I Kissed His Brother (Jack and Finn Harris)

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Note: Hey. I hope you like this fan fiction. I will be attempting to use British slang and phrases. Please don't take offence if I use them wrong I am learning them. I also apologize if I spell things wrong. I will try my best. Hope u enjoy. Here we go!!!!

Bella P.O.V.

I am so nervous, but excited. Where will I sit? Will I get stuck next to someone weird. Will the professor like me? All of these thoughts raced through my head on my way to my first class at the University of Bristol.

I finally arrived at my class. I scan the room looking for an open seat. I finally spot an open seat next to this guy. His head was turned away but he looked descent.

I made my way over to the seat and asked, "Is this seat taken?"

His head turned around and all my worries disappeared. He was gorgeous with his green hazel eyes, his dark hair that was stuck up to one side, and his nice... soft... lips... His voice snapped me out of my trance. "No, you can sit here."

Suddenly a huge grin formed on his face showing of his pearly white teeth. His smile started to fade as I didn't so down. I imidiatly sat down. His huge smile came back.

"Hi my name is Jack." he said as I said stuck his hand out for a hand shake.

"Hello Jack. My name is Bella." I said reaching out my hand when I realized my hand was all sweaty. I shoke his hand expecting a quick release, but his hand lingered a bit as we staired into each others eyes.

"Good morning class." our professor said as he walked into class. This of coarse broke our moment... Thanks a lot professor. "Today we will be learning..." I tried to focus but all I could think about is Jack. Than I realized... we were still holding hands?!?!?! I can't believe it. I was holding hands with a guy I have just met. My head was saying let go but my heart was sayin don't. I went by my heart because it just felt right. All through class I was just thinking... What will I say to him after class? Do I give him my number? What should I do?

"Tonight's homework is to read chapters 1,2, and 3 and take notes." Oh shoot I havent been paying attention. Tonight I have to actually read the chapters because I wasn't paying attention. Ugh this is gonna be a long but great year if I am sitting next to Jack.

NOTE: Sorry this chapter is so short. Just a start.

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