Chapter 1

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I sat at the back of the classroom, listening to the teacher go on about something I really didn't care about. Today was the day I was going to see Black Veil Brides. They were in town for a gig and I'd managed to get a ticket. The bell rang and I hurried out of the classroom and got to my locker. I flung my books in and shut it quickly, leaving the school through the main doors. Someone called my name but I ignored them, all they were going to do was harass me anyway. I got to the parking lot and got into my car, slamming the door shut.

I was in a hurry to leave this place as school was the reason for most of my pain. It took me fifteen minutes to get home and as I turned the corner, I saw my house. I parked my car and opened the front door, walking in. I knew the house was empty, it always was. I knew I didn't need to rush to get home, the concert didn't start for a few hours yet but I just had to get away from all the glares I got from people at school.

I was different from them but I was still human, right?


They didn't like me because of who I was or what I looked like. I wasn't accepted because of my 'reputation.' Like my dad's drinking had anything to do with me. Ever since we moved here, he got worse. Started throwing punches and kicking doors down.

How was that my fault?

I shook all the unwanted thoughts out of my head. I was going to be happy today, I was seeing my favourite band and I was going to enjoy it.

I did a bit of work for school until it was time to get ready. I hopped into the shower, not looking at all the scars on my wrists. I ignored the angry red reminders down my arm and just focussed on getting ready. I got out of the shower and picked out some clothes. Dark skinny jeans and a plaid shirt was what I chose to wear as I wanted to be comfortable. I got my boots and leather jacket out, leaving them on my bed. I straightened my hair and did my make up but it wasn't anything too excessive. I just stuck with black eyeliner, mascara and a bit of dark eye shadow. I looked okay, not amazing or anything. I pulled on my boots and grabbed my jacket, not forgetting my ticket. I left a note on the fridge if anybody cared where I was and headed out, getting in my car.

I was really excited to see Black Veil Brides and I wanted to see Andy. It wasn't the whole clichéd “oh my god, he's so hot" but it was something else. I liked his ideas of right and wrong and what he stood for. He was truly inspiring.

As my house wasn't that far from where the concert was being held, I got there in no time. I found a parking spot and as I got out, I saw people already queuing up and I went to join them. Here, people didn't give me weird stares nor did they glare at me. I was surrounded by people I fit in with and a genuine smile crept onto my face.

I was really going to enjoy this night.


The place was loud and really bright. I was standing right in front of the stage and every time Andy came forward, masses of girls would scream and nearly trample me to death. I rolled my eyes at their behaviour, not looking away from the band in front of me. They were all killing it on their guitars and Andy's vocals just blew me away. He finished singing Rebel Love Song and there were cheers and screams. They were really loved by the crowd. I heard the opening bars of Saviour and I grinned. I loved that song and to think it was about their fans made me smile even more.

"I never meant to be the one who kept you from the dark..." Andy carried on singing and the whole stadium was quiet. He got to the chorus and he walked towards the edge of the stage, touching girls' hands as he made his way to the opposite side of the stage. I closed my eyes, focussing on the music and I felt a hand brush mine. I looked up and saw that Andy had crouched down. He laced his hand through mine and squeezed it, singing to me.

"So hear my voice, remind you not to bleed..." My heart began hammering in my chest and I looked down, a blush creeping up my neck. There was an instrumental now and the other band members were playing their hearts out.

Andy was still here, holding my hand. I glanced up and saw a sympathetic expression on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed his gaze. My eyes landed on my arm. The sleeve of my jacket slipped down and my cuts were bare. He was looking at them intently but his icy blue eyes switched back to my face just as quickly. Tears sprung to my eyes as his face remained unreadable and let go of my hand. Andy carried on walking across the stage and my heart dropped out of my chest and onto the floor.

The majority of people around me shot me saddened looks but others glared. I tugged my sleeve down and pushed past the crowd towards the exit. I heard people curse and moan but I had to get out of there. I pushed open the back doors and took in a huge gulp of air.

The night sky was dotted with stars and I looked up, tears rolling down my cheeks.

Andy wasn't supposed to see my scars.

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