Chapter 20

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Andy's POV

“She's lost a lot of blood but she's alive. Whoever bandaged her up did a very good job with it. I'm afraid she isn't awake right now as we've had to give her a sedative but you're free to visit her. Who's family?” The doctor asked.

“Erm...” We all shifted under his gaze until Sammi piped up.

“Look, were not exactly blood related but we're the closest thing that girl's got to a family. We'd really appreciate it if you would let us in.” Sammi spoke, managing a smile. The doctor looked at us all before focusing on me.

“Are you the boyfriend?” He spoke, eyeing my blood-stained shirt.

“Yes, I am.” I replied. He thought for a moment before sighing.

“You can go in but only two at a time. If the nurses ask if you're family, just say yes.” And with that, he walked off to another room. I shot Sammi a grateful smile but she shook her head, telling me she did nothing.

“Go on, Andy.” I felt Jake give me a small push into my girlfriend's room. I closed the door behind me and let out a sigh. I turned around and bit my lip as I took in the body lying on the bed.

“Rose...” I whispered, going to sit down at her bedside. I took her hand and squeezed it, frowning at the bandages around her wrists. “I know you can't hear me, darling but...” I trailed off as I fought back the tears.

“Why'd you do it, Rose? Wasn't I enough? Didn't I help you after the trial?” I questioned nobody in particular; I was just voicing my thoughts. “You were so close to dying, I thought you weren't going to make it. You can't do that to me again, Rosie. I love you.” I moved her hair out of her face and caressed her cheek.

I pressed my lips to hers as my tears fell onto her face. I wiped them away and shook my head, managing a smile.

“I love you.” I repeated, exiting Rose's room. I wiped my eyes and sniffed, taking a seat. I felt a pat on my back from CC who then gripped my shoulder.

“She's going to be fine, man.” He smiled. I nodded and the others went to see Rose. I sighed and held my head in my hands. All I was waiting for now was for Rose to wake up.


“I can't lose her, you know.” I spoke, voicing my insecurities to Ashley who was standing in front of me in the corridor.

“I know, neither of us can. But Andy, Rose is strong and you heard what the doctor said.” He reassured, managing a smile.

“Yeah, but you don't understand. If she..,” I hesitated before saying the thing I didn't want to think about, “if she died, then I would have to go with her. I don't think I'd be able to survive, Ash. She's just changed my life so much and I know I sound like a lovesick teenager right now but I can't help it. I've never felt like this before.” I admitted.

“Hey, you sound like you're in love, that's all but I had no idea you felt this strongly, Andy. Hey, did you call her parents? I'm sure they'd want to know.” He spoke, crossing his arms.

“Yeah, Jinxx did. Apparently, they're coming down or something.” I shrugged.

“Ah, Rose won't be pleased.” He said with his back against the wall. Just then, Sammi and Jake ran over to us.

“Guys, Rose is awake!” Sammi grinned, dragging me by the hand. We both followed them and I rushed into Rose's room. I saw the same doctor from earlier who gave me a slight smile before leaving. I looked at Rose who ducked her head, avoiding my gaze.

“Rose...” I sighed in relief, shutting the door behind me. She still didn't speak to me as I sat down next to her.

“Hey, say something.” I said softly, trying to get her to look up. I placed my hand on top of hers as she looked at me. Her eyes held unshed tears as she spoke.

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