An Unusual Morning

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Oliver couldn't believe that he really managed to fall asleep after the conversation with Fukase. So many thoughts had been buzzing in his head, but after he woke up again he felt like any other day - empty and totally not enthusiastic.

He stretched himself and the itching pain coming from his back greeted him, in discomfort he gritted his teeth. Right before anybody came to fetch him up, he put on his neck chain again and sat ready to go on his bed. Only some minutes later he heard the sound from a key opening his door, but much to his surprise instead of one of these horrifying guys, a fairly small young lady stood at the entrance, holding a tray. She didn't step aside the door and put the tray - filled with food - on the floor. Oliver didn't take offense by her behavior since some of his comrades would really dare to stab out an eye just for fun or even worse. Even though he was known as the coward who wouldn't lay a finger on a lady, they all kept their distance - Oliver knew they didn't trust such rumors.

But still he was surprised to be greeted with a breakfast. Normally he would be taken out right after sleep to rehearsal. He blinked confused, leaving out any words. But the lady knew what was wrong, even if she didn't even look at his direction. Eye contact was mostly a sign of provocation - a thing to avoid at such place.

"They want you to eat."

"Something poisonous to actually kill me?" Oliver sneered and rose an eyebrow but as expected, the lady stayed quiet until she finally left and shut the door behind her. Suspicious Oliver glanced at the food. Occasionally he did get something to eat - they didn't want him to starve after all - but it always was tricky that it might be a trap. Getting killed was always a risk in there but the most of the leaders had too much pride to actually kill somebody pathetic like that. Oliver knew that.

He helped himself to the piece of bread and dipped it into the blob of jam. The taste was extremely sweet and unusual, for which reason his body couldn't decide in the beginning whether to like it or throw it all up. He took a sip of the water and sighed.

'Is it my birthday that I get such a luxurious breakfast?' He asked himself mocking. Usually bread and water - maybe some disgusting vegetable to keep his body circuit halfway healthy - was what he got eventually, depending on his behavior. The taste of something sweet was rather unique and uncomfortable in his mouth, but maybe it might give him a bit of fat.

Once his body had been starved to a point he couldn't even walk hundred meter without breaking down, so they eventually decided to give him as much as he needed to survive rehearsal. That counted for anybody else as well. Even though they all lived under bad conditions and an amount of abuse that could kill someone after some time, he could rely on the fact that nobody of them got ever killed on purpose by starving or other deaths caused by insufficient care. They would always do it with their own hands, in the most creative ways.

Oliver rested on his bed after he ate all of it and waited to finally get out of his cage. Even though he hated it outside his room, he couldn't stay too long in there as well. Four grey walls and nothing more than the needed things were in there, no wonder he wanted some change.

After a time, that seemed for him like hours, he heard his door getting opened again and jumped to his feet, ready to - how the leaders wanted to call it - greet his master. Doing so or getting punished, and since he didn't want his day to be ruined too bad he let it happen.

The same man from yesterday entered his room and didn't give Oliver a single glance as he grabbed the neck chain and pulled the blonde boy out of his room to walk through the aisle to the training hall.

Oliver had hated to be dragged around like a dog and wearing a collar as he arrived there newly. Of course, this attitude didn't change much but through the years he learnt to accept it. The memories of him fighting and struggling to defend himself, crawled up again. He was only a little boy. Maybe he should've get killed to that time since it was disobedience to the maximum level but back then the leaders only laughed at him and pushed him around. After some time of growth Oliver himself kind of felt ashamed for the useless attempts to actually show disobey.

At the end of the hallway they stopped in front of a heavy metal door. Oliver knew exactly what was waiting for him behind there but he hesitated. The leaders were greedy and sadistic in every possible way and this 'ceremony' he had to act out each time he wanted to go through there was humiliating. Still he had no other choice - this or punishment.

He sighed quietly and put on a begging face. "Master, may I join the others?"

Every time Oliver felt like throwing up when he had to act like a sex slave but he was cursed with misfortune, so of course he got this kind of master. The said one grinned and grabbed roughly the chin of the blonde one, leaning in closer. "Is that what you want?" His raspy voice sounded.

"Yes, I'm begging you, Master!"

"Well then...."

With a sneering smile the man opened the door and Oliver sighed out in relief to finally flee from this. Despite some rather strange orders from his master, he had been extremely lucky that his master didn't play with him in a sexual way, others were less lucky. Even though there was a rule to not touch the slaves - a term used by the leaders much to Oliver's dismay - some of them didn't keep with that.

As soon as the man let go of Oliver's chain, the boy entered the room to find several others in there as well. Usually he was rather the early one but sometimes his master wasn't too reliable.

From Oliver's observations each leader got around seven people to take care of - even though they only had to take them from A to B without any deaths. Calculating the time it took to get back to the cages, fetch up the next one and bring them to the hall, Oliver used to find his stragedy to escape, even if it was only for some minutes. But the leaders found out about it eventually and after getting several hot nails pierced through his thighs they started to come to different times, leading to not even a minute of freedom.

Oliver made his way into the little crowd. Until everyone has arrived they all had to wait and spend the time together. After all, these minutes were the only ones they were actually free to do as they please. As he came closer, two pair of blue eyes watched him and Oliver rose an eyebrow. The looks the people gave him, weren't to his comfort and he knew there would soon be something new to discuss. Still he kept on walking. After all he wasn't the type to hide. 

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