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Since the argument with Jake, a line has been drawn. The line is faint, but it's there. Jake and Amy were now against each other. Jake became part of the pack, but he was never apart of the family. He was supposed to be the alpha, but all he is was an outsider. Embry and Jake stayed friends, but they all knew if the day came when Jake decided to go on his own that no one would follow. They all kept their promise that they made themselves the day of the argument and that was that no matter what they stand by Amy and Sam.

Today, on this sunny morning, the entire pack, minus Embry and Sam, were sitting on the beach. Sam and Embry went to the hospital to see if they are brothers. Embry and Sam talked and Embry told him that he wanted to know the truth, so they were going to find out today. "Do you think Embry and Sam are brothers?" Jared asks.

"Yeah." Amy says. "I think's the most likely outcome."

"How do you think they'll take the news?" Paul asks.

"I was talking to Sam last night about it." Emily tells them, causing them to look at her. "The pack is a family. Each and every one of us, even the imprints that aren't really apart of the pack, are still apart of the family. So, if Embry is Sam's brother, Sam says that it doesn't matter because even if he isn't Sam's brother by blood, Embry will always be Sam's brother through the pack."

"That's actually kind of sweet." Luna smiles. "Brothers among the pack."

"And sisters." Amy adds, causing Luna's smile to grow.

"And sisters."

"Still, today we find out if Embry and Sam are actual brothers. You can't tell me neither are nervous."

"Oh, they're nervous." Emily says. "But I also remember Sam telling me how he always wished he had a younger sibling and it's why he loves being the alpha of the pack because it makes him feel like he's a big brother."

"So, you're saying that Sam will really like if Embry is his brother." Amy says.

"Yeah, I think he really would love it." The pack smiles at each other. Jake sits further from them, too busy with his thoughts.

"So, we're not allowed to tell anyone anything?" They all turn and look at Jake. Amy frowns, her eyes hardening.

"No, Jake, we can't. It's pack law." She says, her voice cold.


"Jake, you can't tell Bella." The pack flinches at Amy's harsh tone. Jake glares at her, but he doesn't say anything. Amy already made it clear that she was the top bitch in this pack. It was no use arguing with her.

"So... you have date with Seth tonight." Amy instantly turned pink as Tyler says this.

"Shut up." Amy mumbles.

"Aw, is our Amy Amy getting blushy blushy." Jared coos, causing Amy to hit him hard in the gut.

"Shut up, Jared."

"So, do you know what he has planned?" Luna asks.

"No." Amy sighs. "He's being all secretive about it." The girls oohed as the guys rolled their eyes.

"He's going through all this trouble to have sex with you, I mean, why bother? Just get over with." Every girl, including Luna, hits Paul.

"Stop being such an ass, Paul." Luna snaps.

"Oh, is Luna jelly because Pauly is never romantic with her?" Tyler asks.

"Hey, I'm plenty of romantic towards my imprint." Paul snaps.

"Oh, Paul?" Luna asks. "He's a marshmallow." She rolls her eyes. "But god forbid if he lets anyone else know that. Say all you want Paul, but you went through a lot more to have sex with me." Paul glares at her, but she just smiles and turns to Amy. "I'm sure it'll be fine, just don't do it outside. It tends to rain." Luna gives Paul a look, causing him to turn as red as a tomato. Jared bursts out laughing.

"You're not serious, Paul? Doing it outside? You find that romantic? Ty would kill me if I tried something like that." Jared laughs.

"It has the full moon and stars!" Paul defended.

"And cloudy skies. Anyone could see it was going to rain." Luna retorts.

"I looked at the forecast!"

"News people are idiots. Half the time they're wrong!"

"I was trying to be romantic!"

"No one wants to have sex outside! It's freezing at night and there's all sorts of bugs outside!" Paul rolls his eyes.

"You act like you never been camping."

"Not naked, Paul! For all you know a bug could have crawled up and..." She shivered in disgust as the girls make faces.

"She's right, that's gross when you think of it like that." Amy says. "Especially because bugs love warm places."

"Ew, Amy!" They all hit her, causing her laugh.

"I really hope Seth doesn't take tips from Paul." Paul glares at them before getting up and storming off.

"Oh, Paul, I'm just kidding!" Luna calls. "Paul!" She sighs and hurries off after him.

"So... It comes to no surprise that Paul's an idiot." Jared says, causing them all to laugh.

"Jared, be nice." Emily says, but even she is close to laughing.

"You know you want to laugh, Emily." Emily rolls her eyes, a smile on her lips.

"Look, here comes Sam." They all turn and see Sam heading towards them, but without Embry.

"Where's Embry?" Jake asks.

"Wanted to go home and think."

"Did you guys get the answers you were looking for?" Emily asks.

"Yeah, we did." Sam sits down beside Emily.

"Well... are you going to tell us or leave us in dispence?" Amy asks.

"He's my brother." Nobody said a word for a long time. They just sat there and obserbed what they all knew had to be true.

"So.... are you two going to do brotherly activities now?" Jared teases, causing them to laugh as he eases the tension.

"Oh, definitely." Sam smiles.

"Well, I hope, Embry knows that we don't care who's his brother is because in our mind we are all his brothers."

"And sisters." Amy adds.

"And sisters." Jared agrees.

"He knows." Sam nods. "I told him that myself when he got the test results."

"How is he doing though? With all of it?" Amy asks

"He's handling it. Better than I thought he would."

"Better how?"

"Well, he's not curling up in a ball in the corner crying his eyes out, so I think pretty good." The pack chuckles.

"Well, as long as he knows we don't care either way and that we're here for him." Sam nods.

"He knows."


"Don't you have a date to get to?" Sam asks, causing Amy to glare at him.

"Shut up and yes I do." She says before standing up and heading off. She wasn't worried about Embry. She knew he could handle himself and she knew he'd come back when he was ready.

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