Doubtful Trust

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Nervously Oliver bit his nails as he leaned against the cold wall. The rasping sound Fukase made while cutting the window open strained the blonde's nerves. Each passing second seemed to make him feel even more dizzy.

Fukase was so busy and concentrated that he didn't even look up to check on Oliver who hadn't spoken the recent hour and the blonde didn't know how to distract himself otherwise. He considered sleeping as extremely unfitting as he didn't want to relax while Fukase was doing all the work, but all that was left was thinking - and he did that quite a lot.

The whole time he couldn't stop pondering about the fact that he finally got to the point he could escape out of this place. He couldn't remember what the world outside looked like and somehow Oliver felt uneasy that he might act like a newborn baby that sees daylight for the first time.

Oliver tried to sort out his feelings. Happiness, relief, but also fear and sadness made him feel extremely insecure about himself or his actions. Doing something against the rules and then even so serious made him realize, that despite the situation he has been in all this time, he never disobeyed. The leaders actually managed to make him a puppet that listened to every demand in order to live. He wasn't too shocked but rather disappointed in himself. He thought he has always been the tough one and he was the one to trick all the leaders, but slowly this determination faded away - probably for the better.

The more Oliver kept in thoughts the worse he felt. He needed some distraction, but Fukase was currently busy and mustn't be distracted. What they did was extremely dangerous. If one of the leader's found out, they both would be dead.

Suddenly Oliver heard a cracking sound above him and as he looked up he saw Fukase holding the bars in his hands, pushing them aside. The blonde got flooded by nervousness and stood up shakily. Now the time has come he had waited and feared for so long.

"Take a good last look, Oliver. That will be the last time you have to be stuck in here." Fukase noticed Oliver's nervousness and smiled brightly. He could only imagine what was going on inside of Oliver, but that didn't let him hesitate. The redhead was nervous as well, he knew how risky it was. But he had promised months ago to help Oliver and so he did now, no matter what.

He searched for a rope in his bag and threw the other end into the cage. He looked down to Oliver who had turned his back to him to give his 'home' a last look, as he turned around and grabbed the rope without any words. Oliver didn't seem too pleased in his doing, but Fukase was sure it was only because the blonde wasn't used of anything else but this cage. Why would somebody want to stay at the place he gets tortured?

Oliver pushed himself up the wall with his feet and as he was high enough, he grabbed the edges of the window and crawled through the tiny exit. As he was outside, he froze. The feeling of cold soil on his knees and hand palms was strange, but also familiar. How long has it been? Slowly Oliver sat down and tried to tame his emotions before he was about to cry. Everything felt so strange, but at the same time relieving. As he looked up he noticed Fukase's eyes resting on him, waiting to give him some time to get used to the situation. It was the first time he saw Fukase's whole body and suddenly Fukase seemed to be more distant. He never got to know this side of him and it made Oliver feel uneasy. All he ever got to know was the face of the other one, but why did this seem to strange all of a sudden?

It took Oliver some time to cope with the situation at least enough to start walking, they had to hurry up after all. Fukase grabbed his bag and helped Oliver to stand up, a smile covering his face.

Both walked in a steady pace, Fukase took lead as he knew where to go. Oliver on the other hand didn't move his eyes from the ground; he didn't really know what to do and all the confidence he had in the cage - there was nothing left of it. Only the horrifying thought of getting back to the cage made the blonde hurrying up to get away as fast as possible.

Fukase noticed Oliver's nervousness and squished slightly the other one's hand he was still holding. He realized just now and had to smile.

"Don't worry, okay? It won't take too long until you're safe." Fukase didn't get an answer. The redhead wanted to built up a conversation despite the tension inside of each. It was risky walking around like this, but Fukase tried to calm the smaller one down as he was used to bring himself in danger by visiting his friend every day.

"To be honest, I'm extremely happy right now that you're here with me. That you're not in a cage and I'm free, but we walk next to each other's side."

Oliver's face heatened up and he tried to speak up, but all he managed was a mumbling. "Don't make the situation even more awkward."

Fukase laughed in return and managed to make the blonde smile a little and forget about his nervousness. The ginger pulled his friend even closer to him, a bright smile signaling the younger one to not worry.

After some minutes of silence that both had used to watch the starry night Fukase wanted to talk again. The happiness inside of him was hardly explainable, the work he has been putting all his effort in was finally coming to an end - an end he had aimed for. Suddenly he remembered the first day how both of them met and how long it took until their kind of current relationship developed.

He bent his head to look at Oliver who was still busy watching the stars he couldn't see fully for years. Fukase giggled how childish Oliver looked, but at the same time it filled him with even more relief that the redhead himself managed to make that even possible.

"Why do you grin so stupidly?" Fukase looked up to see Oliver looking at him. Usually the redhead would have expected a raised eyebrow from the other one or a criticizing comment, but all he stared at were two confused orbs looking at him. The blonde seemed really scared of the situation all of a sudden und Fukase felt the grip on his hand tightening. He wasn't used to that side of Oliver at all and it hurt and surprised him at the same time, that he didn't know how to react properly.

He ruffed the blonde's hair and chuckled slightly, trying to calm the other one down a little more.

"Trust me, nothing's wrong. We're out of danger in no time!"

"I have a bad feeling about it," Oliver breathed out and lowered his head. Fukase knew he couldn't persuade the younger one to shut those thoughts down at once. After all, Oliver was the one being tortured for years. Fukase quickened their pace that made Oliver stumble surprised and looking up, though the redhead didn't turn his head to him.

"Now we're faster and will arrive at the safe side of this place even earlier. Satisfied now?" Oliver bit his lip and averted his face. "You know that's not what I meant."

Fukase sighed and pulled Oliver closer. It was actually unnecessary, but he somehow liked to finally be able to treat the blonde like a normal human being and used his chance the fullest. Oliver looked at him confused, but Fukase smiled as he got an idea of how to explain the situation the best for his advantage. He didn't mean to trick Oliver or anything, but he knew the plan wouldn't work out if there was somebody hindering him all the time. He squished Oliver's hand once more and sighed with a weak smile.

"Do you remember the day we both met? You were extremely suspicious. Heck, you were suspicious for months. You also had a bad feeling about me suddenly showing up in your life. Do you regret you actually accepted me?"

Oliver shook his head and bit his lip guilty as he slowly began to understand what Fukase tried to explain to him.

"Then please trust me the way you trusted me for all this months already. And if you can't trust me that much, then please compare this situation with our encounter. Maybe you notice the similarities."

Oliver saw Fukase biting his lip and looking away. Somehow the blonde felt terribly guilty as he simply didn't manage to shut down his negative thoughts. He didn't even mean it, but like this he realized the mood worsened to an extent Oliver was uncomfortable with. Knowing he had to do something the blonde thought of a way to do so. With a sigh Oliver answered like Fukase did. He squished his hand and sighed with a weak smile.

"I'll trust you, Fukase."


I'm sorry that it took me so long writing this chapter, but I had no idea how to end this chapter for weeks. I hope you enjoyed reading it!

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