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Amy closes her eyes as she takes a deep breath before raising her hand to knock on the door, but it swung open. "Oh... Sue... I heard what-

"Cut the bullshit." Amy's eyes widen. "I've been here long enough to know what all of you are."

"Sue, look, I am so-

"Don't apologize. You couldn't have done anything, but what you can do know is kill the leach that did this."

"I promise on my life, Sue that I will kill the bastard that did this." Sue takes her hand in hers and kisses them.

"Thank you, Amy, but there's one more thing I need you to do."


"Find my children." Amy lifts her head.


"After they found out their father was dead they both lost it. They both phased." Amy takes a step back and sniffs.

"His scent is different... must be from the phased, but I know where he is. I'll bring him and Leah back. I'm sure they're together." Sue nods as Amy takes off running for the woods. She runs quickly and phases.

'Seth, baby, it's okay. I'm right here. I'm right here, honey.' Amy calls before sending up a howl only to almost run right into Embry.

'I heard the wolves. Who are they?'

'Leah and Seth.'

'Because of Henry.'

'Yes, because of Henry. We need to help them.'

'Come on then.' The two run into a clearing where they find a snow white wolf and a sandy wolf.


'Amy!' Seth cries as he runs to her wolf, already knowing her scent, and burying his face into her fur.

'Shhh, it's okay, Seth, it's okay. Just relax, baby, it'll be okay.' Embry looks away, feeling awkward with seeing the woman he cares so deeply for comforting the love of her life.

'What is going on?' Embry's eyes snap to Leah and freezes.

'Who phased?' Sam asks as Amy stares at Embry.

'Sam, we can handle this. Me and Embry are gonna handle this one.'

'What? We handle this as a pack, Amy, you know that.'

'Trust me, Sam, you won't want to handle this one.'

'Why not?'

'Because your baby brother imprinted on your ex-girlfriend who is now a wolf.'

'What?!' Amy flinches as she hears the angry howl in the far distant.

'Em, I'm happy for you, really, but Sam is not happy, so we better phase back. I got some clothes here that Leah can use.' Amy phases back and goes to the tree, pulling out a bag that she hid away. She pulls out some clothes and gets dressed before looks at Seth and Leah. "You guys just have to focus on your human selves and calm down. Let your body relax. Let every tense muscle relax." Seth is the first to phase back and she chucks a pair of shorts to him.

"T-Thanks, Amy." She walks over and pulls him into her arms.

"It's going to be okay, Seth. We'll kill the person responsible for what happened to your father, I promise you. I will make sure they pay." Seth closes his eyes and wraps his arms around.

"I want to get the person responsible."

"And we will. Leah, phase back." Leah phases back and frowns. "Sorry, still getting used to this whole in charge business." Amy smiles.

"Em, staring is very rude." Embry blushes and looks away.


"Samuel Uley, if you even think about attacking your baby brother then I will kill you." Amy snaps as she turns to the black wolf. "Behave yourself." Sam growls, but Amy glares at him as a sudden stank of leach reaches Amy's nose.

"Shit." Embry curses. Sam looks at Amy, looking to her on what she wishes.

"You take Paul and Jake, we need the strongest to chase it down. Take Jared to for speed. I'll take Embry and Luna to get these two situated. We'll meet up at Emily's." Sam nods before sitting back and howling, letting the pack know. Sam takes off as Amy turns to Seth and Leah. "Come on, let's get you back to Emily's.

"No, I want to know what the hell is going on." Leah demanded.

"Leah-" Embry stops himself, not wanting to push his new imprint. Amy squeezes his shoulder in comfort and looks at Leah.

"Leah, we need to get out of these woods and talk. We will tell you everything, but for now, please just follow us. These woods aren't same right now and you both are used to phasing enough to stay in these woods." Seth nods as he gives his sister a pointed look before following Amy and Embry.

"Are we going to tell them everything?" Embry whispers, causing Amy to nod.

"Everything, Em, you ready for that?" Embry gives a shaky nod and Amy takes his hand, squeezing it comfortingly.

"Can you not do that." Leah snaps, causing Amy to smile. It's already affecting Leah.

"Sure thing." She lets go of Embry's hand as she glances at him. He has a stupid grin on his face. He knows the effect too.


The four of them sit in Emily's kitchen along with Emily and Luna. Amy had already filled them in on the stories of the wolves and everything. They understand it now, but there is still one part Amy hasn't said. "Okay, so there's one more thing I need to tell you."

"You're never going to fucken believe this." Amy's head shot up as Paul storms in.

"What happened?" Amy asks as she sees Sam carrying Jared in. "Oh, my god, Jar, what happened?"

"The damn bitch got him." Amy shook with anger.

"Get him on the couch. Emily, call Sue. Paul, get a bowl of hot water with a cloth and Embry, get some bandages." They all stood there still taking everything in. "Now!" She yells in her alpha voice causing them to all rush to their tasks. Amy runs a shaky hand through her hair.

"Hey, honey, it's okay, breathe." Seth whispers as he walks over to her. "Just relax." She sighs as she wraps her arms around him.

"I'm just glad it wasn't Paul. Luna would go nuts if it was Paul."

"Doesn't mean I'm happy right now." Luna says as Amy pulls back.

"I know. Thank god, Ty's away."

"Yeah, she'd be a crying mess right now and we don't need that on top of everything else." Luna agrees.

"What were you going to tell us?" Leah asks, causing Amy to glance at her.


"Amy, we need help over here. He's bleeding heavily!" Paul shouts.

"I'm so sorry, Leah, but that's going to have to wait."

"You go tend to Jared, Ams, I'll talk to them." Embry says as he hands over bandages.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go on, it'll be fine."

"Okay, thanks." Amy says as she takes the bandages and heads into the living room. Embry glances over at Seth and Leah, suddenly feeling the weight of his task.

"What is it that Amy needed to tell us?" Leah asks with a sharpness to her tone that causes her to flinch.

"Hey, easy, Leah." Luna says as she rubs Embry's back. "Give him a sec." Luna looks at Embry. "You sure you're okay with doing this? If not, I can. This doesn't effect me like it does you." Embry looks at Luna.

"N-No, I can do it." Luna nods as she rubs his arm.

"Okay." Embry looks at Leah.

"Uh... the thing we need to tell you about is imprinting."

"Imprinting?" Seth questions.

"Uh... yeah because you both have imprinted."

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