Chapter 13

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*Via text*
"Hey Breeze! Wanna come over?" I asked her.
"Yeah sure, I'll be right over"

*Via real life*
Breeze gets here and we chill out in my room for a bit. We're drawing outfits on some mannequins when we hear some guys yell "oooh!!" We look over into Jacobs room and see him, Jace, and a couple of others playing the PlayStation. "Can you keep it quiet over there" I yell whilst laughing "We're trying to have a girls day" Breeze adds. "Sorry ladies" They all yell at the same time then go back to playing their game.

"So how are you and Jace?" I ask.
"Yeah we're good. He's taking me out Friday night" She tells me.
"Oh that's sweet" I reply.
"Yeah. What about you and Jacob?"
"Well there's something I need to tell you" I looked into her beautiful brown eyes.
"What is it?" She says looking concerned.
"Um... Jacob and I... Did 'it'" I explain.
"Wait up, you actually did 'it'" By now she has a shocked expression on her face.
"Yep" I say laughing.
"Like a couple of days before school started"
"And are you pregnant?"
"I don't know, I haven't taken a test" I quietly say.
"Then let's go take one" She whispers and I just laugh.
"Wait, right now?"
"Yeah come on!"
"Alright" I roll my eyes and laugh at how eager she is.

We go to the shops and buy a pregnancy test then come back home. I go into the bathroom and Breeze waits impatiently in my bedroom. "Y/n have you done it yet?"
"What does it say?"
"Are you pregnant!" She keeps asking.
"Geez wait a second woman, I'm reading"
"Oh y/n stop being a pussy and shove it up there"
"Breeze you don't 'shove it up there'. You wee on it" I explain and laugh.
After a couple of minutes I come out looking sad...

"What did it say!" She asks right as I open the door.
I point to my face hoping she'd figure out the idea of what it said.
"Aw babe I'm sorry. Let's go buy another test! Maybe it's wrong" She hugs me.
"I'm joking" I burst out laughing.
"What?" She says in confusion.
"I'm pregnant!" I exclaim.
"You are?"
"Yes!" I hold her hands and jump up and down.
"OH MY GOD YOU'RE PREGNANT" She yells and jumps up and down too.
I can't believe Jacob and the boys didn't hear.

We have a little party to celebrate. "I can't wait to tell everyone the news" I say happily. "You and Jacob will be the best parents" my best friend adds. Breeze stays over for a bit longer before she has to leave. When she leaves I do a couple of things around the house then I go upstairs into my room and open up my laptop. 'Baby names' I search up. There's a massive list of both boy and girl names. I just look at them but don't decide because it's a decision Jacob and I have to make together. I'm kind of nervous and scared for what this baby has to bring and I'm only 18, but I guess it's a risk I'll have to take.
It's nearly time to go to sleep so I lay in bed and check my social medias.

Instagram; I post the photo that Breeze and Jace took of me and Jacob when we were sleeping. 'Excited for the future with him 🙈👫' I caption it.

Snapchat; I take a selfie with the dog filter. 'Happy girl ☺️'

Twitter; I hesitate before I tweet 'Got some exciting news for you all! 😝💖'

Jacob likes my tweet then immediately texts me as his friends all left a couple of hours ago.

*Via text*
"Baby girl why you so happy?"
"I've got some exciting news for you"
"IM PREGNANT!" I send a bit nervous as I don't know how he'll react.
"Oh my gosh really y/n?"
"Yes baby!"
"That's great! When did you find out?"
"A couple of hours ago when Breeze was here, I took a pregnancy test"
"I'm so happy for you... For us"
"Me too! But it's getting late so I should probably get to sleep"
"Okay I'll come see you tomorrow. Maybe we don't have to go to school. I love you"
"I love you too! Good night my baby boy" I smile.
"Good night my baby girl 💗" Jacob sends back.

Wednesday, 6th July

The next morning I wake up and get ready for school. Thank gosh I don't have a baby bump yet. I walk down stairs to leave for school when I see Jacob in his pyjamas standing in the doorway.
"What are you doing?" I ask him in confusion.
"What are you doing?" he says laughing.
"Going to school?" I say still confused.
"I thought we were staying home?" He says in more of a question form.
"Oh yeah that's right" I laugh then go back up stairs and change.
"Jacob, sweatshirt?" I yell down stairs. He goes to get one then comes back. "Thanks babe" I smile, and as he gives it to me he sees me getting undressed.

"Woah babe! The bump is starting to come"
"Where?" I instantly freak out.
"Look" He points to the so called 'bump'.
"Funny" I say laughing. "That's just my fat"
"No babe you don't have any fat, it's the bump!" He says filled with excitement.
"Hmm okay, we'll go to the doctors another day" I give him an assuring smile.
"Alright, so what do you want to do today?" He says as I slide his sweatshirt on.
"I don't really know" I reply.
"How bout we go to the beach?"
"Jacob isn't it a bit too cold for that?" I laugh at how cute he is.
"Na not really. If it gets cold we can bring blankets and everything"
"Okay then" I agree with his decision.

*Jacobs pov*
I wanted to take y/n to the beach because I've been needing to for a while now. I have to ask her something major and I feel like the beach would be a pretty view. But maybe at night for the sunset and that way there will hopefully be less people.

"But do you think we could go at night time to watch the sunset?" I ask.
"Yeah, anything, I don't mind" She replies in her cute little voice.

Later that night we get ready to go. "Wear something nice like a casual dress or something" I tell y/n. I then go back to my house to get all dressed up myself. When I'm finished and all ready to go, I return to my girlfriends place wearing jeans and a really nice buttoned up shirt. "Ready to go?" I ask her stunning self. She dressed up in a nice pink skinny dress which fitted her tiny body perfectly. "Yep".
We then hold hands and walk to the beach because its quite close. When we get there there's a camera set up looking out into the water. I take her hand and we stand in front of it 

"Jacob what is this?" I hear her sexy voice ask me.
I then lean down on one knee and start my sentence. "Y/n..."
"Oh my gosh!" She interrupts.
"Will you marry me?" The camera flash goes off as soon as I finish my sentence and look up to my soon-to-be wife.
"Of course Jacob! Yes!" She says so excitedly.

*Y/n pov*
I jump into his arms and he swings me around whilst kissing me. He then puts me down and slides the ring onto my wedding finger. We ask the photographers to take a couple of proposal pictures for us. After we finish at the beach we go back to Jacobs.

"Jacob I think I want to drop out of year 12" I say sitting on the lounge.
"Why?" He asks as he sits down next to me.
"Well because of the baby" I simply tell him.
"I'll drop out too then"
"No Jacob you should stay"
"Y/n if you're dropping out then I am too" he gives me an assuring smile.
"Okay well we should sort this out tomorrow" I smile back.
"Yep, but anyway, what do you want for dinner?"
"Ooh are you cooking?" I ask surprised since normally I'm the one cooking for Jacob.
"Just for my fiancé" He smirks.
"Well in that case you can surprise me" I give him a goofy smile.

He finished cooking and we are now eating it at the dinner table.
"This is the best" I say with a mouth full of food.
"Thank you" He says laughing at the mouthful of food I have.
"Maybe we should get a house together Y/n?" He questions in a sort of serious tone.
"Yes! Let's go looking at some tomorrow" I reply maybe a little too excited.

After dinner we go up to his room and lay in bed. He holds my hand, gets his phone out and goes on snap chat. He takes a photo of us holding hands getting the ring in the picture as well 'Future 🙈👫💖' he captions it as you can see my ring shining from the flash.

"Y/n I'm so happy you said yes. You mean the world to me and I never want to lose you. You are such an amazing person and love you so much" I hear him say and feel his lips touch the top of my head.
"Thank you for proposing Jacob. I can't wait to start a whole new life with you. I love you too" I look up, peck him on the lips, then move my head back to his chest and close my eyes whilst falling asleep.

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