Chapter 8

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Bella's POV

"Jackie!!!" yelled a girl who deffinatly wasn't his sister. She ran and hugged him. He sorta just stood there stunned. she finally let go and looked over at me. He smile left her face when she saw me.

"Who is heck this Jackie??" she said with a tone that was very snooty.

"This is my girlfriend Bella. Bella this is my ex-girlfriend Carmen." Jack said with side smile on his face. He looked at me a bit apologetic.

"Oh. Hey Carmen its nice to meet one of Jack's old friends." I said with a bit if sarcasm in my voice. She just looked at me with a glare.

"Why don't we go inside." Jack said trying to break Carmens glare. He let Carmen go in first and then we followed him grasping my hand. We walked into the living room were Finn and his parents were waiting. They all stood up and walked over to meet us. Jack's parents looked a bit confused that I was there but acted like they expected me.

"Hi we are Jack's parents." Jack's mom said sticking her hand out waiting for a hand shake. We shook hands. I then shook hands with Jack's father. They both hugged Jack and asked to see him in the kitchen. I was a bit confused but decided to think nothing of it.

I went over to meet Finn who was talking to Carmen.

"Hey. You must be Finn?" I said and stuck my hand out.

"Yes I am. I am sorry but what is your name again." Finn said shaking my hand.

"My name is Bella." I saod with slight confusion. Why doesn't he know me? Hadn't Jack told them I was coming? It then dawned on me. Jack probably had not told them I was coming. We sat down and sat in silence. Finn and Carmen exchanged glances at each other. Finm then broke the silence.

"So where did you and Jack meet?" I then explained the whole story.

Jack's POV

I followed my parents into the kitchen.

"What is Carmen doing here?" I said in a bit of annoyed tone.

"What is Carmen doing here! Who is that girl you brought with you?" my parents said in almost unison.

"That girl is my girlfriend Bella. Why did you invite Carmen here?" still waiting for my answer.

"I saw here in town today and she asked about you so I invited her over to see you." mom said a bit annoyed.

"Why didn't you tell us you were bringing someone with you? We wouldn't have invited Carmen over." dad asked.

"I didn't think it would be that big of a deal."

"Well now we have an awkward situation that you are going to have to deal with." my mom said.

"Wait! What? Why me? You are the one that invited Carmen."

"Well you are the one that didn't tell us your girlfriend was coming over." my dad said with a sterness which I knew ment I had no choice.

"Fine." I said a bit annoyed but walked into the living room where Finn, Carmen, and Bella were talking. "Hey. Finn. Hows it going mate?" Finn stood up and we hugged.

He whispered into my ear saying, "Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?" He pulled away and I just looked at him apologetic.

I sat down next to Bella placing my arm around her. "So Carmen. Hows it been? Haven't seem you in forever."

"I've been good. How about you? Its nice to see you have found someone." She said in a biy of a sarcastic tone. We kept up some small talk until Carmen finally left. I walked her out.

Bella's POV

"So did Jack tell you I was coming with him?"

"Nope. He didn't even mention he had a girlfriend." Finn said with a small grin.

"Oh I am sorry." I said a bit embarrassed.

"Oh its fine. It is nice to meet you."

"You too. I have heard so much about you."

"Hopefully all good." he said a full grin formed. I laughed. We kept talking until Jack came back. I turned to look at him. I immediately saw a hug red mark on his face in the shape of a hand.

I ran over to him, "Are you ok?"

I Kissed His Brother (Jack and Finn Harris)Where stories live. Discover now