Chapter 3

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Bella's P.O.V.

We arrived at this little cafe Jack insisted we go to. on the walk over we talked about collage. I also found out Jack is single. I was so relieved when he said that I couldn't be happier.

I got a peppermint mocha and Jack got a hot chocolate. We sat down and waited for our drinks. He told me about his family, about his parents and how he had a brother and a little sister. I assume his brother is older because he saod he is also at a university. Once our drinks came we kept talking of hours. I felt like there were no other people around just us. We both laughed a lot and had a fun time. The feeling ended when we heard a worker say, "It is closing time. Would you leave already." We reluctantly walked out of the cafe giving the worker dirty looks.

Jack walked me all the way to my dorm room. We walked in scilence holding hands. It wasn't weird it, it wasn't awkward, it was just peaceful.

When we made it to the door of my room I was about to say good night when all of the sudden Jack leaned in for a kiss. I wanted to kiss him but I didn't want to rush into things. I quickly turned my head so he could kiss me one the cheek. His face showed disappointment. I smiled and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled.

As I went into my room I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and gazed into his deep hazel eyes and he said, "We never exchanged numbers!"

I thought about this and realized we didn't. With all the talking it must have slipped our minds. We exchanged numbers and I slipped in my dorm room. I leaned up against my door thinking about what an amazing day I just had.

My thoughts were interrupted by my roommate saying, "Who was that hot guy with you?" She gave me a suspicious smile.

I turned and said, "Becca I had the best day of my life." as I flopped on my bed. Thoughts of Jack racing through my head.

"I can see that. What's his name."

"His names Jack and he is the sweetest guy I have ever met." Me and Becca talked about him for hours till finally we both go tired and went to sleep.

Jack's P.O.V.

I headed back to my dorm room. On the way back all I can do is smile. It had only been a few minutes, but I already miss her. I want to text her but I don't want to come across desperate.

I arrived back to my room and flopped in my bed. Thoughts of Bella flooded my mind. I hope she likes me? I wonder what she is doing right now? Should I text her first or should I wait for her to text me? These thoughts went through my mind until they were interrupted by my phone ringing. It was from Alfie.


Hey mate. Wanna meet up tomorrow for lunch?


Sure mate. Where do u want to go?


Nandos of coarse!!! ;)


Sounds like a plan see you there. I have something to tell you tomorrow.


Can't wait!!

I placed my phone on my bed side table and fell asleep. Thoughts of Bella still run in though my mind. I might love her??

NOTE: Leave me comments on how you think the story is going so far. It would really help. Hope you like it so far.

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