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Leah stares at Embry for a long time. He just blurted out what an imprint was and she couldn't help, but feel in total shock. It all makes sense now. Sam left her because he imprinted on Emily and Emily rejected him because of Leah and Emily then got her face scratched because of Sam. Now Leah finds out Embry is her imprint and Seth is Amy's.

Embry is shaking with fear as he stares at Leah. "L-Leah." Embry stutters out. Leah stands up and heads out the door, causing tears to run down Embry's heart.


"Luna, I need...." Amy trails off as she looks at Embry. "Oh, Em." Embry turns and hurries out the back door. "Embry, wait." Amy sighs as she watches him phase and runoff.

"Let him go, Ams, he needs to run his emotions off."

"Erg, I can't deal with this right now. I have an injured Jared, a leech still lurking around, two new wolves, an emotionally hurting wolf, and another wolf who ran off to god knows where."

"Amy, look at me. Look at me, Amelia." Luna says, causing Amy to look at her. "Breathe. You go find Leah, I'll help with Jared. Seth will be fine, right?" Seth nods.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Amy, we can't talk later. Go deal with what you need to."

"You talk to Leah, okay? When Sue gets her I'll have her take over and the guys and I will go into the woods again looking for the leach. I'll send Jake out now to get Embry back, okay?" Amy sighs.


"Good. Now relax, this is why you have so many wolves. We can all take the heavy load, Amy, now go talk to Leah." Amy nods as she heads out the door and after Leah.


Amy spends the next hour looking for before finding her sitting on her front porch in her porch swing. Amy sighs and walks up the steps and sits down beside Leah. "I get it, Leah, you're scared."

"I'm not-

"Your ex-fiance imprinted on Emily and left you for her. It causes a lot of pain to fill you and it makes it hard for you to trust people again. Your best friend and the man you thought you were in love with. Two of the closest people betrayed you, but you're not the only broken one, Leah."

"What do you mean?"

"You can only be apart of this pack if you have Quileute blood."

"But, Embry-

"Embry's dad is Sam's. They found out shortly after Embry phased. Embry wanted to know the truth, now he has it. His mother has lied to him, his entire life and when he asked her who his father was she lied some more, right to his face. Embry believes himself to be a bastard. His father was already married with another son when Embry's mother got pregnant. Having something like that really makes it hard for Embry. He constantly feels like an outsider in this pack and no matter how hard we try to get him to understand he isn't an outsider, but our brother, he just doesn't believe us. He's hurting inside, more than anyone really realizes. Every time we have family gatherings it's like ripping at a fresh wound to Embry. Then all of us, minus Jake, has imprints, which makes it worst for Embry. He sees everyone so happy. Our imprints except us no matter our issues and they understand us even when others can't. Embry wants so badly to have a similar bound to someone. To truly have someone who understands him. Sam says that the imprints are determined on who will be the strongest woman to carry their children, but Uncle Billy says it's the woman who will be best at handling the wolves and getting them through all the emotional struggles. The woman who can keep the wolf going no matter how many things gets in their way. I like Uncle Billy's theory better and I think it works for you and Embry. You're both been through so much and finding trust in someone is very hard for both of you. Embry has been lied to his entire life by his parents and you keep having your trust broken by others. The reason you two are each other's imprints is because you two belong together. You are so broken, both of you, that the only people who can fix you are ones who are equally broken. I know you're scared, but Embry feels the same way. He understands you, Leah and he'll be the only one who can truly make you happy. Do you really want to throw that away because you're scared?"

They both look out as Embry emerges from the woods and walks halfway to them before laying down. "Now is your chance to make a choice, Leah. You can either walk away from your true happiness and continue being guarded or you can go to Embry and give another chance and risk your heart one last time. I promise you that if you do decide to give Embry chance that he will never break your heart again as long as you don't break his. So what are you going to choose?" Leah stares at Embry for a long moment before standing up and storming over to him. Amy is almost afraid she's going to yell at Embry for coming here.

"Phase back." Leah's voice is sharp and like a dagger to Embry. He whimpers. "Now, Embry." She snaps, causing him to phase back. He stands up and stares at her with so much fear in his eyes. "If you break my heart, Embry Call I will rip your heart out." She promises before pulling him to her and kissing him. Embry gasps before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to him.

Amy smiles as she watches the two kiss. They're both risking their hearts, but they know it'll work out. "Well, time to get back to the pack house." Amy smiles. "My work here is done." She heads back to Emily's and finds Jared already up and about, stuffing his face with Emily's warm fresh cookies.

Amy leans against the door and looks at the group that is her family. There's no place she rather be. "Hey," Sam says as he moves to her and stands in front of her. Amy looks up at him once more. "I talked to Jake, the leach is still hanging around. The Cullens are coming back and they think a war is coming with them."

"Great and let me guess, we're right in the center of it."

"You think we can handle it?" Amy turns as Embry walks into the house, holding Leah's hand, before Amy looks back at her pack at the table.

"We can handle anything, Sam, as long as we do it together. We're not just a pack, we're a family and look at everything we've been through." She looks up at Sam. "We can handle it. Together."

The End of Book 2.

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