Chapter 5

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 “What? Why?” Andy asked cautiously.

“Because my mom has disowned me.” I told him, wiping my eyes.

“Where are you staying?” He sounded quite worried to be honest.

“Er, nowhere?” I said, playing with my headphones.

“What about a friend's house?” He suggested.

“That would work if I had friends. But I don't so...” I trailed off, sounding like a complete loner.

“You don't have friends?” He sounded surprised.

“No, I mean, I did but not anymore. They all just left me.” I said sadly, remembering last year when my friends just stopped talking to me.

“That sucks. I'm really sorry.” He apologised as if it was his fault.

“No, it's alright. I'm over it now.” I told him, shaking my head even if he couldn't see me.

“Er, what about family?” He asked.

“That would also be tricky seeing as how my parents fell out with nearly everybody.” I answered, biting my lip. I actually had no one to help me.

“So, you're on your own right now? In the dark? Where things could eat you?” Andy said seriously.

“Well, I wouldn't go that far but yeah, I suppose you're right.” I sighed, feeling sorry for myself. “I have to go back home, don't I?”

“Rose, you are not going back home. Where are you?” He asked.

“A couple of blocks from my house. Why?” I replied.

“Stay there. I'm coming to get you.”

“What?!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah and then we can talk properly. Stay there.” Andy hung up and I stared ahead, slightly shocked. I was excited too but I couldn't really wrap my head around it all.

The guy from my favourite band was going to take me to his house because I'd run away from my parents. That sounded really farfetched but it was actually happening. This meant I would see Andy again and that brought a smile to my face as well as those frantic butterflies in my stomach I always got whenever I heard his voice or saw him, for that matter. From where I was sitting, I could just make out my house. Images of my so-called mother and father flashed through my mind and I'd realised that as I got older, their smiles had faded.

I wonder what I did that made them hate me.

My thoughts were interrupted as my phone vibrated. Andy had sent me a text saying that he would be another twenty minutes or so. I shivered at the cold and rooted around in my bag to see if I had brought a jacket with me. I hadn't.

All I could do was brave the cold air for another twenty minutes until Andy got here.


“Rose, I'm so sorry! You must be freezing!” I saw Andy rush out of a car followed by Ashley.

“No, I'm fine.” My shivering gave my lie away and he frowned. He took off his leather jacket and held it out to me. I slipped my arms in and he lightly gripped one of my shoulders and a blush found its way onto my cheeks. From the corner of my eye, I could see Ashley smirking and I knew Andy could too. He quickly removed his hand, the warm sensation turning cold.

“Thanks.” I ducked my head and looked at the ground.

“My pleasure.” I heard him mumble as Ashley came up behind him.

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