, thank you!" I reply.
If it wasn't for Dad then I wouldn't be able to stay here with Jacob. I'm so happy right now. I hug my parents and run up stairs straight away to tell Jacob the good news.

*Via text*
"What's wrong babe? Are you Okay?"
"Yes I'm fine! I have some good news to tell you!"
"Really? Me too, you go first"
"I get to stay in Virginia... I'm living here!"
"Omg that's so good babe! How come?"
"My Dad got a job here. Anyway, what's your good news?"
"Well I don't know if it's that good but I'm moving house and apparently it's close to yours"
"That's great! Where exactly is it?"
"I don't know but we are moving in tomorrow afternoon"
"Okay I'll come see you when you move in"
"What are you doing tonight?
"I think I'm celebrating with my family, why?"
"Oh I was gonna see if you wanted to go watch a movie but it's fine"
"I can ask if you can come?"
"It's fine, don't worry about it babe"
"I'm going to ask Jacob, you're coming with us" I laugh at my phone.

*Yells out to mum*
"Hey Mum can Jacob come tonight?"
"Yeah. Tell him we will pick him up along the way at about 5:30pm"
"Okay thankyou!"

*Via text*
"Mum said you can come! Dress casual. We will come pick you up at 5:30pm"
"Okay. Thankyou so much! See you later"

5:30 comes around and we just arrive at Jacobs. I walk up to the door and knock. Jacob opens it and walks out. "Bye Mum, I'll be back later!" He yells. "Have fun sweetie, remember to use your manners!" She yells back.

We drive to the restaurant, walk in and sit at the table, when all of a sudden someone walks past and spills their red wine all over my white top. "What the heck!" I yell angrily. "I'm so so sorry" This young lady panics. "Here I'll take you to the bathroom" Jacob grabs my hand.

We walk to the unisex bathroom to find that it was completely empty. There was no one in there except for us.

"Here, wear my jumper to cover up the stain"
"Thank you babe"
Jacob kisses me on the lips and it turns into a heated make out session. We are then rudely interrupted by someone barging in on us.

"Uh hey mum, what are you doing?" I say nervously stepping away from Jacob.
"Sweetie are you okay!"
"Yeah Mum I'm fine. I'll just wear Jacobs jumper"
"Aww Jacob that's sweet"
He smiles and blushes.

We then walk back to our table. After dinner Mum said that if Jacob wanted to sleepover he could. Of course he said yes. When we got to mine it was late so we decided to go outside, lay on the grass, and watch the stars. "This is beautiful" He breathes a sigh of relaxation. "Tell me about it" We look at each other and smile. We then kiss and he gets on top of me. A couple of minutes later I stop and push him off.

"Jacob maybe we shouldn't... do this out here where my Mum can probably see us" I whisper and look around.
"Oh true" He laughs and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he takes me up stairs into my bedroom locking the door behind him. He lays me on my bed and starts kissing me. We kiss for about 20 minutes until I stop and say to him...

"Maybe we should have some fun tonight?"
"On the bed?"
"Yep" I say with a wink.

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