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Today was one of the days where it is surprisingly sunny. The pack decided to go to the beach and everything today. The guys were cliff diving, while the girls sat on the beach and talk to one another. "Okay, seeing how the guys are gone..." Tyler smiles as she looks at us. "Can we please talk boys." Emily sits up and smile.

"Oh, I'm in." The girls giggle and move closer together, not wanting anyone to hear them talking.

"Who first?" Tyler asks, causing the girls to give her confused looks. "Oh come on, none of you have done this before? We go around and tell each other different things about our guys that we likes." Emily smiles.

"Then you go first, tell us oh wise one." The girls laugh and Tyler rolls her eyes.

"Fine, I'll start with something small and grow bigger." She tells them. "Hmm... Okay, here's a small one. Jared talks in his sleep." Tyler says.

"So?" I say, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "What's the big deal?"

"When I say talk..." Tyler smiles. "I mean nothing innocent." The girls burst into laughter as Emily shakes her head.

"That's good. Okay, here's another good one, Sam still sleeps with a teddy bear." Everyone's eyes widen as we look at her.

"Big bad Sam is a stuff animal sleeper?" I ask, causing everyone to giggle.

"It was a gift from his mother when he was a baby, he can't sleep without it." I giggle and shake my head at her words. I knew Sam's mother died when he was little, but to sleep with his teddy bear, that's just too good.

"Okay, miss judgie, your turn to spill." Tyler says to me.

"Seth never sleeps over, so..." I shrug, causing everyone to sigh.

"Oh, come on, Amy, nothing?" Emily asks.

"Like I said, Seth never sleeps over. The only thing I got is that he loves getting his neck kissed." The girls shake her head and boo.

"That's lame." Luna says, causing us to look at her.

"Oh and you got better?" I ask her.

"I got Paul didn't I?"

"Oh and what does Paul, the all knowing, have?" Luna blushes and look down at the sand.

"A 9 inch." My eyes widen as my mouth drop open.

"No way." Tyler says shaking her head. "No way, Paul's that large." Tyler looks at Emily. "What about Sam?"

"8." Emily mumbles.

"Shit, are all the guys huge?" Tyler whispers.

"I thought you and Jared...." Luna trails off and looks at Tyler.

"Uh... he slept over, but we never... we wanted to wait for the right moment."

"You're a virgin." Emily says, causing Tyler's eyes to widen.

"Shut up." She hisses.

"Does Jared know?" I ask, causing Tyler to shake her head.

"No... I'm a bit nervous and now that I know Paul and Sam are huge.... I can only imagine what Jared has." I smile.

"When they phase they grow every where." Tyler hits my arm, turning bright red.

"Shut up."

"No wonder you want to wait to tell Seth everything after he phases." Emily says, causing me to glare.

"Oh shut it."

"What are you girls talking about?" All of us jump as we hear Jared.

"N-Nothing." Tyler says, growing red in the face. The guys look at us with a questioning look.

"Oh really?" Paul says. "You seem a bit red, Ty, maybe you shouldn't be sitting in the sun."

"Shut up." Tyler mumbles, unable to look Paul in the face. I giggle with Emily and Luna as Jared glances at his imprint.

"What were you four talking about?" He asks, now serious, causing me to giggle more.

"Not telling."

"Amy." Jared whines just as a howl fills the air, causing us all to fall silent.

"Let's go." Sam says, now in a serious tone.

"This conversation isn't over, darling." Jared says as he gives Tyler a quick kiss.

"We'll be back soon, Em." Sam says as he kisses his girlfriend. Watching Sam and Jared say goodbye to their imprints causing my heart to ache because Seth can't be here for me to do the same. It's times like this that I think I should tell Seth.

"Come on, babe." Paul says as he helps Luna to her feet.

"You coming, Amy?" Jared asks, causing me to shake out of my daze and look at him.

"Yeah, come on." I say as the five of us head into the woods and quickly phase into our wolves.

'What the hell.' We hear run through our heads. 'What's going on? Why do I have paws.'

'Sounds to be only one.' Sam says as he leads the pack to where the new wolf was. 'Can you hear us?' Sam asks the new wolf.

'Is it Jake?' Paul asks.

'Maybe, Quil.'

'I-I'm not Quil o-or Jake.' The new wolf says, causing me to frown.

'Then who are you?' I ask him.


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