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In the oddly comforting silence Oliver was in, his mind was in daze. He didn't sense his sorroundings, and for quite a while now, he rested in this state as an odd feeling suddenly crept up his spine. The blond couldn't act on his own once a peculiar heaviness captivated his mind and let the previous light state he had been in vanish slowly. Oliver felt like he got dragged in an undertow and the continuously oppressing force inside of him tore him completely out of his numbed state.

Once the pressure on him disappeared, relief stroke through his body and Oliver started to feel attached to his physical self again. The flickering light striking his eyes forced him to blink weakly. More out of reflex, he slowly opened his eyelids but shut them tight as soon as a bright ray of light shone directly into his sight. However, not much later he made a second attempt to get a grip of his surroundings. His mind was not settled enough to let deeper thoughts invade, but he was about to get back to his senses.

Oliver's eyes slowly adjusted to the high light irradiation, even if all he saw still was a bright shade of white around him. Within a short time, his eyes damped the sharp light and among the blinding illumination, Oliver made out familiar silhouettes. Though, his hazy sight didn't allow him to recognize the dark shapes enough to find out where he currently was.

Shortly afterwards, one of these dark figures bent over him. The blond managed to catch on a few details that consisted of a protective suit and a peculiar object in the person's hand. Its greyish color reminded him of a tool, but due to his blurry sight, the shape united with the background until it was almost impossible to identify.

The person came even closer to his face and Oliver felt a slight throb in his head. It was way more intense than the previous pain, though it was still numbed out. Oliver didn't pay much more attention to it and continued to gather information of his situation. His eyes got even more used to the bright light source and dimmed his surroundings, leaving everything in flat colors. It was more pleasant to his eyes and a bit of the head ache vanished. Aside from his eye sight, he also regained his other sentiences. It was all still numbed, but at least he heard some mumbling voices and pitched sounds. These sounds droned in his ears only quietly and he remained silent the best he could.

Oliver noticed there wasn't much in the bright room; only some tables and other strange tools the blond couldn't identify. The only thing that slightly worried him was the pile of blood-drenched tissues on one of the aseptic surfaces. He kept his gaze fixed on the only detail he caught up on. His mind was still dazzled from the sudden change of his situation and his memories were only partly available. Oliver wasn't sure what to think of it as a sudden sharp pain distracted him completely. He opened his eyes wide in shock and flinched faintly - as much as his body allowed him to. It was only for a second, but the pain managed to awake him a lot more out of his dizziness.

The person above him inched away from him, along with a tissue covered in blood. Oliver looked up to the person and made eye contact with them, even if it was only for short. The blond panicked the person noticed his awakening and shut his lids to a small gap. However, the mumbling grew louder, and he managed to hear some incoherent phrases. The person that was just above him turned around to the other people and Oliver froze as he heard a raspy voice saying "awake".

Oliver didn't want to see the other ones' reaction and shut his eyes completely, also because the pain in his head grew more unbearable. He heard some rustling in the background and suddenly something wrapped around his mouth. As he opened his eyes a bit, he noticed a transparent object covering his mouth. Oliver tried to resist but hands held his body tightly. He didn't understand what was going on and the words of the other people became hazier again.

After some seconds, Oliver felt his breathing getting hasty once the air was just suffocating to him. His lungs started to burn and under all his struggle, his senses numbed radically until he got soaked into an empty void once again. 

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