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It appeared for Oliver as a huge stroke of luck that the show seemingly passed by quickly. He didn't allow himself any mistakes, and eventually, succeeded with it. Despite the show taking up just as much effort of him as always, it felt more bearable this time. Even though it seemed strange to the blond, he decided to better not question it. Anything to his convenience was welcome.

Oliver loosened out of his final position and slowly found his way to his usual place. The after-show event still was ahead, and since the blond has never been picked for it before, he found himself his personal place to wait on. With an unimpressed face, Oliver's eyes shifted around the guests. There were familiar faces – regular visitors – but a lot of new ones as well. He has always wondered how this business could run so well if it was more a case for the black market. There must be a lot of filthy people out in this world.

It was somewhat boring without Piko, as Oliver just kept staring at the people, unsure of what else to do. Usually, the blind boy would be willing to give in to a short and insignificant chat with the blond, but by the boy being picked by one of the guests this time, Oliver was sentenced to loneliness. That was, as suddenly Oliver's name was being called. Instantly, goosebumps found its way to Oliver and his head scooted to the direction the call came from. He exchanged glances with one of the leaders. His filthy smile didn't mean any good for the boy. Oliver's heart stopped for a moment as he noticed a guest standing next to the leader, the same kind of smile on his face.

Oliver didn't know how to react. His body froze out of shock over what was happening, and his own loud heartbeat hurt in his chest. He couldn't trust his senses at the moment. Could this possibly be a misunderstanding? Oliver knew himself very well that wasn't the case, but he tried to deny the truth. He couldn't accept that after all these years, he was a potential victim for the actions of the guests too.

Even though his body heavily disagreed, Oliver shakily got on his feet eventually. Another call of his name echoed through the room, this time even harsher. Oliver knew he had to obey and come quickly or else it had ugly consequences. The way to the two men felt like a never-ending path. While his body constantly tried to stop him and fall back to his knees, Oliver bit his lip hard and tried his best to force every step out of himself. He knew he had no other choice than to give in the order after all. Oliver felt terribly nauseous. This situation was too overwhelming for the blond's mind and made his sight go blurry. A threatening feeling to pass out any second ran through his body.

Oliver remembered what the twins had told him about the after-events years ago. Despite these being old memories, their voices still sounded so clear in his mind. As if they were right beside him, following him along to the men with their notorious grins plastered on their faces. The uneasy feeling only worsened his condition and Oliver panted. His walk suddenly felt twice as exhausting. The heaviness of the twins' words resting in his mind made it much harder for the blond to continue.

With his eyes continuously on the floor, Oliver came to a halt eventually as soon as he reached the men. He didn't know how to react but decided it to be for the best to not see who was standing in front of him. The dull snickers coming from the stranger made Oliver shiver uncomfortably, however, he tried to block it out. Oliver felt a harsh grip on his chin that was being lifted up. The blond flinched at the rash touch. He still tried to not look into his counterpart's eyes. A sudden chuckle echoed in Oliver's ear.

"Now, you're a shy one. Don't worry, I'll make sure you'll warm up to me," The man murmured into Oliver's ears, making the boy shiver heavily. A faint, nervous whimper dared to escape the blond, but he tried to keep it in. Either way, the stranger noticed Oliver's uneasiness and viewed it in satisfaction. Without any longer interruption, the man grabbed Oliver by the neck, pulled him close and walked off to one of the rooms backstage. The boy gagged as his throat got squished harshly whenever there was a harsh movement. His nauseous feeling only increased, but Oliver tried to keep it in. Vomiting in front of a guest surely meant no good for him.

Oliver's thoughts were running wild. He was scared of what was about to happen to him. The harsh touch of the stranger was almost too much already. He doubted he could take one of the sessions the twins were talking about. His body twitched in resistance when he thought about it any further. Oliver wanted to resist so dearly but knew he couldn't get away with that. He couldn't recall a time someone dared to do that, so he also couldn't draw out what consequences he'd have to suffer from then. The blond considered that when he arrived in the room, he could still avoid the stranger's desires a little. It was not really calming him down, but better than anything else.

Yawning darkness greeted the two as they arrived at the hallway of the rooms. Only the rooms themselves were equipped with a dim light; the floors remained dark. Silhouettes were the only things that could be seen. The man and Oliver came to a halt as such a silhouette stood in their way. Oliver frowned confused and nervous over what was happening. The man next to him seemed rather unamused though and was about to push past the unknown person, as a familiar voice resonated through the room.

"Now look at that. What a poor choice." The figure came closer to the stranger. Oliver barely dared to look up, but the short glance to the stranger confirmed him that it was indeed Fukase who crossed their way. Unsure of what the redhead had in mind, Oliver decided to stay still. From the corner of his eye, the blond noticed how Fukase leaned closer to the man, his arms wrapped around the stranger's neck.

"Wouldn't it be much more fun with me instead?" Fukase murmured in an alluring tone, his face nearing the stranger's even more. Oliver shivered as he perceived these words. He couldn't understand why the redhead would offer such a propose. He could be glad enough to not forcefully have to face such a fate. Oliver's body shook from nervousness and confusion. He couldn't make out what kind of atmosphere lay in the air, so he tried to make as little sound as possible.

A grunt coming from the stranger resonated in the room. Oliver tried to fight against the urge to gag once again as the grip on his neck tightened. The blond felt the anger of the man increasing as the said one pushed Fukase off himself harshly.

"I don't need a punk like you to tell me what to do." The man pushed Fukase against the wall to process his walk. Oliver followed only reluctantly as his eyes landed on the redhead. He was still too confused what was happening that he could react though. Oliver gasped as he felt a sudden wind brush past him and noticed Fukase has scurried back to the man, who turned around irritated. The redhead's hands found their way to the stranger's head.

"Wrong choice," Fukase said in a monotonous tone and let a dull cracking echo through the room. The man's short-lived groan made Oliver shiver heavily. The boy gasped in shock as the grip around his neck loosened and the man sunk down on the floor eventually. The blond hurried a few steps back from the corpse suddenly lying there. His eyes were fixed on the man who had been about to lead the boy to the room ahead. He was now lying on the floor motionless. Oliver's breathing shut down out of shock. His already overwhelmed mind had trouble processing what just happened. Oliver's blurry sight kicked in again and the blond couldn't control his body anymore. Stumbling again the wall, Oliver's voice cracked, and he gagged repulsively at the sight in front of him.

Oliver gasped once more as he saw Fukase dragging the lifeless body into the darkness. The blond's body shook in fear and he flinched as he heard a chuckle coming from the direction Fukase disappeared to not long ago. Oliver locked eyes with the redhead, who approached him calmly. The blond's eyes widened in fear and he tried to step back further, the wall behind him hindering him from his doing though. Oliver noticed Fukase's mouth twitching into a small smile as he approached the blond.

"Hello, Oliver."

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