Ch 10- Everybody Love's Games

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Warning-MXM slash and Alcohol abuse with some sexual scenes and strong language.

Cassie sat in one of the armchairs by the fire Isaac handed her a sketch pad which used to belong to Noah "Noah would have wanted you to have this" Isaac said she looked at the black leather book and looked through the drawing's that were mostly of her.

Cassie closed the book and hid her face in Adrian's chest he wrapped his arms around her gently "Cassie Noah wouldn't want you to get upset" he replied.

Cassie looked up at him then spoke "Lucifer is going down now I don't know about all of you but I'm going to call it a night" she said heading for her room when Meredith spoke "Come on Cassie let's all play Truth or Dare it will be fun?" Meredith asked.

"Ok fine let's do it" she said.

They all sat in a circle "Ok I'll start Truth or Dare Cassie?" Meredith asked.

"I choose Truth" Cassie replied.

Meredith smiled then spoke "Ok have you ever taken the next step with anyone and if so who?" Meredith asked.

"That's actually two questions but in answer to your questions I haven't taken the sex step" Cassie said.

Isaac and Kato didn't approve of the question Meredith had asked they hated any talk of Cassie's personal life.

"Ok Kato Truth or Dare?" Cassie asked

Kato Smiled "Dare" he said as she met his gaze Cassie thought for a moment then spoke

"I dare you and Isaac to play seven minutes in Heaven" Cassie said.

Kato looked puzzled then Isaac whispered something to him "Oh ok that sounds fun" Kato said as he took Isaac's hand into the other room.

Meanwhile in the other room Kato felt Isaac kiss him softly all the way down to his torso he let out a few moans as his hands roamed Isaac's body.

"Are you sure you want to do this Kato?" Isaac asked looking at the younger male beneath him who just nodded pulling him closer.

"Fuck you smell so good" Kato whispered Isaac smiled then pretended to shake his head

"Language my dear boy" he replied as Kato snuggled up against him.

Isaac used his sharp nail to draw a line of his blood on his shoulder "Drink Babe" he said Kato started to lap up the blood.

"Time's up" Cassie said from the door

Isaac and Kato re appeared in different clothes and sat back into the circle.

"Ok Brooklyn Truth or Dare?" Kato asked.

"I chose Dare" he said.

"I dare you to get drunk" Kato said.

Brooklyn smiled and magiced up a tray of shots and started to down them.

"Trust me my father is a bad drunk" Meredith said as she knew their would be some fireworks Brooklyn felt dizzy and then made his way over to Isaac and Kato.

"Your beautiful both of you care to partake in a three-way?" he asked.

"Brooklyn I think you need to go sleep it off" Isaac said Brooklyn got up to his feet and wished Meredith and Cassie a good night then spoke before leaving for his room "Your loss gents" he said before disappearing.

"Let's end the game here I'm exhausted" Meredith said heading for her room after checking on her father who was passed out on his bed "Don't worry Meredith your father will have a huge headache in the morning but apart from that he will be fine" Isaac said.

Meredith nodded and went to bed Adrian spoke to Cassie "Look about earlier I don't know what got into me I figured you must hate me?" he asked.

"Adrian I don't hate you I love you" Cassie replied sparking a very jealous Raphael to pounce on Adrian as they started to fight one another.

"Both of you stop this you're hurting me" Cassie said sadly both Raphael and Adrian stopped and just stood there glaring at each other.

Dallas took Raphael into their room, Isaac and Kato had gone to bed to after warning Adrian not to hurt Cassie. Enzo and Romeo went to hunt and Daryl and Blade went with them.

"I meant what I said earlier that I've never took the next step I want it to be with you" Cassie said.

"Cassie I don't know whether I will be able to stop" Adrian announced.

"I trust you now let's do this thing" she said as she started to kiss Adrian she placed her legs around his waist he quickly broke the kiss "Fuck you don't know what you're doing to me Cassie" he replied as he placed her on his bed.

Elsewhere a group of humans gathered at the town hall for a very special meeting which would be led by the Circle the élite few hunters who tried to restore balance by eliminating all supernaturals.

"Our brave young Ontari has built a weapon that will be activated at the carnival next week and will weaken these monsters enough so we can trap and kill them" the mayor said.

The crowd cheered a young teenage boy about 17 stood up in front of all these people "My name is Eastwood leader of the Circle and I promise you no human is going to suffer at the hands of these monsters we have been the victims for too long now and it's time things changed" he said.

"Unfortunately two young human girls have been blinded by the supernatural and have sided with them I want these two found anyone caught Sympathising with these beasts will suffer the same fate" Eastwood yelled.

"Here are two pictures of those girls find them and bring them to me and you will be rewarded" Eastwood said.

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