Ch16-Nothing Else Matters

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Cassie joined the supernaturals after all they were here family now she glanced over the battle field to see Miss James trying to protect three small children from a few rebellious supernaturals.

Cassie hid her face and engaged these supernaturals in a fight "Get out of our way kings daughter" one of the vampires said baring his fangs at Cassie trying to scare her.

"No I will not let you hurt innocent humans" Cassie said bravely as she started to fight the vampire and Werewolf now in front of her the wolf had taken Cassie to the ground that's when someone jumped on the wolf and ripped it apart.

"Daryl" Miss James said shocked Cassie pulled down her hood and revealed her face Miss James hugged her and Daryl.

"Daryl get Miss James and her kids back to Brooklyn's they will be safe there" Cassie said

"What about you?" Daryl asked

"I need to help everyone and besides Romeo is still missing I know he's not dead but no one has seen him" Cassie explained.

"Ronnie my youngest daughter we got separated in the south wing she's only 1 please bring her back to me Cassie" Miss James said.

"Don't worry I'll find her on my life she will come back to you safe" Cassie said as she set of towards the south wing.

"Wait slow down kid what are you doing the south has been over run with hunters and humans who want to kill us?" Eric asked now in his human form not as the wolf.

"I need to do this I made a promise to someone that I can't break" Cassie said sadly as she started to walk of fighting her way towards the south wing.

Once Cassie arrived their hunters were everywhere she hid behind some of the statues as she watched some supernaturals being slaughtered then she saw Faidon lying on the ground nearby I silently went over to him and tried to fix his wound.

"Go they will see you" he replied

"No one else is going to die today so just hang in there" Cassie said

Four hunters appeared around us now "You killed Eastwood now you're going to die Cassie" Ontari said going to stake her when we both heard a crack and it was Lucifer he had twisted Ontari's neck and she fell to the ground.

"Anyone else want to try something stupid?" Lucifer asked

The three hunters took of out of Arcadia or what was left of the once great castle and the other hunters and humans followed suit.

A small crying sound could be heard from underneath some rubble Cassie got to her feet and walked over slowly in the direction of the sound and saw Ronnie she had a tear-stained face Cassie gently picked her up.

"Your safe now let's get you back to your mother" Cassie said Ronnie threw her arms around her neck and fell asleep.

"Why did you risk your life for me?" Faidon asked

"Were both Vampires it's what we do we look out for each other" Cassie explained Faidon smiled at her as he begun to heal.

We got back to the gym "Get that human monster out of her it's an abomination" Enzo said

"She's just a baby she's miss James youngest daughter I found her in the south wing" Cassie replied.

"Enzo cool it not all humans are bad" Isaac said.

Enzo nodded and backed off Meredith had begun to seem like her usual self after being shot Brooklyn hadn't left her side "I'm so glad your okay" he said hugging her she hugged him back.

"Everyone Brooklyn has kindly said that you can all take sanctuary in his home if you need it Hunters cannot get in" Isaac said.

Romeo appeared with Amy hand in hand "Hey what did we miss?" he asked

Cassie turned and smiled at Romeo and hugged him he hugged her back "I was worried about you" Cassie said.

"Don't be Amy saved me" Romeo explained.

Kato was still not talking to Isaac even after all this "Kato he needs you you're the only one for him" Cassie said.

"You really think so?" he asked.

"I know it" Cassie said.

Cassie watched as Kato went over to speak to Isaac she watched as they were quick to make up again.

Cassie smiled at Ronnie who was asleep in Isaac's arms most supernaturals declined Brooklyn's offer others didn't Morgan, Faidon, Tristan and Eric decided to join us back at Brooklyn's along with Eve.

At Brooklyn's place Miss Jame's children couldn't sleep "Kids I promise you Ronnie will be okay Cassie will get to her in time I just know it" Daryl said.

"But she's a vampire like you don't you drink human blood?" Miss James asked scared now

Daryl sat next to her "Hey look at me were not like that we don't attack humans we all acted back their in self defence because we were under attack" Daryl said.

"How many supernaturals died back there?" Miss James asked

"I'm not sure Isaac will know he became the king of the Supernatural world after his uncle Emanuel was murdered by Hunters" Daryl explained.

The portal opened "Wow that's pretty" one of the girls said as she saw the different swirly lights and was surprised to see Cassie appear holding Ronnie.

Miss James ran over and hugged Ronnie "Thank You" she said Cassie nodded then spoke

"You should get them all settled in one of the rooms because we have a lot more people coming back through the portals.

Lucifer appeared with Raphael and Adrian Cassie hugged all three of them they hugged her back "Lucifer why did you save me?" Cassie asked.

"I'm your sire your safety is my highest concern" Lucifer said

The others appeared through the portal all the humans shared one room while Cassie slept in the same room as Adrian, Raphael, Lucifer and Kato and Isaac.

Kato was getting ready for bed when Isaac got down on one knee and pulled out a small box "Kato Mayflower will you do me Isaac Dawson the highest honour of marrying you?" Isaac asked.

Kato couldn't speak but just smiled and nodded Cassie found it sweet and romantic the others secretly smiled at the pair of them.

"I'm sleeping on the sofa if that continues" Adrian joked looking over at Kato and Isaac who were making out amongst other things Kato threw something at Adrian who dodged it as they both laughed.

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